lvage(lvedge) fabric布边布
make sure to match plaid/ stripe for below parts on bulk 对格对条
横向纹理/斜纹on the cross grain
loo threads线头
Carrot fit萝卜裤
lvage(lvedge) fabric布边布
ZigZag Stitch人字车
peach brushed磨毛桃皮绒
peach 磨毛
Flannel check法兰绒格仔
平针(Running stitch )
coil zipper 环扣拉链
felled am 双折边叠缝/埋夹
FRENCH SEAM双线包骨(两面都是平针,埋夹:一边平针,一边是锁链底)
flat-felled am 平接缝,叠接缝,平折接缝
Blind stitch 暗绗,暗针,暗缝线迹,挑脚线
foot stitching 即 “挑脚边” 的意思
款式 style:服装的式样。
造型 silhouette:服装的外形轮廓。
结构 garment construction
基础线 basic line:结构制图过程中使用的纵向和横向的基础线条。
轮廓线 outline:构成成型服装或服装部件的外部造型的线条。
结构线 construction line:服装图样上,表示服装部件裁剪、缝纫结构变化的线条。
效果图 fashion drawing
款式图 working sketch
结构图 cutting illustration:又称为裁剪图。
示意图 sketch map
展示图 flat patternmaking
分解图 detail sketch
28 lines 28L
检查原辅料 material inspection
验色差 colour shade inspection
查疵点 inspection for defect
查污渍 inspection for spot
分幅宽 fabrics width grouping
查衬布色泽 checking interlining
查纬斜 inspection for skewness
复米 roll length audit:复查每匹原、辅料的长度
理化试验 physical and chemical test
裁剪 cutting
烫原辅料 wrinkle removal
自然回缩 fabric relaxing
排料 layout
计算机裁剪 computer aided cutting
服装CAM clothing computer-aided manufacturing
朗文当代高级英语辞典服装CAD computer-aided garment design
铺料 spreading
划样 marking:用样板或漏划按不同规格在原料上划出衣片裁剪线条。
版样 pattern:记录服装结构图及相关技术规定(缝份、布纹方向、对位点、规格等)的纸板的统称。
纸样 paper pattern:软质纸的版样。
板样 pasteboard pattern:硬质纸的版样,亦称样板。
布样 cloth pattern:布质的版样、立裁中产生的版样。
复查划样 marker audit
裁剪 cutting
钻眼 drilling
打刀口 notching:又称为打剪口。
分片 identifying and bundling:裁片分开整理。
打粉印 chalking:用粉片在裁片上做出缝制标记。
编号 numbering:裁好的衣片按顺序编上号码。
查裁片刀口 checking notches
配零料 assigning sundries
钉标签 attaching label:将有顺序号的标签钉在衣片上。
验片 cut piece inspection
织补 darning
换片 changing defective pieces
冲上下领衬 punching collar interlining
冲袖头衬 punching cuff interlining
缝制 wing (节选)
修片 trimm
ing pieces
打线丁 making tailor's tack
环缝 overcasting stitches
缉省缝 wing darts
烫省缝 pressing dart open
归拔前片 blocking front piece
烫衬 pressing interlining
粘衬 pressing interfacing
敷袖窿牵条 taping armhole
合摆缝 joining side am
倒钩袖窿 back-stitching armhole
合肩缝 joining shoulder am
分烫肩缝 pressing open shoulder am
绱袖 tting in sleeve
纟乔领下口 slip-stitching collar to garments
纟乔底边 blind stitching hem
定眼位 marking button position
开扣眼 cutting buttonhole
绱袋 attaching pocket to garment
粘衬 fusing interlining
绱过肩 tting back yoke
缉明线 top stitching
绱袖头 attaching cuff to sleeve
定扣位 marking button position
钉扣 wing button
绗棉 quilting
钉扣袢 wing button loop
钉领钩袢 attaching hook and eye
镶边 making bias binding as a decorative trim
绱拉链 attaching zipper
绱门袢 attaching fly facing
绱里襟 attaching fly shield
绱腰头 wing on waistband
绱串带袢 tacking loops to waistband
绱雨水布 attaching trour curtain
合下裆缝 joining inam
合前后缝 joining crotch
封小裆 bartacking front crotch
花绷十字缝 cross-stitching crotch
扣烫贴脚布 folding and pressing heel stay
抽碎褶 gathering
叠顺褶 forming and stitching flat pleats
拉线襻 making French tack
针距 stitch size spacing
缝型 am types
包缝 overlock stitch
明包缝 flat felled am
小语种翻译价格暗包缝 welt am
来去缝 French am
分缝 open am
坐倒缝 plain am
坐缉缝 lap am
分缉缝 double top-stitched am
傲慢与偏见 电视剧压缉缝 top-stitched lapped am
漏落缝 lf-bound am with sink stitch,又称灌缝。
分坐缉缝 top-stitched open am
各类针法 kinds of stitch
撩针 running stitch
(扌寨)针 baste stitch
暗(纟乔)针 blind stitch
明(纟乔)针 slant stitch
倒钩针 back stitch
倒回针 back stitch
绗针 quilting
锁针 buttonhole stitch
打套结 bar tack
领部位缺陷 defects in collar
领外口松 collar outer edge too loo
领外口紧 collar outer edge too tight
领面紧 top collar too tight
领面松 top collar too loo
领里探出 collar band too long
领里缩进 collar band too short
绱领偏斜 unmatched collar
底领起皱起绺 crimpy collar band
领窝不平 uneven neckline
gvp后领窝起涌 circular wrinkle below back neckline
底领外露 top collar uncover collar band
起泡 crimpy top collar
驳头外口送 lapel outer edge too loo
驳头外口紧 lapel outer edge too tight
驳头反翘 lapel sticking up
驳头起皱 puckering lapel
驳口不直 uneven breakline
串口不直 uneven gorge line
领卡脖 tight neckline
领离脖 loo neckline
衣片部位缺陷 defects in pieces
底边起绺 uneven hem
背叉搅 crosd vent
背叉豁 unmeet vent
后背下沉 back defect
肩缝不顺直 shoulder am defect
绺肩 puckering on shoulde