J L N .
A bustling lifestyle enclave comprising bistros, cafes, local coffee shops, clubs and pubs, restaurants, handicraft and cultural stores, clothing shops, hotels and much more!
CHEONG FATT TZE MANSION The ‘Blue Mansion’, former home of tycoon Cheong Fatt Tze, is a famous location to film movies and television ries. Guided tours are available daily at 11am and 3pm.
Named after Sir Henry Gurney, a High Commissioner of Malaya, this afront promenade is famous for its open air hawker court and Gurney Plaza, an upscale mall with international boutiques.
The temple, founded in 1866, is dedicated to the patron saint of afarers, the goddess Mar Chor. The prent building was built in 1895, restored in 1995. Visiting hours are from 8am - 8pm daily.
KOMTAR B u i l t i n 1978,Ko m p l e k s Tu n A b d u l R a z a k (K O M TA R ) i s Penang’s tallest building, rising 65storeys. Named after the late Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak bin Husin,the complex is a shopping mall,business hub and the home to the Penang’s State Government.
Campbell Street is well known for its traditional Chine medicinal shops, Indian boutiques and other stores lling merchandi. The famous Campbell Street Market, built in 1900, is where you could procure fresh fruits, afood and meats.
The mosque was founded in 1803. It was built on land granted by the East India Company.
999Civil Defence (Voluntary Rescue)999
Tourist Police Station 04-899 3222Customs Department 04-262 2300Ferry Service
04-310 2364General Post Office
04-261 9220Government Information Centre 04-228 6687Immigration Department
04-250 3410Bayan Lepas International Airport 04-643 4411Penang Port Commission
04-263 3211Railway - Penang Booking Office 04-261 0290 - Butterworth (Station)04-323 7962 - Penang Hill Railway 04-828 3263
Tourism Malaysia Hotline
Tourism Malaysia Information Centre 04-261 0058 / 04-262 0066Weekdays: 8am – 5pm
Penang Tourism (Penang Global Tourism Sdn Bhd)
04-634 0111
环太平洋bgmFor enquiries, call Kopel
04-250 5502
(Koperasi Pelancongan Pulau Pinang Bhd)INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES Alliance Francai 04-227 6008British Council
04-263 0330Malaysian German Society
04-226 0734The Penang Japane Association 04-229 3257YMCA 04-228 8211YWCA
04-828 1855
Alliance Francai French Library 04-227 6008Sunday & Monday: Clo Malaysian German Society
04-226 0734Penang Chine Town Hall Library 04-262 8939Penang Georgetown Library
04-229 3555
Wednesday-Sunday: 9.45am – 6pm FOREIGN MISSIONS Austria
04-656 8525Bangladesh 04-262 1085Britain 04-227 5336Canada 04-389 3300Denmark 04-262 4886Finland 04-229 4300France 04-642 2611Germany 04-647 1288Hungary 04-644 9937Indonesia 04-227 4686Japan
04-226 3030Netherlands 04-647 3310Norway 04-226 3905Russia
04-229 0127Sweden & Norway 04-226 3459Thailand
04-226 8029HOSPITALS General Hospital
04-222 5333Gleneagles Medical Centre 04-227 6111Pantai Mutiara 04-643 3888Island Hospital
04-228 8222Hospital Seberang Jaya 04-382 7333Lam Wah Ee Hospital
04-657 1888Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital 04-890 7044Penang Adventist Hospital 04-222 7200Tanjung Medical Centre
04-226 2323Loh Guan Lye Specialist Centre 04-238 8888Bagan Specialist Centre
04-332 2800
W here to S tay
