When the system runs ballast operation and TRO low alarm occurs, the following checks should be carried out:
1. Check the sampling circulation piping of the BWTS
1) Sampling path:
(sampling water is taken out from sampling port and pressurized by sampling air pump befo
re being nt to monitoring unit, a small amount of water into CLX for TRO detection, the rest of the water cycle back to the main system).
2) Since it is a sampling cycle test, Each test of TRO value is a test cycle. Minimum sampling water flow rate is generally required: sampled water can be taken from the main pipeline and flow back during each test cycle.
3) Sampling water velocity can be judged by listening to the working sound of the air pump:
(1)正常:嘭、嘭、嘭,带有负载的沉闷声,大约 2s/2~3 次;
录音机的英文(1) Normal: dull sound with load, about 2~3 times every 2 conds.
(2) Blocked: in that ca, generally air pump does not ring or just ring once for a long time (dozens of conds);
(3)无水:嘭、嘭、嘭,比较轻快的快速响动,大约1s/2 次。
赤壁赋翻译(3) No water: sounds comparatively light and fast, about 2 times per cond.
4) Sampling water is blocked:
(1)需要检查取样管系上的手动阀门和检测单元 内部电磁是否开启(电磁阀检修见附录一);
(1) It is necessary to check whether the manual valve on the sampling pipe line and the internal electromagnetic is opened (e Appendix I for solenoid valve maintenance) ;
(2) Need to check the Y filter on the sampling pipeline;
(3) Check whether the control air and diaphragm is damaged (general diaphragm damage will cau water leakage) (diaphragm replacement e Appendix II).
2. 检查CLX 药剂
2. Check CLX agents
1)检查CLX 药剂加药时间是否大于2 个月,如果大于2 个月需要更换药剂(见附录三)。
1) Check whether the added time of CLX drug is longer than 2 months. If it is longer than 2 months,the drug should be changed (e Appendix III).
2) If the drug is in the period of validity, clean the dosing pipe system, And after the cleaning is finished: press PRIME and ENTER together to discharge the air and clean water in the dosing pipe system, and the drug can be en entering in the detection glass wall (if the drug does not not ENTER, the dosing pipe should be flushed veral times).
3.观察CLX 检测腔内的取样水是否变红
3. Obrve whether the sampled water in the CLX detection chamber turns red
1) If no water enters the detection chamber, check step 1 (as above). If step 1 is completed and normal, check as follows.git
如图所示, 1为流量调节阀,向外旋调小流量,向里旋调大流量;2为取样水进检测腔电磁阀,可打开清洁;3 为排水(保持)电磁阀,如果观察到有水流过检测腔但是不能保持, 此处需要清洁;4 为 CLX 进水滤器,需两个月至少清洁一次。
As shown in the figure, 1 is the flow control valve, turn outwardly to reduce the flow, turn inward to increa the flow; 2 is solenoid valve for sampling water into the detection chamber, can be open and clean; 3 is drainage (hold) solenoid valve, if water flow through the detection chamber can be obrved but can not keep, it need to be cleaned; 4 is CLX inlet water filter and should be cleaned at least once every two months.
1)如果玻璃检测腔粉红色(浅红)请检查1,2,3,步,若1,2,3 步都正常,则进行如下检查:apm是什么意思
1) If the glass detection chamber is pink (light red), plea check steps 1,2,3. If steps 1,2,3 are normal, then check as follows:
(1)PRIME+Enter(<---)一次,查看 PRIME完后第一次TRO 值是否显著变大(大约 1~3ppm),以及在 PRIME 期间 CLX 泄放管中的取样水是否变红,判断取样水中是否含有 TRO。假若TRO 值变大或者泄放管中取样水颜色显著变红,这时要对注药管路和单向阀进行清洁。如下图所示:
(1) PRIME+ Enter (<--) once, check whether the first TRO value becomes significantly lar
ger (about 1~3ppm) after PRIME, and whether the sampled water in CLX drain pipe turns red during PRIME, and determine whether the sampled water contains TRO. Clean the injection line and check valve if the TRO value becomes large or the sampled water in the drain tube becomes significantly red. As shown in the figure belowed:
(2)如图1所示,拆下主要泵后可以看到A部分的注药管路,将注药管路取出后如图2 所示,白色部分单向阀。单向阀的B部分为主要部件且需要清洁。清洁方法:温水浸泡然后用洁净布片沾水揉擦至迎灯光观察无污物,并擦干。速度与激情7歌曲