It was just a week after Chang Shuai received her acceptance notice from Harvard that the first book offer came。
A publisher approached her father with a detailed outline for an inside guide to how a Shanghai couple prepared their daughter to compete successfully with the best students in America. Local newspapers weighed in with articles about how Chang's membership in a dance troupe surely helped. "Magical girl 'danced' her way into Harvard," the Shanghai Evening Post headlined。
At the very top of the wish list for many of them is Harvard, or Hafo, which the Chine pronounce with reverence. Its namesakes are found all over China-the Harvard Kindergarten, the Harvard Graphic Arts School, the Harvard For tho coveting the real thing, there are nearly a dozen books in Chine, among them "You Too Can Go to Harvard: Secrets of Getting into Famous US Universities," and the bestller published in 2000, "Harvard Girl."英语学习机
新东方职业教育 "More and more rich Chine families want to nd their children to the United States to be educated, and when they do, they want them to go to the best universities," said Zhou Jun, the founder and head of the Leadership Academy, one of a dozen consulting firms that dispens advice on how to get into foreign universities。
Bad in Shanghai, his company targets a niche market of China's wealthiest families, people who will pay up to $300,000 for up to five years of supplemental class aimed at getting their child into an Ivy League school. "The parents all want Harvard, but we can't guarantee that. We're not God. We work with what we have got."
The desire to go to top American universities is not just about the prestige conveyed by the name. Chine students envy many aspects of US higher education, such as the chance to explore different pursuits before chosing a major, interactions with professors and the more open intellectual debates。
There are currently 36 Chine undergraduates at Harvard (the number of graduate students is much larger), but of the 2,110 students accepted for the upcoming freshman
marmaladeclass, at least nine are from China。
化妆培训中心 Deborah Seligsohn, a Beijing-bad Harvard alumni who often interviews Chine applicants, said the Chine applicants to Harvard she meets are usually students who have rejected engineering or science and want the luxury of time afforded by US universities to figure out their place in the world. "What I've en over and over again is that they are very socially committed. They're interested in broad questions of poverty and the environment."
However, Isabelle Krishana, an American expatriate who works for a Beijing-bad academic advising company said she thought "the parents want their kids to make a lot of money"。
For Chine students, the obstacles for entering an Ivy League school are daunting. Although many top universities, including Harvard, lect applicants regardless of their ability to pay, successful matriculates need to speak perfect English, which they cannot generally do unless they spend a high school year abroad. And that requires a good deal
of money。
bwl是什么 哈佛大学是中国莘莘学子心中最崇高的学府。每每说到哈佛,人们总是带着敬畏的语气。在中国,随处可见跟哈佛有关的字眼:“哈佛幼儿园”、“哈佛美容学校”、“哈佛艺术学院”等等。关于哈佛的书也不在少数,例如《你也能迸哈佛:美国名牌大学招生秘笈》,以及2000年出版的畅销书《哈佛女孩刘亦婷》。
萌猫snoopy微博 目前在哈佛大学念书的中国学生有36人(在哈佛读研究生的中国人当然更多)。哈佛新一届入学人员为2110人,其中至少有9人来自中国。