1 Object
2 Application Field
3 Responsibility
4 Supplementary Documents
5 Initials and Abbreviations
6 Definitions
7 General Conditions
8 Specific Conditions
9 Certification Model
10 U of Test Laboratory
11 Acknowledgement of the Certification Activities
12 Control of Certified Products
13 Obligations of the Licend Company
14 Closing of the Manufacture and/or Import
Enclosure A - Sampling and Tests in Plugs and Outlets
Enclosure B - Plant Evaluation
Enclosure C - Plant Evaluation
Enclosure D - Identification of Certification within the SBC (Brazilian Certification System)
for the first time
This Standard provides additional criteria for the qualification of product certification office
s - plugs and outlets, fix or mobile, exclusively for AC, with or without grounding contact, whether they are or are not part of connection and extension cables, with rated tension over 50V but not exceeding 440 V and rated current equal or below 32A, destined for domestic electrical installations or the like, internally or externally.
This Standard applies to all UOs of DINQP.
The responsibility for the review of this Standard falls to DINQP/DICEP.
NIE-DINQP-047 Criteria for the Qualification of Product Certification Offices
NIE-DINQP-067 Criteria for the Selection and U of Tests Laboratories
2388NBR 5426:1985 Sampling Plans and Procedures for the Inspection by Characteristics - Procedure
NBR 6147:1998 Plugs and Outlets for Domestic and Similar U - Specification
NBR ISO 8402 Quality Management and Quality Assurance - Terminology
NBR ISO 9002:1994 Quality Systems - Quality Assurance Template in Production, Installation and Associated Services
NBR ISO/IEC Guide 2:1998 Standardization and Related Activities - General Vocabulary
CNPJ National Register of Legal Entitiesmorningcall
DICEP General Product Coordination
DINQP Standardization, Quality and Productivity Management
INMETRO National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality
SBC Brazilian Certification System
UO Organizational Unit
For the purpos of this INMETRO Standard, the definitions from 6.1 to 6.5 have been adopted, supplemented by tho contained in NBR 8402 and in ABNT-ISO/IEC Guide 2.
桃花源记的翻译文6.1 Conformity Seal
Trademark pod or issued according to the criteria established by INMETRO, on the basis of the principles and policies adopted by SBC, indicating the existence of an adequate level of reliability to the effect that the plugs and outlets for domestic and similar u are in conformity with NBR 6147.
6.2 Licen for U of the Conformity Seal
Document issued according to the criteria established by INMETRO, on the basis of principles and policies adopted within SBC, whereby an OCP grants to a company, by means of an agreement, the right of using the certification identification within the SBC in its products, according to this Standard.
6.3 Product Certification Office - OCP
Public, private or combined office with non-profitable purpo, pertaining to a third party, and certified by INMETRO, according to the criteria established by same, on the basis of the principles and policies adopted within the SBC.
6.4 Lot
Defined quantity of product units under production or produced under uniform conditions.
6.5 Description Records
Report supplied by the manufacturer or importer, containing the description of the construction characteristics of the plugs and outlets for domestic and similar u.
四六级报名时间7.1 The object of the certification identification within the SBC of plugs and outlets for domestic or similar u is to indicate the existence of an adequate level of reliability that the products are in conformity with NBR 6147.
7.1.1 The accepted dimensions are listed under Enclosure C hereof.
Note: triple playOmissive cas will be appraid by INMETRO.
7.2 The u of the certification identification within SBC in plugs and outlets for domestic and similar u is linked to the concession of a licen issued by OCP, as provided hereby, and to the commitments undertaken by the company by means of the licen agreement for the u of the Conformity Seal executed with same.vampire是什么意思
7.3 The licen for the u of the Conformity Seal shall contain the following data:
a) company name, fantasy name, full address and CNPJ of the licend company;
b) complete OCP data;
c) number of the licen for the u of the Conformity Seal, date of issue and validity of the licen;
d) certification identification;
e) reference to the NBR 6147 standard;
f) signature of the responsible person for the OCP;