The characteristics of the structure ction in Tuositai region on the south edge of Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China
LI Zhong-quan1, ZHANG Shou-ting2, YING Dan-lin3,4, LI Hong-kui1, YU Jing-du1, GAN Juan-juan1, LU Zhong-qiong5
1.State Laboratory of Oil and Gas Rervoir Geology and Exploitation, Chengdu University of Technology,
Chengdu 610059, China;
2.Faculty of Earth Science and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;
3.School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
4.Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company of CNPC, Chengdu 610051, China;
5.Geology Rearch Institute of Erlian Company, North China Oilfield of CNPC, Xilinhaote 026017, China Abstract:In order to interpret the structural evolution and the genesis mechanism of structural dynamics in the Tuositai region on the south edge of Junggar Basin in Xinjiang, the authors have made the geologic field investigation and structure cross-ction measurement to the Tuositai region. They discover the complication of the structure in the Tuositai region and the co-existence of the folds, the faults and the unconformable surfaces. Both the Tuositai fault and Xiaomeiyaogou fault are normal faults, which constitute horst anticlines. But the intensity of the deformation of the faults is strong, and structural lenticular bodies and the belts of cleavage are expod. The phenomena reveal that the Tuositai region experienced multipha tectonic activities. In the early epoch (Yanshan movement), the structural-dynamical environment of the Tuositai region was extensional so as to form the horst anticlines. In t
he late epoch (Himalayan movement), the structural dynamic environment of the Tuositai region was compressional, in which the orientation of the tectonic stress field was mainly from south to north. Due to the, the structural lenticular bodies and tectonically strong deformed zones were formed. The discoveries establish a solid foundation for objectively interpreting the tectonic characteristics and ismic structural ction of this region.
Key words: south edge of Junggar Basin; Tuositai region; structural characteristics; extensional angle disconformity; horst
Analysis of ore-bearing potential in the boundary line of Sinian-Cambrian System in the Nanjiang area of Northeast Sichuan, China
PANG Yan-chun1, LIN Li1, MA Ye-qing2, HUANG Yong-huang3alienation
1.Institute of Sedimentary Geology, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China;
2.Gansu Industrial Vocational and Technical College, Tianshui 741025, China;
3.The 404 Geological Team, Sichuan Development Bureau of the Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration,
turnoverXichang 615000, China
if虚拟语气>ferry是什么意思Abstract:A ries of black shales appear at the bottom of Cambrian (Majialiang shale) in the Nanjiang area, Northeast Sichuan. The feature of the black shales is similar to that of Niutitang Formation of West Hunan and North Guizhou. They consist of the black carbonaceous shale and siltstone and are rich in laminar pyrite and pyrite concretion. The underlying stratum is Member 3 of Dengying Formation which is compod of microlite-dolomite with black-gray color. The surface of the dolomite has oil epages evidently. The ore-bearing potential, the lithologic characters and geochemistry are discusd. The quantitative analysis of the metallic elements indicates that in the area there is also the enrichment phenomenon of the nickel-molybdenum-vanadium, especially vanadium, at the bottom of Cambrian. The analysis of lithologic characters and organic carbon content indicates that the features of source rocks come from the third member of Dengying Form
ation to Majialiang shale. Compared with previous data, it can be summarized that in the area, there are metal-rich mineral layers at the bottom of the Cambrian and oil-generating potential from the third member of Dengying Formation to Majialiang shale. In addition, the metal enrichment and organic carbon content show a positive correlation. This indicates that the metal enrichment is relative to oil migration.
Key words: Sinian; Cambrian; black shale ries; ore-bearing potential; Nanjiang Sichuan
propo是什么意思新一轮盆地演化的开启。取自北羌塘中部胜利河地区英安岩SHRIMP 锆石U-Pb年龄为(217.1±4.9) Ma,北羌塘西部冈玛错地区辉绿岩角闪石的40Ar/39Ar坪年龄为(197±4) Ma。结合近年来在羌塘盆地东部以及西部地区获得的那底岗日组火山岩喷发年龄,表明羌塘盆地那底岗日组火山岩的喷发年龄为205~220 Ma,这一年龄也代表了羌塘中生代盆地的开启年龄。那底岗日组火山岩具有高的Nb/Zr(0.039~0.058),Ta/Hf(0.095~0.15)和Zr/Y(3.57~6.01)比值,在构造环境判别图(如Zr-Zr/Y和Th/Hf-Ta/Hf)上,那底岗日组火山岩大多位于板内玄武岩区。结合中生代盆地早期沉积演化特征,认为羌塘中生代盆地形成于伸展的构造环境。
Age and tectonic implications of the Late Triassic Nadi Kangri volcanic rocks in the Qiangtang basin, northern Tibet, China
FU Xiu-gen, WANG Jian, CHEN Wen-bin, FENG Xing-lei