1. 允许延长交船日期的不可抗力的事件
针对这个题目,在SAJ标准格式有关内容在是Article VIII,它分为4段,而第一段是针对允许延长交船日期的不可抗力的事件:
“VIII Delays and extension of time for delivery/force majeure
1 Cau of Delay
If, at any time before the actual delivery, either the construction of the VESSEL or any performance required as a prerequisite of delivery of the VESSEL is delayed due to Acts of God; act of princes or rule; requirements of government authorities; war or other hostilities or preparations therefor; blockade; revolution, insurrections, mobilization, civil war, civil commotion or riots; vandalism, sabotages, strikes, lockouts or other labour disturbances; labour shortage; plague or other epidemics; quarantines; flood, typhoons, hurricanes, storms or other weather conditions not included in normal planning, earthquakes; tidal waves; land –slides; fires, explosions, collisions or strandings; embargoes; delay or failure in transportation; shortage of materials, machinery or equipment; import restrictions; inability to
obtain delivery or delays in delivery of materials, machinery or equipment, provided that at the time of ordering the same could reasonably be expected by the BUILDER to be delivered in time, prolonged failure, shortage or restriction of equipment which could not have been detected by the BUILDER using reasonable care; casting or forging rejects or the like not due to negligence; delays caud by the Classification Society or other bodies who documents are required; destruction of or damage to the Shipyard or works of the BUILDER, its subcontractors or suppliers, or of or to the VESSEL or any part thereof, by any caus herein described; delays in the BUILDER‘s other commitments resulting from any caus herein described which in turn delay the construction of the VESSEL or the BUILDER‘s performance under this Contract; other caus or accidents beyond control of the BUILDER, its subcontractors or suppliers of the nature whether or not indicated by the foregoing words; all the forgoing irrespective of whether or not the events could be foreen at the day of signing this Contract; then and in any such ca, the Delivery Date shall be postponed for a period of time which shall not exceed the total accumulated time of all such delays.
2 Notice of Delay
Within ten (10) days
After the date of occurrence of any cau of delay, on account of which the BUILDER claims that it is entitled under this Contract to a postponement of the Delivery Date, the BUILDER shall notify the BUYER in writing or by cable confirmed in writing of the date such cau of
delay occurred. Likewi, within ten (10) days after the date of ending of such cau of delay, the BUILDER shall notify the BUYER in writing or by cable confirmed in writing of the date such cau of delay ended. The BUILDER shall also notify the BUYER of the period, by which the Delivery Date is postponed by reason of such cau of delay, with all reasonable dispatch after it has been determined. Failure of the BUYER to object to the BUILDER‘S claim for postponement of the Delivery Date within ten (10) days after receipt by the BUYER of such notice of claim shall be deemed to be a waiver by the BUYER of its right to object such postponement of the Delivery Date.
3 Definition of Permissible Delay
Delays on account of such caus as specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article and any other delays of a nature which under the terms of this Contract permits postponement of the Delivery Date shall be understood to be permissible delays and are to be distinguished from unauthorized delays on account of which the Contract Price is subject to adjustment as provided for in Article III hereof.
4 Right to Rescind for Excessive Delay
If the total accumulated time of all delays on account of the caus specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article, excluding delays of a nature which under the terms of this Contract permit postponement of the Delivery Date, amount to Two Hundred and Ten (210) days or more, then, in such event, the BUILDER may rescind this Contract in accordance with the provisions of Article X hereof. The BUILDER may, at any time after the accumulated time of the aforementioned delays justifying rescission by the BUYER, demand in writing that the BUYER shall make an election, in which ca the BUYER shall, within twenty (20) days after such demand is received by the BUILDER, either notify the BUILDER of its intention to rescind this Contract, or connt to a postponement of the Delivery Date to a specific future date; it being understood and agreed by the parties hereto that, if any further delay occurs on account of caus justifying rescission as specified in this Article, the BUYER shall have the same right of rescission upon the same terms as hereinabove provided.”
至于在另一份新的造船格式NEWBUILDCON,它的有关条文是在Clau 34如下:“34 Permissible Delays
(a)The Delivery Date shall be extended if any of the following events cau actual delay to the delivery of the Vesl:
石油工程专业排名(i) Force majeure events
(1) acts of God;
(2) any government requisition, control, intervention, requirement or interference;
(3) threat or act of war, warlike operations, terrorism or the conquences thereof;
(4) riots, civil commotions, blockades or embargoes;
(5) epidemics;
(6) earthquakes, landslides, floods, tidal waves or extraordinary weather conditions;
(7) strikes, lockouts or other industrial action, but only if of a general nature and limited solely to the Builder and/or the sub-contractors or their employees;
(8) fire, accident, explosion (whether in the Shipyard or elwhere);
(9) any interruption to the supply of public utilities to the Builder;
(10) any other cau of a similar nature to the above beyond the control of the Builder or its Sub-contractors;
(11) delay to a trials in accordance with Clau 27(b) (Sea Trial – Weather Conditions)
(ii) Other events
(1) Late delivery of, or delivery of, any defective Buyer‘s Supplies in accordance with Clau 21(a)(iv) (Buyer‘s Supplies);闸管
(2) Delays due to modifications and changes in accordance with clau 24(b) or (e) (Modifications and Changes);
(3) Delays due to changes in rules and regulations in accordance with clau 26 (Changes in Rules and Regulations);
(4) An actual or constructive total loss in accordance with Clau 38(b)(ii) (Insurances -- Allocation of Insurance Proceeds);
(5) Suspension of work pursuant to Clau 39(c) (Suspension and Termination –Suspension of Work);
Provided that:
(A) such other events were not caud by the error, neglect, act or omission of the Builder or its Sub-contractors; and
(B) were not, or could not reasonably have been, foreen by the Builder at the date of the Contract; and
(C) the Builder shall have complied with Sub-clau (b) hereunder; and
(D) the Builder shall have made all reasonable efforts to avoid and minimi the effects such other events have on the delivery of the Vesl.