BEACH HOTELS & RESORTS Paradi Sandy Beach Resort Tel: 04-899 9999 Fax: 04-899 0000The Bayview Beach Resort Tel: 04-881 2123 Fax: 04-881 2140Copthorne Orchid Penang
Tel: 04-890 3333 Fax: 04-892 3303Toll Free: 1 800 88 8829
Lone Pine Hotel
Tel: 04-881 1511 Fax: 04-881 1282Golden Sands Resort Tel: 04-886 1911 Fax: 04-881 1880Hydro Majestic Hotel
Tel: 04-890 5999 Fax: 04-890 5100Tanjung Bungah Beach Hotel Tel: 04-890 8808 Fax: 04-890 8333Flamingo By The Beach Penang Tel: 04-890 4111 Fax: 04-890 4777Holiday Inn
Tel: 04-881 1601 Fax: 04-881 1389Parkroyal Penang Tel: 04-881 1133 Fax: 04-881 2233Jerejak Resort & SPA Tel: 04-658 7111 Fax: 04-657 9221Naza Talyya Penang
Tel: 04-890 9300 Fax: 04-890 8600Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort & SPA Tel: 04-888 8888 Fax: 04-881 1800Hard Rock Hotel Penang
Tel: 04-881 1711 Fax: 04-881 2155
babysisterBerjaya Georgetown Hotel Tel: 04-227 7111 Fax: 04-226 7111Cititel Penang
how do you e
Tel: 04-370 1188 Fax: 04-370 2288Bayview Hotel Georgetown Tel: 04-263 3161 Fax: 04-263 4124Eastin Hotel Penang Tel: 04-612 1111 Fax: 04-612 1199Evergreen Laurel Hotel Tel: 04-226 9988 Fax: 04-226 9989Hotel Grand Continental
Tel: 04-263 6688 Fax: 04-263 0299Summit Hotel Bukit Mertajam Tel: 04-538 6666 Fax: 04-538 6222Hotel Malaysia
Tel: 04-263 3311 Fax: 04-263 1621Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion Tel: 04-262 0006 Fax: 04-262 5289Continental Hotel Tel: 04-263 6388 Fax: 04-263 8718Pearl View Hotel Tel: 04-398 9888 Fax: 04-399 9810Hotel Royal Tel: 04-226 7888 Fax: 04-226 6615Vistana Hotel
Tel: 04-646 8000 Fax: 04-646 8343Eastern & Oriental Hotel Tel: 04-222 2000 Fax: 04-261 6333Sunway Hotel Georgetown Tel: 04-229 9988 Fax: 04-228 8899Hotel Equatorial Tel: 04-643 8111 Fax: 04-644 8000Seri Malaysia
Tel: 04-642 9452 Fax: 04-642 9461The Gurney Resort Hotel & Residences Tel: 04-370 7000 Fax: 04-370 5000The Northam All Suite Penang Tel: 04-370 1111 Fax: 04-370 2222Oriental Hotel Penang Tel: 04-263 4211 Fax: 04-263 5395Traders Hotel Penang
Tel: 04-262 2622 Fax: 04-262 6526Sunway Hotel, Seberang Jaya Tel: 04-370 7788 Fax: 04-370 0555G-Hotel Tel: 04-238 0000 Fax: 04-238 0088YMCA Tel: 04-228 8211 Fax: 04-239 5869YWCA
Tel: 04-828 1855 Fax: 04-828 1855The Merchant Hotel Tel: 04-263 2828 Fax: 04-262 5511Goodhope Inn Tel: 04-229 0111 Fax: 04-229 0333Waterfall Hotel
Tel: 04-229 5588 Fax: 04-227 55881926 Heritage Hotel Tel: 04-228 1926 Fax: 04-229 1926Tune Hotel Penang
Tel: 04-227 5807 Fax: 04-227 5806Hotel Seri Malaysia, Kepala Batas Tel: 04-575 6700 Fax: 04-575 0630Red Rock Hotel
Tel: 04-226 6060 Fax: 04-226 5959Grand Paradis Hotel Penang Tel: 04-226 0084 Fax: 04-226 8155
Tel: 04-644 4000Bayu Emas Apartments
Tel: 04-881 2641
Century Bay Service Apartment Tel: 04-659 1515 Fax: 04-659 5115Golden View Service Apartments Tel: 04-899 1177 Fax: 04-899 3377Krystal Suites Penang
Tel: 04-613 3333 Fax: 04-613 3332Sri Sayang Resort Service Apartment Tel: 04-881 1113 Fax: 04-881 1250Stallions Apartments
Tel: 04-656 0118 Fax: 04-656 0063
B us I nformation
Explore Penang by Rapid Penang
