IEC/UL 60950-1 Application Guideline 1.5-1
(as Applicable): Annex P
Certification Sub-clau 1.5 states that where safety is involved, components shall comply with either the requirements of the Standard or with the safety aspects of the relevant component standard.
What is the UL Certification Policy on acceptance of components in ITE certified by UL?
This UL Certification Policy is bad on
veral basic premis:移动英语
z ITE certified by UL will be investigated
to both U.S. and Canadian requirementsartemis
and will be marked with both the UL
and cUL marks. This is a valid
assumption since UL 60950-1 is
U.S./Canadian bi-national, and the UL
ITE Certification Program includes UL
and cUL as a ba certification rvice
z A UL certification (ITE w/appropriate
chasing the sun
UL Mark) includes both application of
“technical” requirements from the
published standard, and “certification”
requirements bad on UL Corporate
z A “safety-critical component” – herein
identified as a S-C Component – can
range in scope from a single device
rving a simple function (e.g., EMI
filter) through a more complex sub-
system rving multiple functions and
consisting of multiple components (e.g.,
rver blade sub-asmbly w/embedded
power supply).
z CSA/UL 60950-1 contains two
component Annexes that provide
guidance on the equivalency of, and
differences between IEC, UL and CSA
components bad on the technical requirements for the components. The information in Annexes P.1 and P.2 has been associated with the bi-national standard CSA/UL 60950-1 since its original publication in 1995 and provides key guidance on initial acceptance of components in ITE evaluated to the Standard.
{S-C Components in Annex P.1
are components for which the
UL/CSA component
requirements replace the IEC
2016考研英语答案component requirements.
Components designated with an
“*” are designated as components
for which the UL and CSA
standards have equivalent levels
of safety within the meaning of
UL 60950-1. Components
designated with an “**” are
components for which the UL
and CSA components are
equivalent except under
conditions specified in the table
(which for the most part are the
exception to the rule).
{S-C Components in Annex P.2
are components for which the
UL/CSA component
requirements may alternatively
satisfy the IEC component
requirements. The introduction to
Annex P.2 states that in the U.S.
other thanand Canada the components are
considered an acceptable
alternative to the reference IEC
component standard.
{Note: The component
requirements specified in
Annexes P.1 and P.2 are
Canadian/U.S. National
Differences and may not be
compatible with IEC 60950-1 and
IECEE CB Scheme requirements. z Components that do not rve a “safety critical function” are not subject to this policy and generally may be accepted regardless of the type of certification or mark associated with them, if marked at all.
{For components ud in ITE, the
determination of whether they
one less lonely girlrve a “safety critical function,”
will be made during the
engineering investigation through
with all my heart
a “component hazard analysis.”
Such an analysis will determine
could the operation of the
component under normal and
single fault conditions result in a
subquent condition that results
in an incread risk of fire,
electric shock, energy, heat,
mechanical radiation, chemical or
similar hazards in the end
product. Components that could
prent such potential hazards
under normal and single-fault
conditions are considered “safety
critical.” Components that would
po no such hazard are
considered “non safety critical”
and are not subjected to this
When UL considers S-C Components in ITE intended to be marked with the UL Mark, the policy described below is applied bad on the mark or marks associated with the S-C Component being considered.
wraparoundThere are three general scenarios associated with this policy: Scenario No. 1: S-C Component marked with UL Mark; Scenario No. 2: S-C Component marked with CSA mark and/or CSA NRTL mark only; Scenario No. 3: S-C Component marked with mark(s) of other U.S. (NRTL) and Canadian (SCC) testing laboratories only.
Scenario No. 1:
S-C Component marked with UL Mark: (may additionally be marked with the cUL mark, or CSA mark or CSA NRTL mark)
(a) If the S-C Component is specified in Annex P.1 or P.2, the UL Mark satisfies both UL and cUL and no further evaluation applies other than consideration of any applicable conditions of acceptability.
The UL Report will describe the component
and UL certification.
(b) If the S-C Component is specified in the body of the Standard but not Annex P.1/P.2 (e.g., S-C Component required to comply with IEC component standard as required by sub-clau 1.5.1), the UL Mark satisfies both UL and cUL “certification requirements.” The “technical requirements” also are met if the S-C Component has the Mark of, or a CB Certificate from an accredited NCB that participates in the IECEE CB Scheme for the component category (e.g., 60127/PROT), which may include UL for some components for which UL has IEC-harmonized component standards. For NCBs also participating in the CENELEC ENEC Mark Program, the ENEC Mark, which includes a tw
o-digit number that identifies the certification organization, may be accepted as an alternative to the NCB’s own mark.
The UL Report will describe the component and UL certification mark, and the mark of an accredited NCB, if applicable.
(c) If the S-C Component is a sub-system consisting of multiple S-C Components (such as a rver blade) and was certified to a
CSA/UL 60950 ries standard, the UL Mark on the S-C Component satisfies both UL and cUL and no further evaluation required, other than consideration of any applicable conditions of acceptability if the component was Component Recognized.
The UL Report will describe the component and UL certification.
Scenario No. 2:
S-C Component marked with CSA mark and/or CSA NRTL mark only (non-UL):
牛津在线词典(a) If the S-C Component is specified in Annex P.1 or P.2, the CSA Mark satisfies the “technical” requ
irements of CSA/UL 60950 ries standards, pending a review of the CSA Report, including Test Record, and consideration of any applicable conditions of acceptability. Testing of the S-C Component will take place in the end product. Exception: Switches (per Annex P.1 (2.8.7, 3.4) are
required to comply with the appropriate UL component standards.
To satisfy the UL “certification” requirements, the SC Component also is required to be subjected to UL Follow-up Service as described in the “UL Continuing Compliance Surveillance (Follow-up Service) Options for S-C Components That Have Not Previously Been Subjected to UL Follow-up Service” ction of this Application Guideline (e below).
The UL Report will describe the component and CSA certification, and either the Unlisted Component information, or Component description information depending on the lected UL Follow-up Service Option.
(b) If the S-C Component is specified in the body of the Standard but not Annex P.1/P.2 (e.g., S-C Component required to comply with IEC component standard), the “technical requirements” are met if the S-C Component has the Mark of, or a CB Certificate from an accredited NCB that participates in the IECEE CB Scheme for the component category (e.g., 60127/PROT), which may include UL for
some components for which UL has IEC-harmonized component standards. For NCBs also participating in the CENELEC ENEC Mark Program, the ENEC Mark, which includes a two-digit number that identifies the certification organization, may be accepted as an alternative to the NCB’s own mark. Testing of the S-C Component will take place in the end product.
To satisfy the UL “certification” requirements, the SC Component also is required to be subjected to UL Follow-up Service as described in the “UL Continuing Compliance Surveillance (Follow-up Service) Options for S-C Components That Have Not Previously Been Subjected to UL Follow-up Service” ction of this Application Guideline (e below).
The UL Report will describe the component and CSA certification, and either the Unlisted Component information, or Component description information depending on the lected UL Follow-up Service Option. The