只打雷,不下雨:thunder but no rain或者big talk but no action
Modus operandi 一贯做法
一、Kinds of L/C 信用证类别
二、Names of Parties Concerned 有关当事人
三、Amount of the L/C 信用证金额
四、The Stipulations for the shipping Documents 跟单文句
五、Draft(Bill of Exchange) 汇票
六、Invoice 发票
七、Bill of Loading 提单
八、Insurance Policy (or Certificate) 保险单 (或凭证)
九、Certificate of Origin 产地证
十、Packing List and Weight List 装箱单与重量单
十一、Inspection Certificate 检验证书
十二、Other Documents 其他单据
十三、The Stipulation for Shipping Terms 装运条款
十四、Date & Address of Expiry 有效日期与地点
十五、The Guarantee of the Opening Bank 开证行付款保证
十六、Special Conditions 特别条款
十七、In Reimburment 索偿文句
----Kinds of L/C
1.revocable / irrevocable/ untransferrable可撤销信用证/不可撤销信用证/不可转让
2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证
3.sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证/远期信用证
a drop in the ocean
1. 远期汇票按即期议付,由本银行(开证银行)贴现,贴现及承兑费由开证人承担。
Usance Drafts to be negotiated at sight basis and discounted by us (Issuing Bank), discount charges and acceptance commission are for applicant's account.
2. 远期汇票按即期议付,利息由开证人承担。
Usance draft to be negotiated at sight basis, interest is for applicant's account.
3. 授权议付银行议付远期汇票,依票额即期付款。
The Negotiating Bank is authorized to negotiate the usance drafts at sight for the face amount.
4. 本信用证项下开立的远期汇票可按即期议付。
Usance drafts drawn under this credit are to be negotiated at sight basis.
4.transferable L/C(or)assignable L/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证
5.divisible L/C/undivisible L/C 可分割信用证/不可分割信用证
6.revolving L/C 循环信用证
7.L/C with T/T reimburment clau 带电汇条款信用证
8.without recour L/C/with recour L/C 无追索权信用证/有追索权信用证
9.documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟单信用证/光票信用证
10.deferred payment L/C/anticipatory L/C 延付信用证/预支信用证
成人网站有哪些 11.back to back L/Creciprocal L/C 对背信用证/对开信用证
12.traveller's L/C(or:circular L/C) 旅行信用证
----Names of Parties Concerned
pener 开证人
(1)applicant 开证人(申请开证人)
(2)principal 开证人(委托开证人)
(3)accountee 开证人
(4)accreditor 开证人(委托开证人)
(5)opener 开证人
(6)for account of Messrs 付(某人)帐
(7)at the request of Messrs 应(某人)请求
(8)on behalf of Messrs 代表某人
(9)by order of Messrs 奉(某人)之命
(10)by order of and for account of Messrs 奉(某人)之命并付其帐户
(11)at the request of and for account of Messrs 应(某人)得要求并付其帐户
(12)in accordance with instruction received from accreditors 根据已收到得委托开证人得指示
teva 2.beneficiary 受益人
(1)beneficiary 受益人
(2)in favour of 以(某人)为受益人
(3)in one's favour 以……为受益人
(4)favouring yourlves 以你本人为受益人
3.drawee 付款人(或称受票人,指汇票)
(1)to drawn on (or :upon) 以(某人)为付款人
(2)to value on 以(某人)为付款人
(3)to issued on 以(某人)为付款人
4.drawer 出票人
5.advising bank 通知行
(1)advising bank 通知行
(2)the notifying bank 通知行
(3)advid through…bank 通过……银行通知
(4)advid by airmail/cable through…bank 通过……银行航空信/电通知
6.opening bank 开证行
(1)opening bank 开证行
(2)issuing bank 开证行
(3)establishing bank 开证行
7.negotiation bank 议付行
(1)negotiating bank 议付行
(2)negotiation bank 议付行
8.paying bank 付款行
9.reimbursing bank 偿付行
10.the confirming bank 保兑行
Amount of the L/C 信用证金额
1.amount RMB¥… 金额:人民币
2.up to an aggregate amount of Hongkong Dollars… 累计金额最高为港币……
3.for a sum (or :sums) not exceeding a total of GBP… 总金额不得超过英镑……
4.to the extent of HKD… 总金额为港币……
5.for the amount of USD… 金额为美元……
6.for an amount not exceeding total of JPY… 金额的总数不得超过……日元的限度
