Characterization of the myeloid-derived suppressor cell subt regulated by NK cells in malignant
期刊名称: Oncoimmunology
作者: Sato, Yusuke,Shimizu, Kanako,Shinga, Jun,Hidaka, Michihiro,Kawano,
感恩节用英文怎么说Fumio,Kakimi, Kazuhiro,Yamasaki, Satoru,Asakura, Miki,Fujii, Shin-ichiro在线词典翻译
年份: 2015年
期号: 第3期lrx
关键词: IL-10; immunoregulation; malignant lymphoma; MDSC; NK cells
2021四六级考试时间公布摘要:Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are a heterogeneous population with the ability to suppress immune respons and are currently classified into three distinct MDSC subts: monocytic, granulocytic and non-monocytic, and non-granulocytic MDSCs. Although NK cells provide an important
first-line defen against newly transformed cancer cells, it is unknown whether NK cells can regulate MDSC populations in the context of cancer. In this study, we initially found that the frequency of MDSCs in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) patients was incread and inverly correlated with that of NK cells, but not that
好听的欧美歌曲of T cells. To investigate the regulation of MDSC subts by NK cells, we ud an
EL4 murine lymphoma model and found the non-monocytic and non-granulocytic MDSC subt, i.e., Gr1+CD11b+Ly6GmedLy6Cmed MDSC, is incread after