Federal law provides vere civil and criminal penaltiesgemstones['penəlti] 处罚for the unauthorized reproduction,distribution, or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures你叫什么名字 用英语怎么说 诠释英文 (Title 17, united states code, ctions 501 and 508). The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigates allegations(['ælə'geʃən]n. 主张,断言;辩解) of criminal copyright infringement[byobɪn'frɪndʒmənt] n. 侵犯;违反 (Title 17, United States Code, Section 506)
Certificate证明书;文凭 Of Compliance[kəm'pla钿头银篦击节碎ɪəns]n.顺从;服从;遵守;屈服
All models, actors, actress, and other persons that appear in any visual depiction.描述;描画of actual or simulated vt.假装;模拟;模仿xually explicit[ɪk'splɪsɪt] adj.明确的;清晰的;清楚的;露骨的开心词场电脑版下载conduct n.行为;举动;品行
so as tov.引导;指挥;管理appearing or otherwi contained in this Motion Picture were over the age of eighteen years at the time of the creation of such depiction.
With regards to 关于such depictions of actual xual conduct contained in this Motion Picture, the records required pursuant prep.根据to 18 U.S.C.2257 and 28 C.F.R.75 are kept in the following location by the Custodian n.管理人;保管人;监护人of Records:
Dreamroom Productions. Inc.abbr.公司(=incorporated )abbie cornish
445 S.Figueroa St. Ste.2600
Los Angeles. CA90071
Original production completed in 2011