[1]Fuction [1]功能区 [3]Light [3]灯具
Entrance 入口 Droplight 吊灯
Living room 客厅 吸顶灯
Sitting room 起居室 Embed light 嵌灯
Dinning room 餐厅 Daylight lamp 日光灯
Kitchen 厨房 Reflect down light 筒灯
Office 书房 Quartz down-light 石英灯
Master bedroom 主卧房 Votage track light 射灯
Quest bedroom 客卧 Track light 轨道灯
Children bedroom 儿童房 Picture light 镜画灯
Projection room 视听室 Hiding light 暗藏灯管
Dressing room 更衣室 Wall lamp 壁灯
Storeroom 储藏室 Reading lamp 台灯
Master bathroom 主卫 Floor lamp 落地灯
Bathroom 卫生间
Wash room 洗衣房 [4]Bathroom fixture [4]卫生洁具
Stairca 楼梯 Washbowl 洗手台[台盆]
Aisle 过道 Water faucet 水龙头
Gazebe 阳台 Clostool 座便器
Garden 花园 Urinal 小便斗
Swimming pool 游泳池 Bathtab 浴缸
Shower bath 淋浴房
[2]Furniture [2]家具
Cupboard 厨房橱柜 [5]Wiring [4]电器设备
Drink box 酒柜 Television 电视机
Bar 吧台 Sound box 音响
Dinning table 餐桌 Washer 洗衣机
Chair 椅子 Refrigeratory 冰箱
Reclining chair 躺椅 Macrowave oven 微波炉
Sofa 沙发 Electric cooker 电饭褒
Tea table 茶几 Immersion heater 电热水壶
TV t 电视柜 Air-condition 空调
Chest of drawers 藏衣柜 Switch 开关
Chest of drawers 五斗矮柜 Electrical outlet 插座
Bookca 书柜
Bed 床
Bedstand 床头柜
客厅 living room
餐厅 dining room
玄关 vestibule
卫生间 washroom
卧室 bedroom
书房 study
阳台 balcony
落地窗 French window
地砖 ground tile
地板 floorboards
death是什么意思地毯 carpet
乳胶漆 emulsion varnish
壁纸 wallpaper
瓷砖 ceramic tile
踢脚板 skirting board
塑钢窗 windos of PVC-steel
窗台 window-sill
窗帘 window curtains
座便 toilet
洗手盆 washbasin
吊灯 chandelier
半吊灯 half pendant lamp / light
台灯 table lamp / light
壁灯 wall lamp / light
落地灯 floor lamp / light
jellybean吸顶灯 ceiling lamp / light 末日预言电影
水晶灯 crystal lamp / light
木灯 wooden lamp / light
宫灯 palace lamp / light
镜前灯 mirror front lamp / light
镜画灯 picture lamp / light
吊线灯 track / line lamp / light
格栅灯 grille lamp / light
水珠灯 water pearl lamp / light
导轨灯 track lamp / light
柱灯 pillar lamp / light
筒灯 down lamp / light
投光射灯spot lamp / light
庭院灯 garden lamp / light
柱头灯 water jet lamp / light
valar morghulis组合灯 asmbled lamp / light
排风扇 fan
衣柜 wardrobe
床 bed
化装台 dressing-table
主卧室 master bedroom
暖气 central heating
沙发 sofa
门厅垫 doormat
室内灯 residential lamp / light
枝状大吊灯 chandeliers
吊灯 pendant lamp / light
半吊灯 half pendant lamp / light
台灯 table lamp / light
壁灯 wall lamp / light
孙光辉 Jacky Sun
落地灯 floor lamp / light
吸顶灯 ceiling lamp / light
水晶灯 crystal lamp / light
木灯 wooden lamp / light
宫灯 palace lamp / light
仿水晶灯 imitated crystal lamp / light
低压灯 low voltage lamp / light
工艺灯 artificial lamp / light
石艺灯 marble lamp / light
羊皮灯 parchment lamp / light
镜前灯 mirror front lamp / light
镜画灯 picture lamp / light
吊线灯 track / line lamp / light
格栅灯 grille lamp / light
水珠灯 water pearl lamp / light
导轨灯 track lamp / light
柱灯 pillar lamp / light
蒂凡尼灯 tiffany lamp / light
风水灯 water fountain lamp / light
户外灯 outdoor lamp / light
路灯 street lamp / light
筒灯 down lamp / light
投光射灯 spot lamp / light
翻译整理 Translated by
孙光辉 Jacky Sun
庭院灯 garden lamp / light
草坪灯 lawn lamp / light
belkin草地灯 lawn lamp / light
防水灯 water proof lamp / Under water lamp
柱头灯 water jet lamp / light
水底灯 underwater lamp / light
户外壁灯 outdoor wall lamp / light
组合灯 asmbled lamp / light
太阳能灯 solar lamp / light
彩灯 holiday lamp / light
彩虹灯 rainbow lamp / light