邹检验matlab,请问如何⽤STATA做邹检验Test for a shift in regression coefficients (STB-17: sts7)
chow varlist [weight] [if exp] [in range] [, chow(sample-list)
noconstant current(varlist) detail exclude(varlist)
lags(#[,#[,...]]) prerve regress restrict(varlist)
nosample static(varlist) time(power) vartest
chow calculates the Chow and Farley-Hinich-McGuire tests for a shift
in regression coefficients
chow(sample-list) specifies the subsamples for the Chow test.
noconstant suppress the constant.
current(varlist) names the time ries variables who contemporaneous
values are to be included as regressors.
detail indicates that each subsample is to be tested parately.
exclude(varlist) excludes variables from the Chow test.学英语网
lags(#[,#[,...]) specifies the lags.
prerve prerves the original data t.
regress displays the Chow regression.
restrict(varlist) holds the coefficients of the variables in the
varlist constant across the subsamples.
nosample suppress the display of sample coverage information.
static(varlist) specifies the static variables.七年级下册
time(power) indicates the function of time to u for a Farley-
Hinich-McGuire test. Instead of a number, you also may specify
"exp", "ln", or "log".
vartest requests a test of the hypothesis that the error variance is日语能力考
equal across subsamples.
chow y x1 x2, chow(year>1975)
tests whether the coefficients of the regression of y on x1 and x2 change
after 1975.
chow gnp money, chow(year>1982) lags(4) restrict(gnp)
tests whether the coefficients on four lags of money change after 1982. Author
Sean Becketti
occupy的用法Stata Technical Bulletin
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STB: sts7 (STB-17)
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