wahaha, a children’s nourishing liquid is co-developed by hangzhou wahaha nutritious food product factory and the dept. of medical nutrition of zhejiang medical university. the liquid contains rich amino acids, vitamins and particularly supplies children with ca and trace elements such as fe and zn esntial to healthy growth. it occupies the leading position in the development of nourishing products and has pasd the nation-level evaluation of newly-developed products.
ingredients: honey, hawthorn, jujube, lycium, chine lotus ed, barley, longan,
walnut, etc.
nutrients: per 100ml: protein over 1.5%, ca 250-300 mg, fe 12.5-20 mg, zn
12.5-20 mg.
contents: 10 ampoules per ca, 10 ml per ample, total 100 ml.
storage: to be kept in a cool place. quality guarantee for one year and storage
period one and a half year.
dosage: 1-2 ampoules a day in the morning and evening.
sanction no.: zhejiang food hygiene permit (89)0004-35
standard code: q/wjb 0201-89
obvious manufactured by: hangzhou wahaha nutritious food product factory
supervid by: dept. of medical nutrition of zhejiang medical university 莎拉波娃禁赛两年
care and maintenance
your device is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. the suggestion below will help you protect your warranty coverage.
· do not store the device in hot areas. high temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices, damage batteries, and warp or melt certain plastics.
· do not store the device in cold areas. when the device returns to its normal temperature, moisture can form inside the device and damage electronic circuit boards.
· do not attempt to open the device other than as instructed in this guide.
· do not drop, knock, or shake the device. rough handling can break internal circuit boards and fine mechanics.
· do not u harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the device.
· do not paint the device. paint can clog the moving parts and prevent proper operation.
judge · u a soft, clean, dry cloth to clean any lens (such as camera, proximity nsor, and light nsor lens).
中山大学分数线 · u only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the device and may violate regulations governing radio devices.
· u chargers indoors.
·请勿在有灰尘、肮脏的地方使用或放置手机,这样会损坏其可拆卸部件和电子元件。 ·请勿将手机存放在热源附近。高温可能会缩短电子装置的寿命、损坏电池,并使某些塑料部件变形或熔化。
大班下学期家长会发言稿 ·请勿将手机存放在过冷的地方。当手机恢复到正常温度时,其内部会有湿气凝结,这会损及电路板。
·请使用柔软干净的干布来清洁镜头(例如相机、接近度传感器和光传感器等的镜头)。 ·请使用原配天线,或者认可的天线作为替代。未经认可的天线、改装或附件会损坏手机,并违反无线电设备的管理规定。
冲印:胶卷价格内不包括冲洗费,冲印材料用cnk-4或c-41,拍摄后应立即冲洗。 注意:如因质量及包装问题,本胶卷可更换,除此之外,恕不承担其他责任,由于时间因素,色彩颜料可能发生变化,对此,将不予以更换或承担任何责任。
华东康桥国际学校 【译文】
avoid direct sunlight while loading and unloading film. keep the film in a cool and dry
flash exposure: u electronic flash, blue flashbulbs or flashcubes. divide flash guide
number for iso100/21’ by flash-to-subject distance. prospecting
processing: film price does not include developing or printing. develop promptly after
exposure. cnk-4 or c-41 should be ud in developing.
notice: this film will be replaced if defective in manufacturing or packaging. except for
such replacement, it is sold without liability of any other kind. since color dyes may change in time, this film will not be replaced, or otherwi warranted against any color change.