CEO turnover and the new leader propensity to open innovation: Agency–Resource Dependence View and Social Identity Perspective 期刊名称: Management Decision
作者: Anna Maria Biscotti,Elisabetta Mafrolla,Eugenio D'Amico,Manlio Del网页翻译软件
年份: 2018年
clo期号: 第na期
关键词: Outsider CEO;CEO turnover;CEO long tenure;CEO human
中考注意事项characteristics;Agency-resource dependence view;Social identity theory;Open innovation
摘要:This paper studies whether and why government-owned firms avoid taxation to a greater extent than private owners do. By considering a sample of Italian listed corporations between 2006 and 2011, it was found that government ownership had a systematically negative effect on corporate income's effective tax rate, with a prevalence of tax-planning policies being focud on a