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National Measurement Guidelines 1999 as amended广告平面设计师
made under ction 7B of the
National Measurement Act 1960
This compilation was prepared on 30 July 2009
taking into account amendments up to National Measurement Amendment Guidelines 2009 (No. 1)
agency是什么意思Prepared by the Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing,
Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra
socks是什么意思Page Contents
Reader’s guide    3
1Name of guidelines [e Note 1] 4
2Commencement [e Note 1] 4
3Objects 4
4Definitions 4
5Physical quantities 4
6Combining Australian legal units of measurement 5
7Combining Australian legal unit of measurement and prescribed
SI prefix 5 8Australian legal units of measurement that must not be
combined with prefixes 6 9Australian legal units of measurement that may only be
combined with prefixes that form multiples of the unit 6 10Combination of a prescribed SI prefix with a combination of
Australian legal units of measurement 6 11Expression of Australian legal units of measurement 7
Notes  9 2 National Measurement Guidelines 1999
Reader’s guide
National Measurement Guidelines 1999
wruReader’s guide
Aim of the guide
The aim of this guide is to help you to understand the National Measurement Guidelines 1999 (the guidelines ). However, the guide is not part of the guidelines and has no legal force.
The guidelines are made under the National Measurements Act 1960 (the  Act ).
The Act and the National Measurement Regulations 1999 (the regulations ) prescribe the SI ba, supplementary and certain derived, Australian legal units of measurement for specified physical quantities. They also prescribe certain additional, non-SI, legal units of measurement that may be ud for particular purpos. The purpo of the guidelines is to supplement tho provisions. As additional physical quantities need to be covered, Guideline 5 will be amended as required.
Australian legal units of measurement
The guidelines t out how to form Australian legal units of measurement for physical quantities from the Australian legal units of measurement prescribed by the regulations.
Subction 3 (1) of the Act defines Australian legal units of measurement as: (a)    a unit of measurement prescribed for the purpos of subction 7A (1); or
(b)    a unit of measurement derived by the application of guidelines issued by the
Chief Metrologist under subction 7B (1), or 2 or more successive applications of tho guidelines. Sections 7 and 7A of the Act provide that the Australian legal units of measurement of a physical quantity are the sole legal units of measurement of that physical quantity and may be prescribed by the regulations. The regulations contain the following schedules: • Schedule 1, Part 1 — SI ba units of measurement
• Schedule 1, Part 2 — SI derived units of measurement with special names • Schedule 1, Part 3 — non-SI units of measurement ud with SI units of measurement • Schedule 1, Part 4 — additional derived units of measurement • Schedule 2, Part 1 — additional Australian legal units of measurement
• Schedule 2, Part 2 — purpos for which additional legal units of measurement may be ud • Schedule 3 — SI prefixes that may be combined with Australian legal units of measurement for specifying numerical values.
Section 1
National Measurement Guidelines 1999
1 Name of guidelines [e Note 1]
The guidelines are the National Measurement Guidelines 1999.
2 Commencement [e Note 1]
The guidelines commence on the date of commencement of Schedule 1 to
地点英语the National Measurement Amendment (Utility Meters) Act 1999.
3 Objects  The guidelines govern the way in which Australian legal units of measurement may be combined:
(a) to produce an Australian legal unit of measurement; and
(b) with prefixes to produce Australian legal units of measurement.
Note    The guidelines are a disallowable instrument: e Act, subs 7B (2).
4 Definitions
In the guidelines:
product symbol  means a symbol ud to indicate the product of 2 or more Australian legal units of measurement.
regulations  means the National Measurement Regulations 1999. SI prefix  means a prefix mentioned in Schedule 3 of the regulations.
5 Physical quantities  Australian legal units of measurement may be formed only for the following
physical quantities:
• absorbed do, absorbed do index, kerma and specific energy imparted (ionising radiation)
• absorbed do rate
(ionising radiation)
saola• acceleration  • activity of radioactive nuclides
• amount of substance
fennec fox
• apparent energy
• apparent power
• area
• catalytic activity
• concentration of protein
in grains (weight/weight)
• conductivity (electrical
and thermal)  • current density  • density
• do equivalent and do
equivalent index (ionising
radiation)  • electric capacitance
• electric charge
• electric conductance
• electric current
• electric field strength
• electric inductance
• electric resistance
• energy
Section 7
National Measurement Guidelines 1999
• exposure to ionising
radiation  • exposure rate  • flow rate  • force  • frequency  • illuminance  • kerma rate  • kinematic viscosity  • length  • luminance  • luminous flux  • luminous intensity  • magnetic field strength  • magnetic flux
• magnetic flux density  • magnetic permeability  • mass
• permittivity  • plane angle
• position
• potential difference (and
electromotive force)  • power  • power density  • pressure  • reactive energy  • reactive power  • sound intensity level  • sound  power level  • sound pressure level  • specific energy
absorption  • specific energy
absorption rate  • temperature  • time中美对话女翻译官意外走红
• velocity and speed  • viscosity  • volume  • work.
Note    Position  is defined in terms of a group of 3 coordinates. The Australian Fiducial
Network has been determined under subction 8A (1) of the Act as a recognid-value standard of position by the Commission at the request of the Inter-Government Committee on Surveying Measurements.
6 Combining Australian legal units of measurement
(1) An Australian legal unit of measurement for a physical quantity may be
日期英文formed by combining Australian legal units of measurement according to the mathematical relations linking the corresponding physical quantities.
(2) The resulting Australian legal unit of measurement may be reprented by
using a name or symbol that is itlf formed from derived units.
Example    pascal (pressure in newtons per square metre): Pa = N/m 2.
7 Combining Australian legal unit of measurement and prescribed SI prefix
(1) A decimal multiple or submultiple of an Australian legal unit of
measurement must be formed by using a single SI prefix.
Example    Nanometre: 1nm or 1 x 10-9m, but not 1mµm.
(2) However, subction (1) does not apply to kilogram .
Example    kJ/kg.
Note    Kilogram is an SI ba unit of measurement: e regulations, Sch 1, item 1.1.

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