Introduction to Organic Chemistry
1. Sources of Organic Compounds
The major sources of organic chemicals are coal, petroleum, and agricultural products. Both coal and petroleum were formed through the geologic process of changing animal and plant remains into carbon-containing residues. About one-third of all organic chemicals are derived from coal and about one-half from the petroleum industry
2. The Methods and Objectives of Organic Chemistry
Becau of the tremendous number of organic compounds known, and of the many more being synthesized daily, the study of organic chemistry is not the study of individual compounds, it is the study of groups or families of compounds all cloly related to each other. Obviously, the former approach would be prohibitive[prE5hibitiv]. Once the structural relationships of certain typical members of a particular group or family of compounds are understood, the structural features are understood for any one of the many members of the family, even though some may not be known compounds.
For each group or family of compounds often called homologous ries of compounds, structural features are important. In studying organic chemistry, it is not enough to know the identities of the elements and how many atoms of each element are prent in a give
n molecule. More importantly, the order in which the atoms are linked together to form the molecule must also be known. Once the identities of the elements and the number of atoms prent in each of the elements have been established, structural studies are quite important. They require considerable effort and ingenuity[独创] on the part of the organic chemist.
Another important pha of the study of organic chemistry is communication, or exchange of information, among organic chemists.
emba课程This requires the acquisition of adequate vocabulary and terminology so that any one of the more than a million known compounds, or any one of the yet unsynthesized compounds, can be discusd intelligently on an individual basis.
kotiThis requires a highly systematized method of naming organic compounds.
This science of nomenclature[命名] has received considerable attention during the development of organic chemistry, and it will constitute a cond important topic for consideration in connection with each homologous ries of compounds to be studied.htm
A third important topic for consideration in connection with each homologous ries of compounds is procurement[获得]. Many organic compounds, as pointed out earlier, are naturally occurring. Many others, however, are not found in nature,and must be synthesized or prepared from compounds which can be obtained from natural sources. T
he term "synthesis" means building up of a molecule from smaller units. It is more often ud, however, to mean the chemical process of changing or converting an available compound into the desired compound, either in the laboratory or on a larger scale, as in a manufacturing plant. This general topic can be described as "Methods of Synthesis"
第三个该考虑的主题是同系物的采购。就如 前面指出的,许多有机化合物在自然界中存在。但是,更多的是大自然中找不到的,必须由可以从自然资源中获得的化合物合成或配制的。这个合成的意思是从一个更小的单位构成一个分子。这个更多的是用来形容改变或转换一个可得到的化合物变成(人们)希望得到的化合物的化学反应,无论是在实验室或是在更大的范围,如在制造厂。这个主题可被描述成为“合成方法”。
3. Identification of Unknown Organic Compounds
The chemistry of biological systems is very complicated and the organic compounds prent are numerous and constitute complex mixtures. Conquently,isolation of a pure chemical species from any one of the major sources of organic matter requires elaborate[详细描述] and painstaking[辛勤的] isolation procedures.
Therefore, a major portion of the effort of organic chemists over the years has been devoted to improving methods for isolation and purification of organic compounds.
In summary, the following four steps are required in order to completely identify any organic compound isolated for the first time from a natural source or produced for the first time in the laboratory:
(1)Isolation of the compound from the mixture of organic or inorganic compounds among which it may be found,followed by application of appropriate criteria of purity.
四级什么时候出成绩(2)Establishment of its empirical and molecular formulas by u of appropriate methods of qualitative analysis,quantitative analysis,and molecular weight determination
(3)Proposal of a structural formula physical examination of the compound.as the result
of appropriate chemical and
(4)Synthesis of the compound by an unambiguous method as confirmation of the propod structural formula.