With the national unemployment rate near double digits and credit markets tight, now is a great time to start a business. Really, it is. Think about it: thousands of workers can’t find jobs, so the talent pool is large and cheap.
Good jobs em less cure as companies cut hours and salaries so people are more likely to risk working for a startup. True, loans and venture capital funding are harder to cure, but even that is more of a hurdle than roadblock. “It’s so hard to rai money during a recession that people now have to sort through their ideas,” says James Shein, a professor at the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management.
Many successful companies were started during periods of economic downturns, including Microsoft and Southwest Airlines. The business don’t share any single startup formula for success, according to business historians. Instead, it is a combination of luck, good ideas and the willingness to work killer hours.
Microsoft was, for example, incubated during the recession and oil crisis of the mid 1970s. The company began modestly in New Mexico in 1975, when friends Paul Allen and Bill Gat
es developed a computer language for personal computers that was quickly copied by other programmers. In an open letter to software writers, Gates called for an end to unauthorized copying and made the ca to have coders be paid for their work. By 1981, Gates had expanded company and partnered with IBM which ran Microsoft products and operating systems in its new personal computers.
For Southwest, finding success meant emotion什么意思finding a niche. In 1971, it started limited flights between Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Unlike other airlines, Southwest did not assign ating or offer any food or entertainment on the flights. It also didn’t operate out of expensive major airport hubs where they have to go head-to-head with established carriers. “It ud the tactic of avoiding competition and, at the same time, being the low-cost player during a bad time,” D’Aveni says. “In a time period which could have been hostile, they were insulated becau of their low prices and operating model”. With fares that were 50-70 percent cheaper than their competitors, Southwest was able to democratize air travel.