Glass English
砂岩 sand stone
硅砂 quartz sand
长石 feldspar
纯碱 soda ash
芒硝 salt cake
助熔剂 flux
澄清剂 refining agent。
氧化剂 oxidizing agent
还原剂 reducing agent
着色剂 colouring agent
脱色剂 decolourize agent
粉碎 comminution
筛分 screen classification
称量 metage
混合 mixture
配料 batching
配合料 batch
生料 raw batch
熟料 grog。
粒化料 pelletizing batch
压块料 brinqueting batch
分料 gregation
纯碱飞散率 loss soda ash percentage
芒硝含率 salt cake content
碳粉含率 powdered carbon content
萤石含率fluorite content
导向设备pilot device
耐磨板wearproof plate
平锥型truncated cone form
脉动喷气过滤器pul-jet air filter
聚酯毛毡polyester felt
荷重传感器load cell
防剪切类型anti-cut type
防锈漆anti-rust protection paint
通气附件articulated accessory
吹气过滤器breather filter
离心风机centrifugal fan
碎玻璃储存库cullet storage shed
除尘系统dedusting system
除铁单元deferrization unit
电磁给料机electro-magnetic feeder
振动输送机vibrating conveyor
排气管exhaust stack
备用捕捉机emergency snapper
配合料输送机batch conveyor
配合料的贮存和剔除batch stock and reject 斗式提升机bucket elevator
料仓激振器bin activator
碎玻璃皮带机cullet conveyor
深弯磁铁设备overbend magnet device
原料入料系统raw material intake system
双向皮带机rever conveyor
密闭输送机shutter conveyor
缓冲料斗surge hopper
量斗weighing hopper
称量荷重传感器weighing load cell
熟料含率 cullet adding
熔成率 batch changing into melt rate 玻璃熔窑 glass melting furnace
熔化部 melting end
冷却部 cooling end
流道 canal
成形室 drawing chamber
耳池 auriculate bath
池壁 side wall
胸墙 breast wall
矮碹 flying arch
卡脖 neck
小炉 port
蓄热室 regenerator
格子体 checker
换向器 reversal device
烟道闸板 flue damper
闸板开度 opening of damper
窑体保温 insulation of furnace wall
保窑 protecting furnace
热修 hot repair
冷修 cold repair
放玻璃水 tapping
烤窑 heating up
过大火 heating with normal burner
窑龄 furnace life
熔窑热效率 heat efficency of furnace
熔化 melting
熔化温度 melting temperature
熔化温度制度 temperature regulation for glass-melting 投料 batch charging
泡界线 foam line
跑料 runningenthusiastic
飞料 batch carry-over
倒料 batch turnning
结料 batch cake
猜测料堆 float batch
鼓泡 bubbling
搅拌 stirring
富氧燃烧 oxygen-enriched
浸没燃烧 immersion combustion
辅助电熔 electric boosting
预热 preheating
蓄热 heat accumulation
风冷 air cooling
窑压 furnace pressure
雾化 atomization
雾化介质 atomization medium
火根 root of flame
火稍 end of flame
火焰发飘 flame drifting
火焰亮度 brightness of flame
火焰覆盖面积 flame covered
助燃空气 condary air
空气过剩系数 coefficient of excess air
氧化焰 oxidizing flame
中性焰 neutral flame
还原焰 reducing flame
换火 reversal
换火周期 reversal interval
液面 metal level
芒硝水 water of salt cake
浮渣 float slag
澄清 refining
澄清温度 refining temperature
均化 homogenize
四大稳 four large stabilizing
四小稳 four small stabilizirtg
冷却面积 cooling area
熔化面积 melting area
考研英语熔化量melting quantity
熔化率 melting rate
成形 forming
预应力混凝土pre-stresd concrete
低碳钢mild steel
型钢Profiled bar
工字钢I bar
钢结构Steel structure
铸铁支架cast iron pieces
顶丝机构Screw jack
砧和趾砧bottom block and tie
硅质电熔闸板砧fud silica tweet
电熔砧fusion cast block
角砖king clor
吊墙Suspended wall
L型吊墙L Backwall for glass doghou
影墙Shadow wall
熔窑Melting furnace
窑坎dam wall
横火焰池式玻璃熔窑cross-fired glass melting furnace 马蹄形窑horshoe flame furnace
加热系统Heating system
过滤泵Pumping filter t
机动泵Motor pump
压力表Pressure gauge
截止阀Shut-off valve
重油电加热器Electric HFO heater
重油粘度测定系统HFO viscosity measurement system
重油回路HFO return line
压力控制阀Pressure control valve
电动气动阀electro-pneumatic valve
压力变送器pressure transmitter
英文歌曲推荐带歧管的传送器flow transmitter with manifold
助燃风-燃油换向装置reversal air-fuel t
旁通阀by-pass valve
油喷枪oil burner
喷枪砧burner block
喷枪口burner port
可调支架adjustable support
挠性软管flexible ho
快速密封装置quick al
蒸汽管道steam tracing pipe
空气雾化装置atomizing air t
压力调节器pressure regulator
压缩空气系统compresd air system
助燃风系统combustion air system
压力开关pressure switch
废气系统waste gas system
电动机械卷扬机Electromechanical winch
换向闸板Reversal damper
立式手动平衡闸板Hand-operated vertical balancing damper 清扫门Cleaning door
蓄热室墙chamber wall
蓄热室炉条碹Regenerative rider arch
碹顶蓄热室crown regenerator
辅助加热系统Auxiliary heating system
卡脖端neck end
报警开关Alarm switch
水平搅拌器Horizontal stirring t
熔化池Melting tank
澄清池Refining tank
卡脖液面线waist metal line
前脸墙front wall=shadow wall
前脸墙趾砧front wall toe block
前脸墙浇塑件front wall casting
挡墙baffle wall