学历证书是什么【二轮专题练】 (二)七选五专项
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Everything bec商务英语词汇You N数量关系式eed to Know About Coronavirusregularity
uncopyrightableThe spread of China’s coronavirus may have started with something simple — a person buying food for dinner at an outdoor market.
The potency and movement of the virus has rallied the cooperation of various agencies, including the US Centers for Dia Control and Prevention and World Health Organization, 1 .
What is the Wuhan coronavirus?
The infection numbers are startling: Since Jan. 20, cas worldwide have surged from 282 to 9,925. The death toll stands at 213, according to Chine officials.
The current coronavirus doesn’t have an official name yet. 2 .
3 ?
Outbreaks like this have happened before, most notably with SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2015. 4 . In all, 8,098 SARS cas were recorded, with a death toll of 774. That’s a fatality rate of 9.6%. MERS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, originated in Saudi Arabia and resulted in 2,499 cas and 861 deaths, giving it a higher fatality rate of 34.5%.
With current numbers, the fatality rate for 2019-nCoV is 2.4%. The WHO said most coronavirus cas reported to date “have been milder, with about 20% of tho infected experiencing vere illness.”
Are people quarantined (隔离)?
5 . An estimated 56 million people in the country are affected by lock-downs.
英语培训哪个机构好Wuhan has been the hardest hit. Airports and railway stations are clod and public transportation halted. Private vehicles are banned. Residents wear face masks to protect
against infection. While a new, 1,000-bed hospital is under construction, there are shortages of medicine, protective masks and other supplies.
A. which clod a city of 11 million, leaped across continents and raid pandemic fears
B. which declared the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern” on Thursday
C. How does coronavirus compare to SARS, MERS and the common flu
D. Is the virus just a problem for China
E. As infection numbers ri, China has ordered residents in nearly a dozen cities to stay where they are
F. SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, is commonly ud as a reference in coronavirus coverage, since both originated in China and share characteristics
G. The current designation is “2019-nCoV”, with “2019” for year of discovery, “n” for novel
(meaning new) and “CoV” for coronavirus
In today’s fastpaced and sometimes uncaring society, it can be challenging to find anything to lift your spirits when you feel sad. In spite of how bad things may appear, there are some things you can do to get happy and enjoy your day. 1
Get yourlf an attitude of gratitude. For centuries, people over the world have recognized how powerful gratitude is when it comes to lifting one’s spirits. Frequently we are so caught up in what we lack that we fail to recognize all that we posss. Often升值英文, we are only reminded of the blessings prent in our world when we meet someone wor off than we are or when tho blessings are no longer a reality. 2 Keep a list of things for which you are grateful — in ca you need to jog your memory.
Brighten someone’s day. It may be you who are feeling the blues, 大学生暑期社会实践报告范文but when you brighten someone el’s day, yours automatically becomes brighter. Smiles spread easily. 3
Get some fresh air. Fresh air refreshes the ns and makes you more likely to get up and do something rather than sit there in an unpleasant mood. 4 Even just walking in your flower or vegetable garden will do the trick.
5 Becau the heart rate and breathing rate increa during exerci, a greater amount of oxygen is delivered to the body tissue. In addition to relieving stress, heightened physical activity will decrea the level of the stress hormone (荷尔蒙). As such, your mood can quickly change from a state of stress to one of joyfulness.
A. Get some exerci.
B. Be thankful for what you have.
C. Here are some great ways to lift your spirits.
D. Go for a walk with a friend or take a bike ride.
E. Do what you can to start an outbreak of happy faces.
F. This promotes the production of the body’s natural pain relievers.
G. Organize cupboards, garages and other areas that have become untidy.
After a long day at work, coming home is a breath of fresh air. Home is a comfortable place to sit back and relax. 1 Below are a number of things we can do to create a healthy home environment that will help to ea the workday stress and promote our physical and mental health.
Cleaning the hou regularly is the first thing we should do. It may em like a tiring thing to clean but there is a reason for doing so. We can remove dust by cleaning the hou. Leaving layers of dust everywhere means that there is a buildup of dust. And where do the layers of dust go? 2