Claus of 三亚翻译公司Product Quality Bond Insurance
General Provisions
第一条 为促进产品生产者、销售者重视和提高产品质量,维护企业产品声誉,保护消费者的合法权益,特开办本保险。
Clau I This insurance is specially t up to promote producers and distributors to pay attention to and improve product quality, so as to maintain the reputation of products, protect the legal rights and interest of consumers.
第二条 凡经国家产品质量检验机构检验合格、批准生产和销售的产品,生产和销售企业(impossible is nothing以下称被保证人)都可以按本条款规定向本公司投保。
cranberry sauceClau II All the products that have been accredited and authorized by 清洁工英文Product Quality Ins
pection Unit to be manufactured and freely sold on the market, producers as well as distributors, hereafter referred to as the warrantee, can apply for insurance to our company.
Insurance Liabilities
第三条 在保险期限内,被保证人对其当年生产销售的产品,依照《中华人民共和国产品质量法》。对由下列原因产生的,应由其承担的修理、更换、退货责任,本公司对被保证人负责赔偿80%的损失,累计最高赔偿金额在保险金额10%以内赔付,具体赔偿限额在特别约定中列明。
Clau III In insurance Period, for all the liabilities for repair, replacement and withdrawal of the products, produced and sold by and should be assumed by the warrantee according to Law on Product Quality, caud by following reasons, our company will pay for 80% of the warrantee’s loss, while the total premium should not pas
s 10% of the insured amount。 The specific limits of indemnity will be listed in the Special Agreements。
Article 1。 Do not posss the performances the products should bear and have not been narrated in advance.
Article 2. Have not reached the standards indicated on the products and packaging。
Article 3. Fall short of the quality status indicated by the product instruction or the sample.
husband是什么意思Article 4。 Rational transportation and other relevant expens brought about according to Article 1 to 3 of this Clau that should be assumed by the warrantee。
第四条 经本公司和被保证人特别约定,在被保证人因经营不善停业整顿或法院宣布破产时,本公司才负责本条款第三条保险责任。
Clau IV。 According to the special agreement of our company and the warrantee, our company will undertake the 简单易懂的英文歌insurance liability of the third Article only when the warrantee is in bad management and stop operations for rectification, or suspended by the court。erp什么意思
Exemption of Liability
第五条 本公司对下列各款不负赔偿责任:
Clau V. Our company is exempted from liability in following articles.
Article 1。 Other liabilities, except for the legal liabilities prescribed in Clau III, should be assumed by the warrantee according to contract and agreement.
Article II. Products without ex-factory inspection, products have not pasd the inspection, including the inferior, dispod and discarded, as well as the products both the date of shipment and sale date cannot be traced。
Article III. Products that urs and consumers, hereafter referred to as the obligee, have not installed or ud abiding by the instruction, and the products that have been dismantled and fixed by the obligee himlf.
Article IV。 Products exported overas, including Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan.
Article V. Personal injury and property loss caud by the products.
Article VI。 Wear loss and the loss in transportation and storage of the products, products sold 1 and an half year after the incoming invoice date, as well as the loss caud by excessing the date of minimum durability
Article VII。 Products illegally produced or sold.
Article VIII. Loss brought about by the warrantee's promotion inconsistent with the products。
crystal是什么意思Article IX. Products sold after the warrantee is in bad management and stop operations for rectification, or suspended by the court。
Article X. Other loss not falling within the Scope of Coverage of the Policy.
Insurance Period
第六条 自产品由权利人在保险合同期限内购进被保证产品之日12时起,到次年同日12时止,期限为1年。产品标明的安全使用期或失效期在保险责任期限内的,则以标明日期为终止日。
Clau VI。 Insurance period is 1 year, from 12:00 of the day when the obligee purcha the insured products in insurance period, to 12:00 of the same day of next year。
Insurance Amount and Insurance Premium
第七条 单件产品的保险金额按出厂销售价或商店零售价确定。rarest
Clau VII. Insurance amount of single product is determined according to factory price or retail price。