一、 come
1. to move to or towards a person or place 来:He comes into the room and shut the door. 在英语口语中表示目的或告诉某人如何做时,come 可与and加上另一动词使用,而不用to和动词不定式:When did she last come and e you?/Come and have your dinner. and有时被省掉,尤其在美国英语中:Come have your dinner.
2. Come (to…) to arrive at or reach a place 来到;到达;抵达(某地):They continued until they came to a river.他们继续往前一直来到河边。
3. come for /about sth/come to do sth. to arrive somewhere. in order to do sth or get something.来做/来取/来拿:I’ve come for my book.我来拿我的书。I’ve come about my book.【v-ing.visionary】He came looking for me.他来找我。
4. Come (to sth) (with sb) to move or travel, especially with sb el, to a particular place or in order to be prent at an event 来(尤指相聚、往某地或出席活动):I’ve only come for
an hour.我来了才一个小时。
5. RUNNING /HURRYING 奔跑、匆忙等。【v-ing usually + adv/prep】to move in a particular way or while doing sth el (…地)来;边…边来: The children came running into the room.孩子们跑着进屋来了。
6. TRAVEL.【vn】to travel a particular distance 行进(某段距离):We’ve come 50 miles this morning.我们今天上午走了50英里。
7. HAPPEN 【v】 to happen : The agreement came after veral hours of negotiations .协议经过几小时的谈判后才达成。
8. 【v to inf 】ud in questions to talk about how or why sth happened (用于疑问句,表示怎么或为什么):How did he come to break his leg?他怎么把腿弄断的?
9. TO A POSITION/STATE 位置;状态 【v + adj /prep】(not ud in the progressive tens 不用于进行时) to have a particular position 位于,处于(某位置):The came a long way down my list of priorities .在我非做不可的事情当中,那事较不重要。
10. 【v】 ~to/into sth ud in many expressions to show that sth has reached a particular state.(用于许多词组表示达到某种状态) 达到,进入 At last winter come to an end .冬天最终结束了。
11. ~(in sth ) (not ud in the progressive tens 不用于进行时)(of goods ,products ,etc. 货物、商品等) to be available or to exist in a particular way. 可提供,有(货):【v】This dress comes in black ,brown and red. 这款连衣裙有黑、棕和红三种颜色。 【v-ADJ】(informal ) New cars don’t come cheap (=they are expensive) 新汽车没有便宜的。
12. to become 成为、变成、变得 【v-ADJ】The buttons on her blou had come undone. 她衬衣上的纽扣松开了。 【vto inf 】This design came to be know as the Oriental style . 这种设计后来被称为东方风格。
13. 【v to inf 】to reach a point where you realize ,understand or believe sth. 达到(认识、理解或相信的程度)。 In time she came to love him.她终于爱上了他。
14. TIME 时间 come 【vn】 cold-fashioned, informal, When the time mentioned comes (提及的时间)到来:They would have been married forty years come this June. 英语作文 低碳生活到今年六月他们结婚就有四十年了。
1. 大多数含come的习语,都可在该等习语的名词或形容词相关词条找到,如come a cropper在词条copper下。be as ,clever, stupid, etc. as they come (informal) to be very clever ,etc.非常聪明(或愚蠢等).come again ?(spoken informal)ud to ask sb to repeat sth (要求重复)再说一遍.你说什么来着。(1)come and go 来去 来往 自由走动。(2)忽隐忽现:The pain in my leg comes and goes.(3)come early, naturally, etc. to sb.(of an activity, a skill,etc.活动,技能等)easterly。(4)come over(all), faint, dizzy, giddy, etc.突然感到晕眩。(5)come to nothing/not come to anything.不成功;失败;毫无成果。(6)come to that/if it come to that.(引出与刚提及的食物相关的事)。说起…来,既然如此,假如那样的话。(7)come what may.不管出现什么问题,无论有什么问题。(8)How come…?(用以表示不理解情况是如何发生的,希望得到解释)。怎么回事?怎么发生的?怎么解释?(9)not come to much 不重要,无关紧要,不成功。不来梅大学(10)to come 用于名词后:in the future将来的,未来的。(11)when it comes to sth/to doing sth.当涉及某事(或做某事)时。2014广州一模数学(12)when sb is
form (决定某人言论的).某人的全部背景。
1. come across (1) 被理解,被弄懂。He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across.
(2) 给人以…印象,使产生…thumbs是什么意思印象。She comes across well in interviews.
(3) come across sb/sth.偶然遇见,碰见,发现。I came acrosschildren sleeping under bridges.
(4)come across with sb.(需要时)提供,供给,给予。I hope she’d come across with some more information.
2. come after 追赶,追逐,追随。
3. come along (1)到达,抵达,出现:When the right opportunity comes along, she’ll take it.
(2)跟随,跟着来:I’m glad you come along.
(3)进步,进展:your French has come along a lot recently.
(4)(用于命令)赶快,加把劲。Come along! We’re late already!
4. come apart (1)破碎,破裂。The book just come apart in my hands.
5. come around/round.(1)恢复知觉,觉醒:Your mother hasn’t yet come round from the anaesthetic.
(2)再度发生,再次出现:My birthday ems to come around quicker every year.
了不起的盖茨比下载 (3)come around/round to .短暂访问(尤指某人的家):Do come around and e us some time.
(4)come around/round to sth.改变心态,改变观点:He’ll never came round to our way of thinking.
6. come at sb. 扑向(某人):She comes at me with a knife.
come at sth (用某方法)考虑,思考:Let’s come at it form another angle.
come away form sth. 分离,脱离:The plaster had started to come away from the wall.
come away with sth .(带着某种感觉和印象)joyes离开:We came away with the distinct impression that all was not well with their marriage.
7.come back (1)回来,返回:You came back(=come home)very late last right.
(2)再度流行,再次成功:Long hair for men ems to be coming back in.
come back(at sb)(with sth)(强有力地或愤怒的)答复,反驳:She comes back at the speaker with some sharp questions.
come back(to sb)恢复记忆,回想起:estateIt’s all coming back to me now.
8.come before sb/sth. 被提交给…讨论(或做决定):The ca anying to come between us.
9.come between sb and sb.损害…之间的关系:I’d hate anything to come between us.