可能的英语Lung (LU) (手太阴肺经穴, 手太阴肺经)
1. Zhongfu (中府 LU1) Located on the lateral chest, inferior to the acromial end of the clavicle.[5]
2. Yunmen (云门, 云门 LU2) Located lateral to the anterior midline, below the clavicle in a depression medial to the coracoid process.[6]
3. Tianfu (天府 LU3) Located on the upper arm, on the lateral border of the muscle biceps brachii.[7]
4. Xiabai (侠白, 侠白 LU4) [8]
您好您拨打的电话已关机5. Chize (尺泽, 尺泽 LU5)
6. Kongzui (孔最 LU6)
一月到十二月的英文7. Lieque (列缺 LU7) Located on the radial side of the forearm, 2 cun above the wrist crea, in a depression just above the styaloid process.
8. Jingqu (经渠, 经渠 LU8)
9. Taiyuan (太渊, 太渊 LU9)
10. Yuji (鱼际, 鱼际 LU10) Located at the ba of the thumb, beneath the mid-point of the first meta-carpal.
11. Shaoshang (少商 LU11) Located on the outside of the thumb, 0.1 cun from the bottom edge of the nail.
[edit] Large intestine (LI) (手阳明大肠经穴, 手阳明大肠经)
1. Shangyang (商阳, 商阳 LI1) Located on the radial side of the cond digit, 0.1 Cun_%28length%29|cun from the corner of the nail bed.[9]日久见人心的英文
fu c k是什么意思2. Erjian (二间, 二间 LI2) [8]
3. Sanjian (三间, 三间 LI3)
4. Hegu (合谷 LI4) Located at the ba of the V formed by the meta-carpal bones of the thumb and index finger.
5. Yangxi (阳溪, 阳溪 LI5)
6. Pianli (偏历, 偏歴 LI6)
7. Wenliu (温溜 LI7)
再线翻译8. Xialian (下廉 LI8)
9. Shanglian (上廉 LI9)
10. Shousanli (手三里 LI10) Located 2 cun below LI11.
11. Quchi (曲池 LI11) Located at the lateral end of the elbow crea, when the elbow is flexed. There is a product which can be ud to stimulate this point in the treatment of hayfever call the 'Qu-Chi Band'
12. Zhouliao (肘髎 LI12)
13. Shouwuli (手五里 LI13)
14. Binao (臂臑 LI14)
15. Jianyu (肩髃 LI15) Located in a depression formed on the front of the shoulder, when the elbow is flexed and the forearm held horizontal.
16. Jugu (巨骨 LI16)
17. Tianding (天鼎 LI17)
18. Futu (扶突 LI18)
19. Kouheliao, or Heliao (口禾髎, 禾髎 LI19)
20. Yingxiang (迎香 LI20) Located in a depression just outside the nostril