日期:2009-2-23 浏览次数: 613
-队列一般对传输口而言;除非每块模板上所有接收口的总和超过switch fabric,否则防止堵
所以理解Catalyst QoS队列主要是这几点:
a 队列的数目和类型(多个标准队列和一个严格优先队列PQ);
b 队列调度(scheduling)的不同:
- SRR-Shaped Round Robin (整形循环)
- Shared Round Robin (共享循环)
- WRR-Weighted Round Robin (加权循环)
- DWRR-Deficit Weighted Round Robin(亏损加权循环)(指令和WRR一样:wrr-queue)
- Priority Queueing (严格优先队列)
c 防止堵塞的类型:
- WRED(加权随机先期检测)
- TD/WTD (尾丢弃/加权尾丢弃)
- DBL(动态缓存限制,仅限Catalyst4500)
a 每个队列的带宽或权重(严格优先队列基本是最后一个),队列的深度(queue-limit);
b CoS和队列的映射);
c 防止堵塞(WRED/TD/DBL)
不同类型的Catalyst的队列归纳如下(配置按照思科a littleQoS SRND推荐):
Catalyst 2950:1P3Q或是4Qdynamic是什么意思(队列4为PQ),不支持WRED:
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
wrr-queue bandwidth 5 25 70 0 !Q1:Q2:Q3=5:25:70,Q4=PQ
no wrr-queue cos-map
wrr-queue cos-map 1 1
wrr-queue cos-map 2 0
wrr-queue cos-map 3 2 3 4 6 7
wrr-queue cos-map 4 5
show wrr-queue bandwidth
show wrr-queue cos-map
Catalyst 3550: 百兆口:1P3Q1T,不支持WRED;千兆口:1P3Q2T, TD/WRED);注意Q4是PQ时带宽设为1。
interface range FastEthernet0/1 - 48
wrr-queue bandwidth 5 25 70 1
wrr-queue cos-map 1 1
wrr-queue cos-map 2 0
wrr-queue cos-map 3 2 3 4 6 7
wrr-queue cos-map 4 5
priority-queue out
show wrr-queue bandwidth
show wrr-queue cos-map
interface range GigabitEthernet 0/1 – 2
wrr-queue bandwidth 5 25 70 1
wrr-queue queue-limit 5 25 40 30
wrr-queue random-detect max-threshold 1 40 100 ! Q1T1=40% Q1T2=100%
wrr-queue random-detect max-threshold 2 80 100
wrr-queue random-detect max-threshold 3 80 100
wrr-queue cos-map 1 1
wrr-queue cos-map 2 0
wrr-queue cos-map 3 2 3 4 6 7
wrr-queue cos-map 4 5
wrr-queue dscp-map 2 10 48 56 !Q1T2=DSCP10, Q2T2=DSCP48, Q3T2=DSCP56
priority-queue out
show mls qos interface GigabitEthernet0/1 buffers
show mls qos interface GigabitEthernet0/1 queueing
Catalyst 2970/3560/3750: 1P3Q3T(SRR,WTD),注意Q1是PQ。支持SRR,推荐使用Q2,prodigyQ3,Q4共享(shared round robin)。T3默认为100%。
mls qos srr-queue output cos-map queue 1 threshold 3 5 ! Q1T3=CoS5
mls qos srr-queue output cos-map queue 2 threshold 1 2 4 ! Q2T1=CoS 2,4
mls qos srr-queue output cos-map queue 2 threshold 2 3 ! Q2T2=CoS 3
mls qos srr-queue output cos-map queue 2 threshold 3 6 7 ! Q2T3=CoS 6,7
mls qos srr-queue output cos-map queue 3 threshold 3 0 ! Q3T3=CoS 0
mls qos srr-queue output cos-map queue 4 threshold 3 1 ! Q4T3=CoS1
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 1 threshold 3 46 ! Q1T3=DSCP EF (Voice)
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 2 threshold 1 16 ! Q2T1=DSCP CS2 (Network Management)
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 2 threshold 1 18 20 22 ! Q2T1=DSCP AF21, AF22, AF23 (Transactional Data)
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 2 threshold 1 25 ! Q2T1=DSCP 25 (Mission-Critical Data)
