奥斯卡颁奖典礼开场白 金鸡奖
Thank you very much.Thank you.Thank you all very much.I'm,I'm so excited to be here.Good evening everybody,ladies,gentlemen,er,Felicity.I'm Jon Stewart and welcome to the 78th Annual Academy Awards.Er,an exciting night,an exciting night.
Tonight is the night we celebrate excellence1 in film with me the 4th male lead from"Death to Smoochy"rent it.And right now around the world we are being watched by hundreds of millions of people,nearly half of whom are in the process of being adopted by Angenina Jolie.I'm wait listed.It's good stuff.笔友的英文
It is incred,I have to say,it's a little shocking to e all the big names here,the huge stars.The Oscar is really,I guess,the one night of the year where you could e all your favorite stars without having to donate any money to the Democratic Party,and it's exciting for the stars as well.This is er,the first time many of you have ever voted for a winner.Oh,it's good.You enjoy,enjoy your votes.The theme of the award show tonight is a return to glamour2 and thank goodness becau for too long Hollywood has done without.
Definitely this is an improvement over last year's theme'night of a thousand sweat pants.'Let's face facts.It hasn't been the best year for Hollywood.The box office was,ermmmm,a little bit,down,and piracy3 continues to be a problem.So let me just say that if there is anyone out there involved in an illegal movie piracy.Don't do it.Take a good look at the people,the are the people you are stealing from,Look at them!!Face what you've done.There are women here who can barely afford enough gown to cover their breasts.
There are a lot really big stars here tonight.It's really exciting.We've got the man Mr.George Clooney,triple nominee4.No,Stop it!Stop it!It's you.It's a,it's a terrific night.Two of the nominations6 for"Good Night and Good Luck",which is not just Edward R.Murrow's sign-off.It's also how Mr.Clooney ends all his dates.Now,I kid becau I envy.The cast of Capote,is also with us,a tremendous film,ground-breaking,No!I applaud you.I applaud you.Capote was a ground-breaking film that broke taboos7 that showed America not all gay people are virile8 cowboys.Some are actually effete9 New York intellectuals.It's true.Capote,of cour,addresd very similar themes to"Good Night and Good Luck".Bot
h films are about determined10 journalists,defying obstacles in a relentless11 pursuit of the truth.Needless to say both are period pieces.
全球大学排行榜There is also,cartoon drama,farth,I say,farth,I demand satisfaction.All right,Steve Spielberg is here?Sir,a pleasure.We've never met.A Best Director nomination5 for Munich,a tremendous film and I congratulate you,Sir.From the man who also gave us Schindler's List.Schindler's List and Munich,I think I speak for all Jews when I say"I can't wait to e what happens to us next.Trilogy!
Yeah,I do have some sad news to report,er,Bjork,couldn't be here tonight.She was trying on her Oscar dress and Dick Cheney shot her.Um,glad you hear it.Charlize Theron is here nominated for North Country,a tremendous performance.I congratulate you as well.Have you ever en the film,it's,it's,it's really wonderful.Er,she plays a woman who is constantly judged on her looks and paid less than her male co-workers.It must be wonderful to be done with that and back here in Hollywood.trours>西海岸是什么意思
ashamedI think,er,first time nominee Matt Dillon is joining us,er,a wonderful career.I have enjoyed
pogorhis work for many many years.I wanted to be him for many many years.He was in Crash,his co-star Sandra Bullock,er,right next to him.Also in Crash Terrence Howard is here.Don Cheadle,Brendan Frar,er,Ryan Phillipe also from Crash.You,you know what,actually,you know what would be easier?Rai your hand if you were not in Crash!But all the films this year,er,that have been nominated are,are excellent films.They deal with racism12,corruption13,terrorism,and censorship.It's why we go to the movies,to escape!
disappointed翻译I'll tell you the movies that do very well,they're remaked.King Kong,they made that a couple of times,and this time,smash hit.War of the Worlds,remake,tremendous.Walk the line,er,it's Ray,with white people,remakes See,Jimmie,I know.But I have to say I'm from New York and I've been out here a week and I have had a great time.I really mean that.And um,a lot of people say that this town is too liberal,out of touch with mainstream14 America,an atheistic15 pleasure dome16,a modern day beachfront stardom and camauro.A moral black hole where innocence17 is obliterated18 in an endless orgy of xual gratification and greed.I don't really have a joke here,I er,I just tho
ught you should know a lot of people are saying that.Well,I have been to the parties,there you go.Now you are talking!
Obviously one last thing I want to mention,the elephant in the room.Er,the movie that everybody was talking about this year,of cour we are talking about Brokeback Mountain.Er,I have no problems with gay themes.Um,there were a lot of them this year,let's face facts,I mean for god's sakes,the boxing movie was called Cinderella Man,I mean,there is a lot gay themes.I just felt the Brokeback tarnishes19 the noble western tradition,rugged20 men,who reprent the heteroxual ideal.Um,I'm sorry I just feel like there is nothing remotely gay about the classic Hollywood westerns.
Mind if I look at you Winchester?
It's real pretty.
Nice,awful nice.
Suppo if I tangle21 with him I'll have to take you all on too.
Oh,I'll have you spread eagle on a wagon22 wheel.
But remember whatever happens,this is strictly23 between you and me,and the hor.Right?