跟 单 文 句
----- The Stipulations for the shipping Documents
1.available against surrender of the following documents bearing our credit number and the full name and address of the opener 凭交出下列注名本证号码和开证人的全称及地址的单据付款
2.drafts to be accompanied by the documents marked(×)below 汇票须随附下列注有(×)的单据
3.accompanied against to documents hereinafter 随附下列单据
ied by following documents 随附下列单据
5.documents required 单据要求
6.accompanied by the following documents marked(×)in duplicate 随附下列注有(×)的单据一式两份
7.drafts are to be accompanied by… 汇票要随附(指单据)……
----Draft(Bill of Exchange)
1.the kinds of drafts 汇票种类
(1)available by drafts at sight 凭即期汇票付款
(2)draft(s) to be drawn at 30 days sight 开立30天的期票
(3)sight drafs 即期汇票
(4)time drafts 远期汇票
2.drawn claus 出票条款(注:即出具汇票的法律依据)
(1)all darfts drawn under this credit must contain the clau “Drafts drawn Under Bank of…credit No.…dated…” 本证项下开具的汇票须注明“本汇票系凭……银行……年……月……日第…号信用证下开具”的条款
(2)drafts are to be drawn in duplicate to our order bearing the clau “Drawn under United Malay
an Banking Corp.Bhd.Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.…dated July 12, 1978” 汇票一式两份,以我行为抬头,并注明“根据马来西亚联合银行1978年7月12日第……号不可撤销信用证项下开立”
(3)draft(s) drawn under this credit to be marked:“Drawn under…Bank L/C No.……Dated (issuing date of credit)” 根据本证开出得汇票须注明“凭……银行……年……月……日(按开证日期)第……号不可撤销信用证项下开立”
(4)drafts in duplicate at sight bearing the claus“Drawn under…L/C No.…dated…” 即期汇票一式两份,注明“根据……银行信用证……号,日期……开具”
(5)draft(s) so drawn must be in scribed with the number and date of this L/C 开具的汇票须注上本证的号码和日期
(6)draft(s) bearing the clau:“Drawn under documentary credit No.…(shown above) of…Bank” 汇票注明“根据……银行跟单信用证……号(如上所示)项下开立”
letter of credit信用证
sum 总数,全额
amount 总数,总值
bill 汇票 (美作:check)
bill of exchange 汇票
promissory note 本票,期票
pro forma invoice 估价单,估价发票
voucher 凭单,收据
receipt 收据
advance (payment) 预付(款项)
cash payment 现金支付,付现
deferred payment, payment by instalments 延期付款
cash on delivery 交货付现,货到付款
down payment 预付定金
monthly payment 月度付款
payment in kind 以实物付款
payment in specie 以其真正形式付款
refund, repayment 归还,调换证券
payment in arrears, outstanding payment 拖欠款项
remuneration 报酬,补偿
compensation 赔偿,补偿
cost price 成本价
factory price, manufacturer's price 出厂价
net price 净价,实价
price free on board 船上交货价
purcha p
rice 买价,进货价格
sale price 卖价,销售价格
wholesale price 批发价
retail price 零售价
fixed price 固定价格
guaranteed price 保证价格
cash price 现贷价格,现金价格
market price 市场价
preferential price 优惠价
piece price, unit price 单位价格,单价
price control 物价管制,价格控制
maximum price, ceiling price 最高价
minimum price 最低价
prime cost, first cost, first price, initial cost, initial price 最初成本
price freeze 价格冻结
price fixing 限价,限定价格
price index 物价指数
price fall 价格下降
ri in price 价格上涨
on a lump-sum basis 一次(整笔)总付的方法
all-inclusive 总括
accountant 会计师
bookkeeping 簿记
bookkeeper 簿记师
double-entry bookkeeping 复式簿记
single-entry bookkeeping 单式簿记
account book 帐簿,会计簿册
cashbook 现金出纳簿
journal 日记簿
statement of accounts 帐目表,帐单
balance (sheet) 资产平稳表
financial year, trading year 财政年度
income and expenditure, receipts and expenditure, output and input 支出和收入
asts 资产
liabilities 债务,负债
debit 借方
turnover, volume of business 营业额,销售额
cash on hand 留存现金,库存现金
cash balance 现金余额,现款结存
credit balance 贷方余额
debit balance 借方余额,借方差额
deficit 亏空
balance of trade 贸易差额,国际贸易平衡
