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Improving the efficiency of drug u disorder screening in psychiatric ttings: validation of a
single-item screen.
hobby什么意思期刊名称: American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abu
作者: Hearon, Bridget A.,Pierce, Cay L., Bj?rgvinsson, Thr?stur,Fitzmaurice, Garrett M.,Greenfield, Shelly F.,Weiss, Roger D.,Busch, Alisa B.
decead年份: 2015年
期号: 第2期
guitarist>尝试的英文关键词: Asssment; co-occurring substance u disorders; dual diagnosis;
psychiatric treatment; questionnaire; screening
摘要:Background: Co-occurring drug u disorders are under-detected in psychiatrically ill populations highlighting the need for more efficient screening tools. Objectives: This study compares a
single-item screening tool, previously validated in a primary care tting, to the 10-item Drug Abu Screening Test (DAST-10) for identifying co-occurring drug u disorders among patients with vere psychiatric illness. Methods: A total of 395 patients attending a psychiatric partial hospital program completed both the single-item screen and DAST-10. A subsample of concutive patients (n = 67) was also administered the Structure Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-IV) as a diagnostic reference standard. Results: Concordance between screening measures was moderate ( = 0.4, p < 0.01). Sensitivity and specificity of the single-item screen time in a bottle