
更新时间:2023-05-19 05:13:05 阅读: 评论:0

(A) 一般性錯誤
1. 油漬(汚漬):
1. Soil (Dirt)
a. 油、墨、膠水、漂白劑、粉筆、機油或其它汚漬;
a. Oil, ink, glue, bleach, chalk, grea, or other stain/discoloration.
b. 任何回清潔、染色或其它工工序後剩余的化學劑;
b. Any residue from cleaning, dying, or other application of chemicals.
c. 任何不適的異味。
c. Any objectionable odor.
2. 不符合指定的要求:
2. Not As Specified
a. 任何不符合要求的尺寸或超出可接受的范围;
a. Any measurement not as specified or outside the tolerance.
b. 主料、颜色、配件、及附件等与与确认的样板有差异的;
b. Fabric, color, hardware, or accessories different from sign-off sample.
c. 替代品或漏装的部件;
c. Substituted or missing parts.
d. 如要求与主料配色时,所有与原面料标准不配衬的配件或配饰。
d. Poor match of fabric to an established standard or a poor match of accessories to the fabric if a match is intended.
3.Fabric Defects
a. 破孔
a. Holes
b. 有可能导致布料穿孔的潜伏瑕疵;
b. Any surface blemish or weakness that could become a hole.
c. 布料起皱或有抽线、抽纱现象;
c. Snagged or pulled thread or yarn.
d. 面料编织瑕疵(如粗糙纱粒及抽纱等);
d. Fabric weaving defects ( Slubs, loo threads, etc.).
韩语转换器e. 不均匀的染色、喷胶、托底或其它整理;
e. Uneven application of dye, coating, backing, or other finish.
f. 面料结构、“手感”或外观不符合已批核的样板。
f. Fabric construction, “hand feel”, or appearance different from sign off sample.
4. 开料方向:
4. Cutting direction
aboarda. 所有绒毛皮料必须依照我们的方向指示开料;
a. All napped leather have to follow our instruction of direction when cutting.
b. 任何涉及到开裁方向的面料,如灯芯绒料、针织料、印有或织有图案等布料,都必须依照GEMLINE 的指示开裁。
b. Any fabric concerning cutting direction like corduroy/rib-knitted/printed or woven with pattern etc had to follow GEMLINE’s instruction.
(B) 结构性错误:
1. 车线:
1. Stitching
a. 缝线与大身料颜色不配衬(若货品要求与大身料颜色须相配衬时);
a. Sewing thread different color from main fabric (if a match is intended).
b. 车线不直或车线移位,缝入邻近的部分;
b. Stitching not straight or running into adjoining panels.
c. 断线;
c. Broken stitches.
d. 针数不少于规定的每英寸车线针数;
d. Fewer than specified stitches per inch.
e. 跳线或漏针;
e. Skipped or missing stitches.
f. 双线不平行;
f. Double row of stitches not parallel.
g. 有针孔爆裂或线孔痕迹;
g. Needle cut or stitch holes.
h. 车线太松或带有线头;
h. Loo or untrimmed threads.
i. 倒针要求如下:
i. Return Stitching requirement as follows:
I). 真皮小贴— 倒针两下,两条线头必须拉到皮贴背面、打上结,并用胶水贴在皮贴背面。
I). Leather tab- 2 return stitches and both thread ends has to be pulled down to the back side of leather tab, using 2 ends to tie a knot and glue it down at the back of leather tab.
soliveII). NYLON (尼龙) 袋— 所有倒针不能少于三针。
II). On nylon bag – All return stitches cannot less then 3 stitches.
2. 接口/驳口:
psb2. Seams
托业真题a. 接口处弯曲、扭曲或起摺皱;
a. Crooked, twisted, or puckered ams.
b. 接口敞开;75gao
b. Open ams
c. 接口未用适当的边骨、包边带修边;adam levine
c. Seams not finished with appropriate piping or binding
d. 参差不齐或接口修边不圆滑。
d. Ragged or unfinished edges visible
3. 附件、装饰:
3. Accessories, Trim
a. 拉链布边颜色与拉链不配衬如需要配色时);
a. Zipper tape’s color does not match, if a match is intended
b. 金属配件生锈、刮花、颜色不符或失去光泽;
b. Rust, scratches, discoloration, or tarnish of any metal part
c. 撞钉或铆钉未能完全装配紧密;
c. Rivets not completely attached
d. 有不良部件(如:拉链、扭扣、勾扣、魔术贴、插扣等);
d. Defective parts (zippers, snaps, clips, Velcro, buckles)
e. 漏装配件;
e. Missing parts
f. 配件及饰物与原批核板不符;
f. Accessories or trim different from sign off sample
g. 边骨挤压或变形;
g. Piping crushed or deformed
h. 拉链头与拉链齿不吻合;
h. Zipper slider does not fit with the size of zipper teeth
i. 拉链固色。
i. Color fastness of zipper is poor.
4. Pockets:
a. 口袋因装歪而与大身不平行;
a. Pocket not parallel with edges of bag
b. 口袋尺寸有误。
b. Pocket not correct size.
5. 补强要求:
5. Reinforcement:
a. 在肩带撞钉背面必须加上透明胶圈以作补强;
a. The back side of all rivet which to be ud for shoulder strap needs to add a clear plastic ring for reinforcement
b. NYLON (尼龙)袋子的手挽车缝处背面必须加上2MM厚透明PVC以作补强;
b. The back side of stitching for attaching the handle of nylon bag has to add 2mm transparent PVC for reinforcement.
c. 内格有笔插、口袋、及橡筋等必须在其背后加上2MM厚透明PVC以作补强;
c. The back side of stitching for inside panel which attached with pen-loop/pockets/elastic etc has to add 2mm transparent PVC for reinforcement.
d. 当安装背攘手挽织带时,织带两端必须车回口,并覆盖与袋身的接口(并非只是把织带插入大身料后缝上而已)。经过此工序后,缝包边带的车线仍然能再次车过织带,因此袋
d. When wing the top handle webbing of backpack, both ends of webbing had to be turned and covered the am allowance of body (Not Just only inrted the webbing between body materials and wn together), After this processing, the stitching of binding should also stitched through the webbing too, so the webbing for top handle should have 2 stitching of attachment.

本文发布于:2023-05-19 05:13:05,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:车线   配衬   颜色   拉链   配件
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