扑克牌(Playing Card)起源于远东地区,14世纪传入欧洲.今天扑克牌中的四种花色采用的是法国16世纪通行的规则.“黑桃'(spade)代表橄榄叶,象征和平;”红桃“(heart)象征智慧和爱情;”梅花“
(club)起源于三叶草,代表幸福;”方块“(diamond)代表财富.现在扑克牌中的每种花色有13张牌,共52张牌,另增大王,小王个一张.扑克牌里的A指”至尊“(Ace),K指”国王“(king),Q指”王后“(Queen),J是宫内的仆人”杰克“(Jack),但也有人说是”太子“或”法官"(Judge).扑克牌的玩法有很多,西方流行的有Bridge(桥牌),Blackjack(21点),Canasta(塔牌)等.各种牌戏在西方都很普及,往往还有赌博成分,因此有些英语习语来自扑克牌游戏,如果能了解西方的民俗文化,另一方面也能增进对这些词组的理解.打扑克牌用到的英语 黑桃spade,红桃heart, 方片diamond, 梅花club, hearts 红桃,红心
spades 黑桃,剑 A ace,J jack, Q queen,K king card games 打牌cards 纸牌
pack(of cards), deck 一副牌suit 一组 joker 百搭face cards, court cards 花牌(J,Q,K)trumps 胜
to shuffle 洗牌 to cut 倒牌
to deal 分牌
banker 庄家
平安夜 英语
hand 手,家 to lead 居首
to lay 下赌 to follow suit 出同花牌
to trump 出王牌
to overtrump以较大的王牌胜另一张王牌 to win a trick 赢一圈 to pick up, to draw 偷 stake 赌注 to stake 下赌注 to rai 加赌注 to e 下同样赌注 bid 叫牌
to bid 叫牌 to bluff 虚张声势 royal flush 同花大顺 straight flush 同花顺 straight 顺子
four of a kind 四张相同的牌
petrolfull hou 三张相同和二张相同的牌 three of a kind 三张相同的牌 two pairs 双对子 one pair 一对,对子 大王(red Joker)小王(black Joker)
一副牌 54 张,一人 17 张,留 3 张做底牌,在确定地主之前玩家不能看底牌。2、叫牌
叫牌按出牌的顺序轮流进行,每人只能叫一次。叫牌时可以叫“1 分 ”,“2 分 ”,“3 分 ”,“ 不叫 ”。后叫牌者只能叫比前面玩家高的分或者不叫。叫牌结束后所叫分值最大的玩家为地主;如果有玩家叫 “3 分 ” 则立即结束叫牌,该玩家为地主;如果都不叫,则重新发牌,重新叫牌。3、第一个叫牌的玩家
将三张底牌交给地主,并亮出底牌让所有人都能看到。地主首先出牌,然后按逆时针顺序依次出牌,轮到用户跟牌时,用户可以选择 “ 不出 ” 或出比上一个玩家大的牌。某一玩家出完牌时结束本局。5、牌型
炸弹:四张同数值牌(如四个 7)。
单牌:单个牌(如红桃 5)。
对牌:数值相同的两张牌(如梅花 4+ 方块 4)。三张牌:数值相同的三张牌(如三个 J)。三带一:数值相同的三张牌 + 一张单牌或一对牌。例如: 333+6 或 444+99 单顺:五张或更多的连续单牌(如: 45678 或 78910JQK)。不包括 2 点和双王。
双顺:三对或更多的连续对牌(如: 334455、7788991010JJ)。不包括 2 点和双王。三顺:二个或更多的连续三张牌(如: 333444、555666777888)。不包括 2 点和双王。
如: 444555+79 或 333444555+7799JJ
如: 5555 + 3 + 8 或 4444 + 55 + 77。6、牌型的大小
单牌按分值比大小,依次是 大王 > 小王 >2>A>K>Q>J>10>9>8>7>6>5>4>3 花色。
倍数:初始为 1,每出一个炸弹或火箭翻一倍。(火箭和炸弹留在手上没出的不算)一局结束后:
debon地主胜:地主得分为 2* 底分 * 倍数。其余玩家各得:e definitions below.In this game, there are thirteen types of combination that can be played: 1.Single card-ranking from 3(low)up to red joker(high)as explained above.2.Pair-two cards of the same rank, from 3(low)up to 2(high), for example 3-3, A-A.3.Triplet-three cards of the same rank, for exam
ple 9-9-9.4.Triplet with an attached card-a triplet with a single card added, the single card must be different from the triplet, for example 6-6-6-8.The rank according to the rank of the tripletfor example Q-Q-Q-6-6 beats 10-10-10-K-K.6.Sequence-at least five cards of concutive rank, from 3 up to acefor example 8-8-8-9-9-9-4-4-J-J.The pairs must be different in rank from each other and from all the triplets.Although triplets of 2 cannot be included in the triplets quence, a pair of 2 can be attached.Note that attached single cards and attached pairs cannot be mixed-for example 3-3-3-4-4-4-6-7-7 is not valid.11.Bomb-four cards of the same rank.A bomb can beat everything except a rocket or a bomb with higher rank.12.Rocket-a pair of jokers.It is the highest combination and beats anything el, including bombs.13.Quadplex t-there are two types: a quad(four cards of the same rank)with two single cards of different ranks attached, such as 6-6-6-6-8-9, or a quad with two pairs of different ranks attached, such as J-J-J-J-9-9-Q-Q.2 and jokers can be attached, but you cannot u both jokers in one quadplex t.Quadplex ts are ranked according to the rank of the quad.Note that a quadplex t can only beat a lower quadplex t of the same type, and cannot beat any other type of combination.Al
so a quadplex t can be beaten by a bomb made of lower ranked cards.At the beginning of each round, the landlord has 20 cards and the others each get 17 cards, can the landlord has a strategy to bring out his cards all the way alone until he wins the game and leave no chance for the others to play?华文考研