Making the choice to be truly beautiful
新鲜用语Extreme makeovers are all the rage the days, with too many people addicted to Botox injection parties and reality shows. Plastic surgery is on the ri. Many people are trying to match the extraordinary measures actors and actress go through to look perfect on the screen. Yet, the shortcuts to create biomedical happiness by having surgery, taking supplements or dieting don't usually fulfill their promi. Besides, beautiful people are not automatically happy people.
Attaining the highest degree of your beauty is not about looking good during social interaction, or physiological perfection, and you can't get there via technology. It's a growth process, a transformation of lf through awareness and learning. It's about meaning, and being real. It's an emotional and spiritual walk, and it requires faith fueled with liberal dos of loving kindness.
Every day, I have the delight and privilege of loving Richard, my husband, a real, human, emotionally accessible man. We're about the same age, and our looks have corroded a bit over time. After almost 20 years, though, we have grown together in ways that go far deeper than the surface of our skin. Our life is lovely even if it doesn't match the criterion of love in movie fantasies. We laugh together, we share the struggles of daily life together,
and the thought that he might die before I do fills me with dread. All the muscle-bound male models in the world couldn't replace my very own, nsual, outgoing friend. It took me 37 years to find him, and I'm not about to replace him with the so-called "esthetic perfection".
能有幸每天爱着理查德,我感到很高兴。他是我丈夫,一个真实的、有人情味的、情感上可以靠近的人。我们年龄相仿,相貌已在岁月中有所消退。但近二十年来,我们共同成长,远超肌肤之表。尽管我们的生活不如虚幻的电影故事中描述的爱情生活那样,它却很美好。我们一起欢笑,一起分担日常生活的磕磕绊绊。如果想到他有可能先于我离世,我会充满恐惧。世界上任何一位肌肉发达的男模都不能取代我自己的这位性感、外向的伴侣。我花了鸭子的英文 37 年时间才找到他,我决不会因为所谓的“审美标准上的完美世界名著”而另寻他人。turistas I work as a psychotherapist, and clients come to my office every day scarred with emotional pain becau their lives aren't "perfect" enough. They feel inadequate, hopeless, and frustrated with jealousy becau they can't attain life as they e it on the big screen. It helps when I preface our ssions with the mention that tens of thousands of dollars go into every cond of media they e, that stars have dozens of people devot
守护甜心85ed exclusively to making them look good (even when they're naked), that the effort of maintaining their images is an exhausting, full-time job. The "beautiful" people in the media are under enormous pressure to maintain their looks, and for some reason, my clients don't realize that they're exempt from that predominant pressure.
I underscore that all the face creams, physical workouts, dietary fads, Prozac capsules and meditation regiments in the world aren't going to make their lives, their bodies, or their mental state much better. In fact, they often hamper happiness by distracting from th
e things that lead to real inner beauty. Life is not about maintaining some young and stylish outward costume to hide behind. It's about growing and deepening your soul.
The only way I know to develop my soul is through feelings. Witnessing natural phenomena - the star-lit galaxy, a centuries-old redwood, the symphony of birds' songs in spring - stretches it, making me feel humble and majestic, all at the same time. Human relationships brui, collide and comfort, teaching me maturity and passion. Love urges my soul to blossom and glow, affection elicits feelings of eternity, and so I learn to accept others as they are. 托福考试报名费我所知道的唯一的精神升华的途径就是通过情感。亲眼目睹各种自然现象——星光闪烁的银河,几百年树龄的红杉木,春天里鸟儿的叫声汇成的交响乐——这些
The humans in my life are not the barren, lf-absorbed "beautiful people" of the screen. We're ordinary, real, imperfect people. Together, we work hard stumbling through life, trying to be our best lves, knitting together families and friendships, and striving to illuminate the world with our personal ethics and aspirations.