救命的英文Synchronization: From pendulum clocks to chaotic lars and chemical oscillators
lor什么意思中文期刊名称: Contemporary Physicsnoneof
作者: Ronblum, Michael,Pikovsky, Arkady
萋萋年份: 2003年pfizer
意大利语我爱你期号: 第5期
关键词: Theoretical or Mathematical/ chaos; nonlinear dynamical systems;
oscillators; synchronisation/ synchronization; pendulum clocks; chaotic lars;载体英语
chemical oscillators; natural nonlinear oscillators; human-made nonlinear
oscillators; rhythms; weak interaction; coupled lars; common frequency;
伊尔维萨克cardiac pacemaker cells; violinists; orchestra; unison; fundamental nonlinear
phenomenon; physics; chemistry; biology; social behaviour; practical applications;
engineering; medicine; chaotic systems; oscillating units; rotating objects;
continuous media; nonlinear sciences/ A0545 Theory and models of chaotic
systems A0547 Nonlinear dynamical systems and bifurcations
摘要:Many natural and human-made nonlinear oscillators exhibit the ability to adjust their rhythms due to weak interaction: two lars, being coupled, start to generate with a common frequency; cardiac pacemaker cells fire simultaneously; violinists in an orchestra play in unison. Such coordination of rhythms is a manifestation of a fundamental nonlinear phenomenon--synchronization. Discovered in the 17th century by Christiaan Huygens, it was obrved in physics, chemistry, biology and even social behaviour, and found practical applications in engineering and medicine. The notion of synchronization has been recently extended to cover the adjustment of rhythms in chaotic systems, large enmbles of oscillating units, rotating objects, continuous media, etc. In spite of esntial progress in theoretical and experimental studies,