•Kapitan Keling Mosque •Kek Lok Si Temple •Little India •Wat Chayamangkalaram •Khoo Kongsi •Snake Temple •War Muum •Muum & Art Gallery •P. Ramlee’s Hou •Fort Cornwallis •Toy Muum •Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion •Forestry Muum •Tropical Fruit Farm •Tropical Spice Garden •Prangin Mall •Gurney Plaza •Island Plaza •Queensbay Mall •Penang Hill •Tanjong City Marina •Jerej
ak Island •Chowrasta Market •Gurney Drive Hawker Centre •Lorong Kulit Flea Market •Penang Botanic Gardens •
Floating Mosque Bus Number(s):
T10 / U301 / U302 / U401U201 / U203 / U204 / U502 / U306U201 / U202 / U203 / U101 / U103 / 11U101 / U104 / 103U301 / U302 / 10 / U401T305 / U401 / 401E U302 / T305U103 / U204 / 10U206U103 / U204 / 10U101 / U103 / U104U103 / U204 / 10T501T501U101All Bus U103U101 / U103 / U104T308 / T304 / U705 / U401E / U307U204All Bus U307 / U401E U201 / U202 / U203 / U204 / U101 / U103 / 10 / 11U103 / T304U201 / U202 / U203 / U204 / 502 / 304 / 10U102U101
For more information about Rapid Penang ’s bus routes, plea contact the company.
T el: 604-228 8991 website:
*Information is correct at time of printing.
Plea check website for more up-to-date bus routes.
City Radio Taxi Service 04-229 9467Super Radio taxi Service 04-281 8766Penang Taxi Drivers Association 04-262 5721Aswan Taxi 04-210 8211
Note: Most Penang Taxi do not u meters. It is best to negotiate the price before getting into the taxi U ful I nformation
•Visitors must posss a national passport or other internationally recognid travel documents such as Certificates of Identity and Emergency Certificates of Affidavits. For further information, visit:v.my .
•Malaysian laws provide the death penalty for drug trafficking . Other prohibited items include pornography, flick knives, broadcast receivers, goods from Israel and dangerous animals. For more information, visit: v.my .
Look out for the symbols for free WIFI access.AIRLINES
Malaysia Airlines 1 300 88 3000
Air Asia Sdn Bhd 03-2171 9333 / 2171 9222Fire Fly
03-7845 4543 / 04-250 2000Singapore Airlines Limited 04-226 3201Cathay Pacific Airways 04-226 0411Emirates
03-2058 5888Thai Airways International 04-226 6000
China Airlines Limited
04-228 6227 / 643 1298China Southern Airlines Co. Limited 04-227 8878 / 227 8177Xiamen Airlines 03-2166 8222Garuda
03-2162 2811
Air Mauritius 03-2142 9161 / 04-263 1100Lion Airlines
04-641 5144 / 642 6703Jentayu Airlines Sdn Bhd 04-645 5106Korean Airlines
04-644 2099TELEPHONIST ASSISTANCE & EMERGENCIES Information and General Enquiries 102Directory Service 103Telegram Service
104International Assisted Service 108Multilingual International Service
Police and Ambulance / when using mobile phone
999 / 112
Free Penang Traveller’s Map
F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n :
P e n a n g S t a t e T o u r i s m G o v e r n m e n t
a n d C u l t u r e O f f i c e
L e v e l 53, K o m p l e k s T u n A b d u l R a z a k (K O M T A R ),
10503 P e n a n g , M a l a y s i a .T e l : 604 - 261 9012 o r 650 5136
F a x : 604 - 261 8744
W e b s i t e : w w w .v i s i t p e n a n g .g o v .m y E m a i l : i n f o @v i s i t p e n a n g .g o v .m y
A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S :
W e w o u l d l i k e t o t h a n k t h e s t u d e n t s o f E q u a t o r A c a d e m y o f A r t s , P e n a n g f o r t h e i r p h o t o g r a p h i c
c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n .
