Sublist 4
access | adequate | annual | apparent | approximate | 恋爱假期下载
attitudes | attributed | civil | code | commitment |
communication | concentration | conference | takemehomecountryroadcontrast | cycle |
debate | despite | dimension | domestic | piano什么意思emerge |
error | ethnic | goal | grantcristian | hence |
hypothesis | implementation | implication | impo | integration |
internal | investigation | job | label | mechanism |
obvious | occupational | option | output | overall |
parallel | parameter | pha | predict | principal |
prior | professional | project | promote | regime |
resolution | retain | ries | statistics | status |
stress | subquent | sum | summary | undertake |
| | | | |
Exerci 1
developsattribute | access | domestic | occupy | internal |
kampfer promote | hence | pha | confer | status |
| | | | |
1.. There's something wrong with our Internet connection; I can't _______________ my e-mail account. access
2. Karen _______________ the failure of her marriage to her husband's inability to accept her change from a mother to a businesswoman. attributed
3. The airline has more than 100 _______________ flights a day. domestic
4. The students were well-prepared for the exam, _______________ their high scores. hence
5. Children need something to _______________ their time; otherwi, they get bored. occupy
6. The Russian president flew to Washington this morning to _______________ with the American president on the crisis developing in the Middle East. confer
7. Doctors and lawyers are high _______________ jobs in our society. status
8. One of the goals of the United Nations is to _______________ respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. promote
9. Most teenagers go through a _______________ in which they argue a lot with their parents. pha
10. The driver of the car suffered minor _______________ injuries from his atbelt, but was otherwi okay. internal
11. The sculpture was originally thought to be a work of Michelangelo, but is now _______________ to a student of the master. attributed
12. Electrical burns often look minor on the outside, but electricity can cau rious _______________ damage. internal
13. The island nation of Malta has no _______________ energy sources. domestic
14. Seventy percent of our Earth's surface is _______________ by oceans. occupied
15. I'll need to _______________ with my supervisor before I can allow that. confer
16. Wine will spoil if expod to light; _______________, wine bottles are usually green or yellow. hence
17. Desmond Morris once remarked that a true bond of friendship is usually only possible between people of roughly equal _______________. status
18. More than one billion people on our planet lack _______________ to safe drinking water. access
19. A complete cycle of the _______________ of the moon takes 29.53 days. phas
five days
20. My father was recently _______________ to the position of manager. promoted
Exerci 2
predict | stress | civil | regime | akzinvestigate |
hypothesis | option | emerge | contrast | adequate |
| | | | |
cco 1. The students told the teacher that they felt they didn't have _______________ time to finish the test. adequate
2. The American _______________ War between the North and South cost thousands and thousands of young men their lives. civil
3. Their _______________ was proven to be true in a number of experiments. hypothesis
4. It's very difficult to _______________ the weather in Victoria. predict
5. Our teacher _______________ the importance of learning vocabulary from context, rather than simply memorizing a definition. stresd
6. Muhammad _______________ as a prophet to his people around 610 A.D. emerged
7. Firefighters are _______________ a mysterious fire which broke out at a local high school overnight. investigating
8. Harriet's friendly manner _______________ somewhat with her quick temper. contrasts
9. You should look at all your different _______________ before you make a decision. options
10. Millions of people in the Soviet Union died or disappeared during the _______________ of Joph Stalin. regime
11. The scientific method is the main tool ud by psychologists for _______________ both the mind and behaviour. investigating