中国人的精神 the spirit of the Chine people Ku Hung-Ming
The harm which the physical forces of Nature can do to mankind, is nothing compared with the harm which human passions can do.
小学语文试题In fact, militarism is necessary in Europe today becau of the want of an effective moral force.
The gun that does need another gun, the law of love and justice alone can effect a clean revolution.
云用英语怎么说Where are the people of Europe to find this new effective moral force which will make militarism unnecessary?
I believe the people of Europe will find this new moral force in china, - in the Chine civilization. The moral force in the Chine civilization which can make militarism unnecessary is the Religion of Good Citizenship.
In china is an accident, whereas in Europe war has become a necessity.
Now in china becau we Chine have the religion of good citizenship, a man does not feel the need of using physical force to protect himlf.
But people will say to me how you are to make mankind recognize right and justice as a force higher than physical force.
The religion of good citizenship in china teaches every child as soon as he is able to understand the meaning of words, that the nature of man is good.
Don’t call back the priest, and for goodness’s sake don’t call in the mob,- but call in the Chinaman; call in the real Chinaman with his religion of good citizenship and his experience of 2500 years how to live in peace without priest and without soldier.
China today, it would em that the Chine type of humanity – the real Chinaman- is going to disappear and, in his peace, we are going to have a new type of humanity- the progressive or modern Chinaman.
I once read somewhere a statement made by a foreigner who had lived in both countries, that the longer a foreigner lives in japan the more he dislikes the Japane, whereas the longer a foreigner lives in china the more he likes the Chine. I don’t know if what is said of the Japane is true here. But, I think, all of you who have lived in china will agree with
广州学德语me that what is here said of the Chine is true. It is a well-known fact that the liking- you may call it the taste for the Chine- grows upon the foreigner the longer he lives in this country. There is indescribable something in the Chine people which, in spite of their want of habits of cleanliness and refinement, in spite of their many defects of mind and character, makes foreigners like them as foreigners like no other people.
The Chine people, I say, have the power of sympathy becau they live wholly a life of the heart- a life of emotion or human affection.
Let us next take another generally-admitted fact in the life of the Chine people-their politeness. The Chine people are, it has often been remarked, a peculiarly polite people. Now what is the esnce of true politeness? It is consideration for the feelings of others. The Chine are polite becau, living a life of the heart, they know their own feelings and that makes it easy for them to show consideration for the feelings of others.
那么,中国人,就连中国多数的老百姓,都没有感到对宗教的需求,如何解释这个特殊的事实呢?一个英国人给出了这样的解释。他是罗伯特 道格拉斯爵士,伦敦大学的汉语教授,他在对于儒家学说的研究中说:“四十多年代中国人都绝对的受一个人的权威断言的支配。依靠英文作为中国人中的一员,孔子的教导特别适合那些门徒的本性。正如孔子所阐明的那样,怀有对将来的朦胧观念和一种朴素的、cache是什么意思实事求是的道德体系,对中国人的所有需要来说就已经足够了。
Now what is the explanation of this extraordinary fact that the Chine people, even the mass of the population in china, do not feel the need of religion? It is thus given by an English-man. “Upwards of forty generations of Chinaman have been absolutely subjected to the dicta of one man. B意大利语发音eing a Chinaman of Chinamen the teachings of Confucius were specially suited to the nature of tho he taught.”
With the idea of a future life still unawakened, a plain, matter of fact system of morality, such as that enunciated by Confucius, was sufficient for all the wants of the Chine.
spaceMankind,it ems to me, feel the need of religion for the same reason that they feel the need of science, of art and of philosophy.