(b) The Builder shall notify the Buyer within ten (10) running days of when the Builder becomes aware of the occurrence of any event of delay on account of which the Builder asrts that it may have the right to claim an extension of the Delivery date. A failure to so notify shall bar the Builder from claiming an extension to the Delivery Date. The Builder shall also advi the Buyer in writing (A) within two (2) running days of the ending of any event notified under this Clau that the event has ended, and (B) as soon as reasonably
possible after (A), the length of extension of the Delivery Date claimed by the Builder.”
这是一条十分重要的条文,基本上在所有造船合约或者一些涉及庞大工程的合约都会有这一条重要的条文去保护船厂或者承建商。这种条文可以名为“允许的延误”(permissible delay)或“不可抗力”(force majeure)或好像上述SAJ格式的“延误原因”(cau of delay)。反正是条文的名称并不重要,重要的是内容,以下就是去谈谈这一方面。
2. 船厂承诺交船日期是一个严格责任
交船日期对船东来说十分重要,除了是与船东在接受船舶后的营运安排有密切的关系外,航运市场也经常会起变化。正如过去5/6年的航运好景,谁也吃不准什么时候会逆转。如果能够早一点交船给船东,除了可以让他去多点时间在航运市场赚钱去“积谷防饥”外,也给了船东一个机会去把将来航运逆转的风险转嫁给其他人,这主要是通过一个较长期的期租合约把船舶租给一个有经济实力的承租人。交船日期的重要性可见在Trade Winds报刊2008年7月11日所报道的在同时期有两家不同的船公司向韩进船厂订购好望角型散装船,但其中的一个船东要支付9,700万美元一艘船舶,而约定的交船日期是2010年第四个季度。而另一个不同的船东只要支付9,250万美元一艘同样的船舶,便宜了450万美元。其中当然会有其他因素在内,包括双方谈判的技巧与对象并不一样。但报道的主要原因是后者较便宜的同样船舶约定的交船日期比较晚,是在2011年上旬。
造船合约通常有一个约定的交船日期,由于是船厂造的船,也表示这交船日期是船厂的一个绝对或者严格的承诺或是合约责任。它与一些庞大工程的合约一致,会去约定一个完工的日期。如果交船或者完工是超出了约定的日期,也就表示船厂或者承建商违约。这违约就会带来损失的索赔,而由于这种违约经常会发生,所以在做法上与航次租约一样,双方会去在订约时约定一个每延误一天要支付的议定赔偿(liquidated damage),这在航次租约可称为是滞期费(demurrage)。造船合约的交船日期可以是一个条件条文,即有了违反(迟了交船)可允许船东有权中断合约。这是在McDougall v. Aeromarine of Emsworth Ltd (1958) 2 Lloyd‘s Rep. 345,虽然该合约中没有一个明确的交船日期,但Diplock大法官判是法律默示合理时间必须要交船,而超过了合理时间就是违反一条条件条文。但在Lindvig v. Forth Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd. (1921) 7 Lloyd‘s Rep. 253,Roche大法官针对一条简单的交船条文“build the vesl to her proper turn … and deliver [her] in October 1920”,认为它不是条件条文,说:
“…this clau as to date of delivery is not a condition of the contract so as to entitle the Plaintiff in the event of non-performance …to treat the contract as broken in such an esntial as to entitle him to treat it as repudiated.”
但有更多的延误原因会是船厂自己控制不了,这就是船厂希望能够以明示条文去对承诺的交船日期加以限制。在做法上就是把这些控制不了的原因所造成的延误去相应延长交船日期而不必支付议定赔偿。本条文也就是这一个本意,在文字/措辞上是去保护船厂,相应延长交船日期。固然,船东作为买方也会发生一些延误而需要条文去保护以免造成违约,但船东的风险是绝少,通常只会发生在买方供应(buyer‘s supply)晚了供应给船厂,晚了支付分期付款(船价),等两、三样情况。这与船厂要面对交船延误的风险完全不成比例。
个默示的地位针对一些不可抗力的事件所造成的延误,这与一些欧盟的大陆法国家是不一样。在欧盟的88/C259/07O.J.C259/11号通知有针对法律承认的不可抗力事件如下:“Force majeure is not limited to absolute impossibility but must be understood in the n of unusual circumstances, outside the control of the trader, the conquences of which, in spite of the exerci of all due care, could not have been avoided except at the cost of excessive sacrifice.”(不可抗力并不局限在绝对无法履行,它是被理解为一些不寻常的情况,是在商人无法控制的情况下,而造成的后果是该商人即使是恰当的小心也不能避免,除非去在费用上做出过度的牺牲。)
3. 合约受阻
但在英国的法律是没有对一些无法控制的不寻常情况而造成延误有任何的救济,稍微接近的说法就是合约受阻(frustration)。而如果合约受阻能够成立,它是去“杀死”(kill)该受影响的合约而并非去把一些承诺的日期做出相应延长,所以根本是两码事。这里不妨先去节录一些针对何谓合约受阻的经典说法,在National Carriers Ltd. v. Panalpina (Northern) Ltd. (1981) A.C. 675先例中,Simon勋爵说:
“Frustration of a contract takes place where there supervenes an event (without default of either party and for which the contract makes no provision) which so significantly changes