摘 要
关键词:机床改造; 自动化机床; 控制系统
With the development of industry equipment, the precision required of industry equipment is
more and more high. The more and more precision of equipment which machined the industry equipment is required. But in China the common lathe have a very adulationgreat comparison in the machined equipment, this already restrict the development of industrial nowadays. But the CN lathe is more expensive, and needed workers with higher technically. So it is a necessity very much to modify the common lathe to lathes automatic. This paper is in the foundation of the commonness horizontal lather C6150 and modified it to Lathes automatic.
The author has performed the further rearch and for the lathes automatic modification on thenumb是什么意思 basis of the constantdcn consultation of abundant relative documents, which focus on describing the design of control of the machine. The main to modify the lathe is to modify the portrait, horizontal enter to the system in the Whole modification process and choo the automatic knife rest and be procesd the thread need by pulr. The whole control system with the CPU of 8031 is to control the machine for center, through a plait distance drive tool machine an equipments to carry on control to attain need of process degree.
Key words: Machinery Tool day by day中文版Reform; Lathes automatic; Servo system
第1章 绪论
1.1 选题的依据及主要研究内容
① 高速高效高精度
凯特 戴琳斯高生产率。由于数控装置及伺服系统功能的改进,主轴转速和进给速度大大提高,减少了切削时间和非切削时间。加工中心的进给速度已达到80m/min~120m/min,进给加速度达9.8m/s2~19.6m/s2,换刀时间小于1s。高加工精度。以前汽车零件精度的数量级通常为10 μm,对精密零件要求为1 μm,随着精密产品的出现,对精度要求提高到0.1 μm,有些零件甚至已达到0.01 μm,高精密零件要求提高实习医生格蕾第二季机床加工精度,包括采用温度补偿等。微机电加工,其加工零件尺寸大小一般在1mm 以下,表面粗糙度为纳米数量级,要求数控系统能直接控制纳米机床。
柔性化包括两个方面的柔性:一是数控系统本身的柔性,数控系统采用模块化设计,功能覆盖面大,便于不同用户的需求;二是DNC 系统的柔性,同一DNC系统能够依据不同生产流程的要求,使物料流和信息流自动进行动态调整,从而最大限度地发挥DNC 系统的效能。