1 k值试验 test for k value of complete car
2 s形辐板 s-type wheel plate
3 矮侧板 low side
4 矮端板 low end
5 爱车点 car caring point
6 百叶窗 louver
7 摆块 centering block
8 摆块吊 centering block hanger
9 板梁式钢结构 plate girder type steel structure
10 半夜灯 evening lamp
11 包间式卧车 corridor compartment type sleeping car
12 背负运输车 piggyback car
埃里克 斯波尔斯特拉13 比面积 specific floor area
14 比容积 specific volume
15 闭锁位置 locked position of coupler
16 边走边卸阀 ballast flow control valve
17 变摩擦式减震装置 variable friction type snubbing device
18 变位阀 changeover valve
19 拨叉 poking fork
20 波纹地板 corrugated floor
21 波形辐板 corragated wheel plate
22 播音连接器 public address coupling
23 播音装置 public address system
24 薄壁筒体结构 thin-shelled tubular structure
25 不摘车修 in-train repair
26 采暖装置 heating system
27 餐车洗池 sink
28 餐室 dining room
29 残车率 rate of bad order cars
30 侧灯 side lamp
31 侧架弹簧承台 side frame spring at
32 侧架立柱 side frame column
33 侧架上弦杆 side frame top chord
34 侧架上斜弦杆 side frame top oblique chord
35 侧架下弦杆 side frame bottom chord
36 侧架下斜弦杆 side frame bottom oblique chord
37 侧梁 side sill
38 侧门 side door
39 侧排油阀 side oil outlet valve
40 侧墙 side wall
41 侧墙包板 side sheathing
42 侧倾车体 tilting type car body
43 侧柱 side post lmq
44 侧柱连铁 side post connecting rail
src45 侧柱内补强 inside reinforcement of side post
46 茶桌 tea table
47 长大货物车 oversize commodity car
start from here48 常摩擦式减震装置 constant friction type snubbing device
49 车长阀 caboo valve
50 车底电线管 electric wire conduit underneath the car
51 车底数 number of allocated pasnger trains
52 车电分线盒 junction box
53 车顶冰箱冷藏车 overhead brine tank refrigerator car
54 车顶侧梁 roof cant rail
55 车顶端横梁 roof end rail
56 车顶横梁 roof cross beam
57 车顶弯梁 carline
58 车顶纵梁 purline
59 车端冰箱冷藏车 ice-bunker refrigerator car
60 车端缓冲器 end-of-car cushioning device
61 车钩复原装置 coupler centering device
62 车钩缓冲装置压缩与拉 coupler & draft gearrunning-in & running-out
63 车钩间隙 coupler slack
64 车钩连接线 coupling line
65 车钩轮廓 coupler contour
66 车钩三态作用 three states of coupler operation
67 车钩托梁 coupler carrier
68 车钩中心线高度 height of coupler center from top of rail
69 车号 number of car
70 车辆报废限度 car condemning limit
71 车辆标记 lettering and marking of car
72 车辆长距比 ratio of car body length to length between truck c
73 车辆厂修 car repair in works
74 车辆冲击试验 car impact test
75 车辆大修 car heavy repair
76 车辆定距 length between truck centers
77 车辆动力学试验 car dynamics test
78 车辆段检修台位利用率 rate of utilization of repair positions in car dep
79 车辆段修 car repair in depot
80 车辆分散供电 parate power supply system for car
81 车辆辅修 car auxiliary repair
82 车辆高度 height of car
83 车辆构造速度 design speed of car
84 车辆横向 lateral direction of car
85 车辆互撞 car collision
86 车辆集中供电 centralized power supply systemfor car 查询英语四级成绩
87 车辆计算长度 calculated length of car
88 车辆技术履历薄 technical record book of car
希望是无尽的梦89 车辆检修率 rate of cars under repair
90 车辆检修设备 car repair facilities
91 车辆检修停留时间 down time for holding cars for repairing
92 车辆检修限度 car repair limit
93 车辆检修在修时间 down time for car under repair
94 车辆交直流供电 ac-dc power supply for car
95 车辆年修 car yearly repair
96 车辆平均长度 average length of car
97 车辆强度试验 car strength test
98 车辆全长 length over pulling faces of couplers
99 车辆全轴距 wheelba of car
100 车辆设计规范 specifications for design of cars
101 车辆修理厂 car repair works happylife
102 车辆运营 car operation
103 车辆运用维修 car operation and maintenance
104 车辆运用限度 car road rvice limit
105 车辆制检 car brake examination
106 车辆制造厂 car manufacturing works
107 车辆中修 car medium repair
108 车辆轴检 car journal and box examination
109 车辆装卸修 car repair before loading or after unloading
110 车辆纵向 longitudinal direction of car
111 车辆最大高度 maximum height of car
112 车辆最大宽度 maximum width of car
113 车辆最大容许速度 maximum permissible speed of car
114 车轮不圆 wheel out of round
115 车轮厂 car wheelt repair factory
116 车轮静平衡检验 car wheel static balance test
117 车轮扣环 retaining ring of tire
118 车轮贴靠 flanging
119 车轮直径 wheel diameter
120 车上给水装置 water supply equipment with roof tank
121 车上水箱 roof water tank
122 车体侧倾装置 car body tilting device
123 车体长度 length over ends of body
124 车体骨架 body framing
125 车体宽度 width over sides of car body
126 车体内长 length inside car body
127 车体内高 height inside car body
128 车体内宽 width inside car body
129 车体内中心处高度 height inside car body from floor to roof center