* A l l i n f o r m a t i o n a r e c o r r e c t a t t h e t i m e o f p r i n t i n g a n d a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e s
fiona fung
w w w .v i s i t p e n a n g .g o v .m y
Behold the rare enchanting sight of fireflies along the Sungai Kerian riverbank with a morning or sunt crui. Other exotic activities you could try are octopus catching, bat cave exploration and visiting Penang’s largest a fish cage farm.For more information about the packages, plea visit:
A visiting priest, Fr. Adolphe Couellan,built a small chapel in 1846. A larger church was built in 2002 to accommodate the annually growing number of pilgrims.The church is named after St Anne,mother of the Blesd Virgin Mary. Every year, St Anne’s Feast in July is celebrated grandly. It is usually followed by two nights of candle light procession and vigil.
The dam was completed in 1984, taking two years for construction. It was officially opened in 1985. Mengkuang Dam is notably larger than the Air Itam Dam with a storage capacity ten times greater than Air Itam. It was the former venue for the Penang International Dragon Boat Festival.
Located 457 metres above a level, the Recreational Forest is home to many mainland indigenous trees and flora and fauna. Take a fascinating hike through 37 hectares of sprawling rainforest.Chalets are available for tho who are interested to stay.
Tel: 04-650 5250 / 650 5251 (State Forestry Department)
Opened in 1963, the 8-hectare park is located in the southern part of Seberang Perai. It is a popular camping site under a canopy of indigenous trees and plants.The bat caves are a major tourist attraction. Chalets are available for tho who are interested to stay.
Tel: 04-650 5250 / 650 5251 (State Forestry Department)
Auto-City is one of Penang’s most prominent lifestyle venues. Opened in 2003, it is a massive automobile show arena for prestigious carmakers. With its vast array of restaurants and regular festivals and events, the City is a hotspot for leisure and entertainment.
Tel: 04-501 1222
Completed in 2007, the Batu Musang Jetty was built to improve the means of transportation of the local residents of Pulau Aman and neighbouring Pulau Gedung to and from the mainland.Conceptually designed to blend with the surrounding flora and fauna the jetty is equipped with food and drink stalls, toilets,waiting hall and also spacious parking lots. Surrounded by untouched lush greenery, the jetty has been a favourite spot amongst the locals for camping,picnics and fishing activities.
For ‘water taxi’ rvices to Pulau Aman from the Batu Musang Jetty, plea contact Mr Haji Yaakob 019-409 0945
First built in 1971, this temple has gone through various makeovers over the years and is now one of the biggest temples in Butterworth. The temple is dedicated to the worship of the Nine Emperor Gods.On the 9th Month of the Chine Lunar Month, the Nine Emperor Gods Festival will be held for duration of 9 days. During the festival, rituals such as skewering of a 9m spear between the mouth and fire walking are carried out.
The RM1.2 million bird park is home to more than 300 species of birds from around the world. Conceived as a garden oasis, the five-acre park is filled with waterfalls, natural ponds and a rich diversity of flora and fauna. Within this beautiful environment are two walk-in aviaries, two geodesic domes and cages.Y ou can also e free-roaming pelicans,flamingos, swans, storks, mandarin ducks and other kinds of birds.
Opening hours: 9.00am - 6.30pm
Tel: 604-399 1899 Fax: 604-399 1899