Procedure for Measuring N-Channel MOSFET Hot-Carrier-Induced Degradation Under DC Stress JESD28-A
(Revision of JESD28)
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JEDEC Standard No. 28-A
Page Introduction ii
法语考试马丁路德金 我有一个梦想1 Scope 1
benjie2 Applicable standards 1
3 Terms and definitions 2
浦东少儿英语培训4 Technical requirements 4 4.1 Equipment requirements 4 4.2 Test structure requirements 4
4.3 Measurement requirements 4
5 Hot carrier stress test procedure 5 5.1 Determining stress bias conditions
6 5.2 Selecting test devices
7 5.3 Initial characterization 7 5.4 Stress cycle 7 5.5 Interim characterization 7
sine5.6 Stress termination 7
6 Data analysis 8
7 Precautions 9 7.1 Test sample 9 7.2 Stress 9 7.3 Interim measurements 9
全国研究生网上报名7.4 Data analysis 10
美女与野兽动画片8 Required reporting 10 8.1 Test transistor identification 10 8.2 V DD, V BB 10 8.3 MOSFET channel length and width 10 8.4 V DS at stress, V BS at stress, V GS at stress 10 8.5 Initial I B at stress 10 8.6 Initial I D(lin), g m(max), V T(ci), V T(ext), I D(sat) 11 8.7 t TAR for I D(lin), g m(max), V T(ci), V T(ext), I D(sat) 11 8.8 Total test time 11 8.9 Measurement temperature 11