The Great Filter - Are We Almost Past It?
Sept. 15, 1998
by Robin Hanson
Robin Hanson著
Humanity ems to have a bright future, i.e., a non-trivial chance of expanding to fill the univer with lasting life. But the fact that space near us ems dead now tells us that any
given piece of dead matter faces an astronomically low chance of begating such a future. There thus exists a great filter between death and expanding lasting life, and humanity faces the ominous question: how far along this filter are we?a d
翻译Combining standard stories of biologists, astronomers, physicists, and social scientists would lead us to expect a much smaller filter than we obrve. Thus one of the stories must be wrong. To find out who is wrong, and to inform our choices, we should study and reconsider all the areas. For example, we should ek evidence of extraterrestrials, such as via signals, fossils, or astronomy. But contrary to common expectations, evidence of extraterrestrials is likely bad (though valuable) news. The easier it was for life to evolve to our stage, the bleaker our future chances probably are.
Fermi, Dyson, Hart, Tipler, and others [Finney & Jones, Dyson 66, Hart 75, Tipler 80] have highlighted the relevance to SETI (the arch for extraterrestrial intelligence) of the "The Great Silence" [Brin 83] (also known as the Fermi paradox), the fact that extraterrestrials haven't substantially colonized Earth yet. What has not yet been sufficiently highlighted or adequately analyzed, however, is the relevance of this fact for
bad blood
much bigger choices we now make.
The Great Silence must force us to revi a standard view in one or more area of biology, astronomy, physics, or the social sciences. And some of the revisions strongly suggest that humanity be much more wary of possible disasters. To clarify the points, this paper will first review how our standard understandings in the areas would lead us not to expect a Great Silence, and will then consider a variety of possible revisions we might consider.
buttholeLife Will Colonize
有情人终成眷属英文So far, life on earth ems to have adapted its technology to fill every ecological niche it could. Previously stable populations and species have consistently expanded into newly-opened frontiers. All known life ems to have a "dispersal pha" to encourage colonization, with non-trivial mutations and xual mixing to encourage exploration of new technologies [Tipler 80].
Similarly, humanity has continued to advance technologically, and to fill new geographic and economic niches as they become technologically feasible. For example, while imperial China clod itlf to exploration for a time, other competing peoples, such as in Europe, eventually filled the gap.
This phenomenon is easily understood from an evolutionary perspective. In general, it only takes a few individuals of one species to try to fill an ecological niche, even if all other life is uninterested. And mutations that encourage such trials can be richly rewarded. Similarly, we expect internally-competitive populations of our surviving descendants to continue to advance technologically, and to fill new niches as they become technologically and economically feasible.
Colonization has been a consistent experience with life on Earth over the long run, and our best understanding of human social systems suggests this will continue. While humans evolve within complex co-evolving organizational, cultural, memetic, and genetic systems, all of the systems show long-term tendencies to make u of reproductively-uful resources.
Thus we should expect that, when such space travel is possible, some of our descendants will try to colonize first the planets, then the stars, and then other galaxies. A
nd we should expect such expansion even when most our descendants are content to navel-gaze, fear competition from colonists [Benford 81], fear contact with aliens, or want to prerve the univer in its natural state. At least we should expect this as long as a society is internally-competitive enough to allow many members to have and act on alternative views. After all, even navel-gazing virtual reality addicts will likely want more and more mass and energy (really negentroy) to build and run better computers, and should want to spread out to mitigate local disasters [Zuckerman 85]. A million years is a cosmologically short period, yet it is much more than enough for historic population growth rates (> .001%/yr.) to overwhelm fundamental physical limits on the amount of computation possible within the obrvable univer [Zaslavskii 96]. This remains true even using black holes for negentropy and quantum computers for computation, each of which squares the available resources relative to standard approaches. Thus we have good reasons to expect unud resources to be colonized on cosmological time scales, even if we find other civilizations to communicate with or to "teleport to" [Scheffer 94].