7.1 复习笔记
1. Phonological Change
2. Morphological and syntactic change
3. Lexical and mantic change
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I. Definition of historical linguistics
II. Phonological Change
III. Morphological and syntactic change
1. Addition of affixes
2. Loss of affixes
3. Chang of word order
4. Chang in negation rule
IV. Lexical and mantic change
1. Addition of new words
(1) Coinage
(2) Clipped words
(3) Blending
(4) Acronyms
(5) Back-formation
(6) Functional shift
(7) Borrowing
2. Loss of words
3. Semantic Changes
(1) Semantic broadening
(2) Semantic Narrowing
(3) Semantic shift
V. Some recent trends
1. Moving towards greater informality
2. The influence of American English
3. The influence of science and technology
(1) Space travel
(2) Computer and internet language
(3) Ecology
VI. Caus of language change
I. Definition of historical linguistics(历史语⾔学的定义)
Historical linguistics, as a branch of linguistics, is mainly concerned with both the description and explanation of language changes that occurred over time.
II. Phonological Change(⾳系变化)
Sound changes tend to be systematic; it is possible to e a regular pattern of pronunciation changes throughout the history of the English language.
III. Morphological and syntactic change(形态和句法变化)
1. Addition of affixes(前缀的增加)
In English many affixes are borrowed, e. g. the suffix –ment in French. Besides, some lexical forms became grammaticalized over time. In the ca where two words are frequently adjacent, over time they can become fud to form a single unit. Fusion refers to the type o gammaticalization in which words develop into affixes.
2. Loss of affixes(词缀的消失)
Some affixes simply fade out of u for no apparent reasons. Some loss van be explained via sound changes. Many of earlier ca and gender markings are obliterated.
3. Change of word order(词序的变化)
Since ca markings are lost during the Middle English period, fixed
subject-object-verb order became the means of grammatical relation marking.
4. Change in negation rule(否定规则的变化)
As late as the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,one could merely add not at the end of an affirmative ntence to negate it, as in:大学生英语竞赛成绩查询
I love thee not.
He saw you not.
广州公务员培训In modern English, not must precede the main verb, and ado, marked for the proper ten, must be inrted:
I love you. —l do not love you
He saw you—He did not e you.
直到15世纪和16 世纪,⼈们还可以在⼀个肯定句句尾加⼀个not来否定它,如:
I love thee not.
He saw you not.
I love you. — I do not love you.
He saw you. — He did not e you.
IV. Lexical and mantic change(词汇和语义变化)
1. Addition of new words(新词的增加)
翻译文章(1) Coinage/invention(创新词)
A new word can be coined outright to fit some purpo, e. g. Walkman, Kodak, Xerox, Ford.
(2) Clipped words(缩略词)
Clipping refers to the abbreviation of longer words or phras, e. g.
(3) Blending(紧缩法)
bridesA blend is a word formed by combining parts of other words, e. g.
(4) Acronyms(⾸字母缩略法)
Acronyms are words derived from the initials of veral words. e. g.
CBS—Columbia Broadcasting System
ISBN—International Standard Book Number
IT—information technology
(5) Back-formation(逆构词法)
New words may be coined from already existing words by “subtracting” an affix thought to be part of the old word. Such words are thus called back. Formation, e. g. to edit(derived from editor on the mistaken assumption that or was the agentive suffix); to hawk(derived from hawker).
新词也可以通过"去掉"⼀个被认为是旧词的⼀部分的词缀⽽被创造出来。这些词因⽽被称为逆构词。如:to edit (从editor得出的⼀个错误的设想,认为"or"是⼀个施事后缀);to hawk (由hawker 得出)。
(6) Functional shift(功能转换法)
Words may shift from one part of speech to another without the addition of affixes, e. g., noun—verb: to knee, to bug, to tap e.