Abstract:the effect of English's popularity in China,I analysis how many people speak English and why English is popular from historical reason,economic factor and cultural factor .Then how does English affect on Chine life from fashion cycle,economy and education,religion and politics.Sum up that learning English is an trend that not becau America is pushing it, but becau the world is pulling it.
The Effect of English's Popularity in China
As we all know,English is widely ud in the world. Although English is not the language with the largest number of native or "first" language speakers, it has really become a lingua franca. Then, what is a lingua franca? The term refers to a language which is widely adopted for communication between two speakers who native languages are different from each other's, and where one or both speakers are using it as a "cond" language.For example, when an Indian talks to a Singaporean using English, then English is the lingua franca.
Actually,how many people speak in English in the world?Form study abaord news,it points that there are about 3.75 billion people speak English as native language or first language and also 3.75 billion people u English as cond language.At the same time,famous airplane companies and top commerces usually u English as lingua franca.It is more than 80% information wrote in English,and about two third scientists can read news in English in
failedthe world.And it is estimated that in 2 billion internet urs has 36% people communicate with each other in English.It is said there are 75 countries take English as official language or as an important language.Of cour,not mention tho countries speaking English,countries which do not speak English u English for reference.For example,P ikunikky in Japane draw lesson from P icnic.Czechish people say hello u Czechish language Ahoy ,which is ud in England sailors ,but Czech does not have acoast any more.
最好听的英文名字Then we may ask a question:how did English get there? T hat is, how did English gain the prent status of popularity? There are, in fact, a number of interlocking reasons for the popularity of English as a lingua franca. Many of the reasons are historical, but they also include economic and cultural factors that have influenced and sustained the spread of the language. Let's go through the reasons one by one.
First is the historical reason.This is related to the colonial.As we know,the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the Massachutts coast in 1620 after they journey from England,they bought with them not just a t of religious beliefs,a pioneering spirit or a desire for colonization,but also their language.Although many years later Americans broke away from their colonial master,the language of English remained and still does.It was the same in Australia,too. When Commander Philip planted the
British flag in Sydney Cove on 26th Jan. 1788. it was not just a bunch of British convicts and their guardians, but also a language.
As the other reasons ,they may refer to the spread of commerce throughout the world. The spread of international commerce has taken English along with it. This is the 20th century phenomenon of globalization. Thirdly, it is the boom in international travel that result in the popular u of English in the world. Fourthly, it is popular culture. In the Western World at least English is a dominating language in the popular culture. Like pop music, oscar movie, fashion in cloth, and so on. Above up, tho are some of the reasons or factors that lie behind the popular u of English as the number one world language.heaven
So ,how does English affect on Chine language?李阳发音宝典
Actually we may learn English not so long like Hindus, but it has a great effect on our fashion cycle. When it is a hot to pursuit English , we must focus more on Western culture. It is easy to cite who is the 29th president and who is the vice-president. Of cour ,we are also familiar with Lady Gaga, and Justin Bieber ,who are the hot super stars,not mention the ipad and iphone. That is ,I mean we youngster will have a value that the good from Western is great. Teenagers around me have the thou
ght that USA,UK,AUS tho developed countries are great, just for an industrial city or country is one in which industry is important or highly developed.Then they are in the
paradisiac lives.It owes to the media’s propagation, but also is the perfect dream of people.People is an special creation which always believe the brightness.Like Beatle mania in 20 centure : hysterical teenagers, crying, screaming, pandemonium. Sports mania: deafening crowds, all for one idea -- get the ball in the net. Okay, religious mania: there's rapture, there's weeping, there's visions. Manias can be good. Manias can be alarming. Or manias can be deadly. And in the 21 centure, the world has a new mania. A mania for learning English.We touch different culture,but only English has the widest effect on our daily lives,in fashion cycle,magazine,USA soap opera,pop music and so on.This is English's effect in China on teenage fashion .
Talking about the economy,it is easy to bethink of the global economy.Yes,economic globality is the primary factor that results in the crazy of learning English.So many people who will be social elites that have to master English.Inevitably,many English train organizations spring up like grass in spring.Along with the mania,people have to exam various examinations on English to prove their ability.What is more,people try their best to study abord or attend to various summer camp of English for the sake of improving their English. It is reported in uschinapress that students from Chine mai
nland go abord to study increa dramatically in the last
year pulling up about 44 billion dollar consume,not included the students from Hongkong,Taiwan,Macao.Of cour,the chain of economy also refers to the educational advisory rvice.A large number of consultation companies from USA explore the market of China,and they work together with Chine schools tting up class of abroad in big city of China.And the number of students who attend SAT(Scholastic Asssment Test),IEL TS(International English Language Testing System),TOEFL(The T est of English as a Foreign Language) and so forth increa by a wide margin that it is a trend that the age of students go abroad have been lowering.The data from Federal Ministry of Commerce shows that foreign students pay to American universities only for the fee up to 143 billion dollar in the financial year.If consist of all kinds of incidental expens,the fee that students abroad contribute to American economy may reach to 202 billion dollar.Actually,not only foreign universities benefits from Chine students ,but also rvice organization of universities. Nowadays ,the profession of consults has been an mature profession, and they have put eyes on Chine students as new wealth resource.Usually,they ask for 100 thousand RMB for applied students of graduate students and half of them are Chine students.Other than the education,we can refer to the culture industry.For instance,Disney ,they benefits not only movie industry and other soap operas which occupy 30% of the whole interest,and 20% of