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 2 threshold 1 32 ! Q2T1=DSCP CS4 (Streaming Video)
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 2 threshold 1 34 36 38太棒了英文 ! Q2T1=DSCP AF41, AF42, AF43 (Interactive-Video)
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 2 threshold 2 24 26 ! Q2T2=DSCP CS3 and DSCP AF31 (Call-Signaling)
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 2 threshold 3 48 56 ! Q2T3=DSCP CS6 and CS7 (Network/Internetwork)
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 3 threshold 3 0 ! Q3T3=DSCP 0 (Best Effort)
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 4 threshold 1 8 ! Q4T1=DSCP CS1 (Scavenger)
mls qos srr-queue output dscp-map queue 4 threshold 3 10 12 14 ! Q4T3=DSCP AF11, AF12, AF13 (Bulk Data)
mls qos queue-t output 1 threshold 2 70 80 100 100 ! Q2T1=70% Q2T2=80%
mls qos queue-t output 1 threshold 4 40 100 100 100 ! Q4T1=40% Q4T2=100%
interface range GigabitEthernet0/1 - 28
queue-t 1 !有两个队列集合,默认为集合1
srr-queue bandwidth share 1 70 25 5 ! Q2:Q3:Q4=70:25:5,共享
srr-queue bandwidth shape 3 0 0 0 ! Q1=1/3BW
priority-queue out ! Q1=PQ
show mls qos interface buffers
show mls qos interface queueing
show mls qos queue-t
show mls qos maps cos-output-q
show mls qos maps dscp-output-q
Catalyst 4500: 4Q1T/1P3Q1T (DBL, no TD/WRED),Q3=PQ;只支持DSCP到队列映射,队列带宽分配只支持以下端口:
qos dbl
qos dbl exceed-action ecn
qos map dscp 0 to tx-queue 2 sadomasochism ! Q2为DSCP 0
qos map dscp 8 10 12 14 to tx-queue 1 doi是什么意思! Q1为DSCP CS1 (Scavenger)和 AF11/AF12/AF13 (Bulk)
qos map dscp 16 18 20 22 to tx-queue 4 ! Q4为DSCP CS2 (Net-Mgmt)和 AF21/AF22/AF23 (Transactional)
qos map dscp 24 25 26 to tx-queue 4 ! Q4为DSCP CS3 and AF31 (Call-Signaling) and DSCP 25 (MC Data)
qos map dscp 32 34 36 38 to tx-queue 4 ! Q4为DSCP CS4 (Str-Video) and AF41/AF42/AF43 (Int-Video)
qos map dscp 46 to tx-queue 3 ! Q3为DSCP EF (VoIP)=PQ
qos map dscp 48 56 to tx-queue 4 ! Q4为DSCP CS6 (Internetwork) and CS7 (Network) Control
policy-map DBL
class class-default
interface range FastEthernet2/1 - 48
rvice-policy output DBL
tx-queue 3
priority high
shape percent 30
interface range GigabitEthernet1/1 - 2
rvice-policy output DBL
tx-queue 1
bandwidth percent 5
tx-queue 2
bandwidth percent 25
tx-queue 3
priority high
bandwidth percent 30
shape percent 30少年派的奇幻漂流 下载
tx-queue 4
bandwidth percent 40
show qos dbl
show qos maps dscp tx-queue
show qos interface
Catalyst 6500 PFC2/PFC3: SUP720-3C/3CXL,SUP32支持DWRR/SRR,其他只支持WRR。而线卡又有所不同。
2Q2T(只有TD):基本所有10/100板(X6148,X6324,X6348) (WRR)
1P2Q1T:X6501-10GEx4,X6502-10GE (DWRR)
1P2Q2T:X6148-GE,X6316-GE,X6408A-GBIC,X6416,X6516,X6548-GE,X6816 (WRR)
1P3Q1T:X6524,X6548(hotel management10/100)(DWRR)
1P3Q8T(CEF720):X6724,X6748 (DWRR)
1P7Q4T(CEF720):X6708-10GE, X6716-10GE(全支持DWRR/SRR)
1P7Q8T(CEF720):X6704-10GE (DWRR)