balance of payments (国际)收支,国际收支差额表
1 CFR(cost&freight)成本加运费价
2 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇
3 D/P(document against payment)付款交单
4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单
5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证
6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制
7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱
8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等
9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元
10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打
11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等
12 WT(weight)重量
13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重
14 N.W.(net weight)净重
15 C/D (customs declaration)报关单
16 EA(each)每个,各
留学的意义17 W (with)具有
18 w/o(without)没有
19 FAC(facsimile)传真
20 IMP(import)进口
21 EXP(export)出口
22 MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的
23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度
24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的
25 M/V(merchant vesl)商船
26 S.S(steamship)船运
27 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨
28 DOC (document)文件、单据
29 INT(international)国际的
30 P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表
31 INV (invoice)发票
32 PCT (percent)百分比
33 REF (reference)参考、查价
34 EMS (express mail special)特快传递
35 STL.(style)式样、款式、类型
36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传
37 RMB(renminbi)人民币
38 S/M (shipping marks)装船标记
39 PR或PRC(price) 价格
40 PUR (purcha)购买、购货
41 S/C(sales contract)销售
42 L/C (letter of credit)信用证
43 B/L (bill of lading)提单
44 FOB (free on board)离岸价
45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、保险加运费价
46 C.O.O (certificate of original)原產地證明書
47 M.O.Q means Mimimun order quantity.最低/少訂購量
commerce, trade, trading 贸易
七夕快乐英语怎么说inland trade, home trade, domestic trade, internal trade, interior trade 国内贸易
international trade 国际贸易
foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸
terms of trade 贸易条件
free-trade area 自由贸易区
import, importation 进口
importer 进口商
export, exportation 出口
exporter 出口商
commercial channels 商业渠道
customs 海关
customs duty 关税
wake me up when ptember ends
quota 配额,限额
item 项目,细目
commercial transaction 买卖,交易
manufacturer 制造商,制造厂
middleman 中间商,经纪人
dealer 经销商
wholesaler 批发商
retailer 零售商
tradesman 零售商
merchant 商人 (英)批发商,(美)零售商
concessionaire, licend dealer 受让人,特许权获得者
consumer 消费者,用户
client, customer 顾客,客户
buyer 买主,买方
stocks 存货,库存量
purcha 购买,进货
sale 销售
bulk sale 整批销售,趸售
wholesale 批发
retail trade 零售业
cash sale 现货
hire-purcha 分期付款购买 (美作:installment plan)
competition 竞争
competitor 竞争者
competitive 竞争的
unfair competition 不合理竞争
dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度
trademark 商标
registered trademark 注册商标
registered office, head office 总公司, 总店, 总部
N.O.R= Notice of Readiness , 备装通知
优美英语散文S.O.F=Share of Freehold 货物权所有权证明
这两份东西主要是确定租家与船东的ONHIRE时间与计算LOADING RATE,以便确认DISPATCH与DEMURRAGE。(这些一般在FIXTURE NOTE中都有约)通常船舶DROP ANHCOR并通过联检后,船长/船东代表即可TENDER
装/卸准备就绪通知书(noticeof readine,、nor或n/r),是船舶到达装/卸港口后,船长代表
1. 远期汇票按即期议付,由本银行(开证银行)贴现,贴现及承兑费
由进口商承担。Usance Drafts to be negotiated at sight basis and discounted by us (Issuing Bank), discount charges and acceptance commission are for Importers account.