C1 A General Survey to English Vocabulary
1. What is lexicology?
2. What is the nature and scope of English Lexicology?
3. What subjects is English Lexicology correlated with?And to what extent?
4. Why should a student of English study English Lexicology?
5. What is a word?
6. What are the reasons of more and more inconsistances between sound and form..
7. What is vocabulary?英汉转换器
8. What are the three stages of development of the English vocabulary?
9. Illustrate the relationship between sound and meaning with examples.
10. What are the three main criteria for the classification of English words?
11. What is a common word(通用词, literary word(文学词)colloquial word(口语词),slang word(俚语词)jargon(行话), argot(黑话), neologism(新词语)? Give examples.
12. What is hybrid(混种词)?
13. How do you account for the role of native words in English in relation to loan-words?
14. What are the fundamental features of the basic word stock? What is the importance of basic word stock?
15. What are the major caus of the rapid growth of prent-day English vocabulary?
财务会计制度16. What are function words and content words?What are the differences between them?
17. What are the characteristic features of the English vocabulary?
18. What are native words?What are loan words?
19. What is meant by the complexity of the English vocabulary?
20. What is meant by the Indo-European family of Languages?How many groups of languages are included in this family of languages?Which group does the English language belong to?
21. Why should students of English lexicology study Indo-European Language Family?
22. How old is the English language?How many periods is the history of Englsih divided into?State briefly the special features of each period in the history of the English language (from the angle of the vocabulary).
23. What is the importance of the native element in the English vocabulary?What is the foundation of the English vocabylary?What are the fundamental featues of the basic word-stock?What categories words belong to the basic word-stock?
24. What is the importance of the foreign element in the development of the English vocabulary?What foreign languages should we pay special attention to?
25. Enunmerate(列举) the major modes of modern vocabulary development.
平均相对误差afootC2 Morphology
1. What is the internal structure of an English word?
2. What is a morpheme ?What is an allomorph?
3. What is the difference between a morpheme and a syllable?Illustrate your points with examples.
4. What is a free morpheme and what is bound morpheme?What are the differences between them?
5. What is root?What are the differences between a free root and a bound root?
唯美英文句子6. What is an affix?What are the differences between an inflectional affix and a derivational affix?
7. What is a "prefix"?What is a " suffix"? What is adjective suffix?
8. What is the difference between a "suffix" and an "ending"?
9. How are words classified on the morphemic level?
10. What are differences between a root,a ba and a stem?Illustate your points with examples.
11. How many types of word-formations are there in the English language?
12. What is compounding(composition)?What is derivation(affixation)?What are the difference between the two?
13. What is prefixation and what is suffixation?What is the difference between prefixation and suffixantion?
14. What is conersion?What is the difference between suffixaion and conversion?
15. What is shortenting? What is clipping?What is acronymy? What is initialism?What is the difference between acronymy and intitialism ? Give examples.
16. What is cilpping?What is blending?What are the differences between the blending and clipping?
17. Illustrate back-formation the difference between back-formantion and affixaton?
18. Illustrate neoclassical formation,onomatopoeia,gradation,morphological stress,reduplication(phra compounding),two-part verbs(phra verbs),words from proper names.
19. Analyze the morphological structures of the following words and point out the types of the morphemes. Recollection,nationalist,unearthly.inquiry
20. What is the difference between morpheme and a syllable?Illutrate your points with examples.
元培翻译22. Give a list of English verb-forming affixes with example.
C3 Word Meaning and the mantic Relations Between Words
1. What is word meaning?What are the main types of word meaning?
2. What is the difference and relationship between "word meaning" and "concept"?