怎么讲好普通话Immediate scrap all items in stock, process and salvage.
All items in stock and process must be scrapped immediately. Manufacturing will act on this directly, regardless of whether production is stopped or not. New items will be ordered.
This disposition may be ud in cas where:
·Safety to customers, customer engineers, or plant personnel is involved.
·Other items in further asmblies would be damaged if ud in conjunction with this part. ·The machine will not function correctly if the existing item is ud.
·Items are needed immediately to meet production schedules, and less time is required to buy or make new items than to rework existing items.
·It is less expensive to buy or make new items, than to rework existing items.
·The item has no u in the factory or in the field and is being obsoleted.
·The item would function “as is”, but lack of uniformity with new design or poor appearance would be intolerable.
giobe1.2Disposition Code 02
南师附中江宁分校Scrap all items in stock, process, and salvage. Sufficient items to maintain production or field support may be ud “as is” until new items are available.
This disposition may be ud where items at prent level are not desirable, but it is necessary to u them “as is”temporarily, to meet production schedules. New items will be ordered immediately and expedited to the fullest extent.
This disposition may be ud in cas where:
·The item is unsatisfactory for the application, but not to the extent that production should be stopped.
·It is less expensive to buy or make new items, than to rework existing items.
·The item will have no u in the factory or in the field, and is being obsoleted.
·The item will function “as is”, but lack of uniformity with new design or poor appearance would make it undesirable.
A DSA and CESAL may need to be initiated, if stock exists in rvice inventory locations. The Worldwide field stock status and the EC and DSA cost estimates should be calculated during formal EC review.switchon
1.3Disposition Code 03
cloudsScrap all copies. Rework all field bills of material in stock and process.
All copies of bills of material, instructions, and reference material in stock or process must be scrapped, since they are not at the new change level. Field bills of material in stock or process should be reworked in accordance with the engineering change.
This disposition must be ud for modifications to field bills of material, field instructions, and field reference material.
Immediate rework of all items in stock, process, and salvage.
All items in stock, and process must be reworked immediately. Manufacturing will act on this immediately, regardless of whether production is stopped or not.
This disposition may be ud in cas where:
·Safety to customer, customer engineers, or plant personnel is involved.
·Other items in further asmblies would be damaged if ud in conjunction with this part as it is.
·The machine will not function correctly, if the existing item is ud.
·Items are needed immediately to meet production schedules, and less time is required to rework existing items than to buy or to make new items.
现在学化妆有前途吗·It is less expensive to rework existing items than to buy new or to make new times. ·The item would function “as is”, but its lack of uniformity with new design or its poor appearance would be undesirable.
1.4.1 Guidelines for Application of DC 06 as it Pertains to ITS FRUs and FAPs
FRUs- Rework immediately all existing inventory. Parts cannot be ud. If there are OEM vendor credit opportunities they should be pursued. Otherwi parts must be reworked. Safety / legal change / functionality change.
subuFAPs - If Manufacturing and Service part dispositions vary, refer to DC 19 - Disposition not covered.
A DSA and CESAL may need to be initiated, if stock exists in rvice inventory locations. The Worldwide field stock status and the EC and DSA cost estimates should be calculated during formal EC review.
1.5Disposition Code 07
Rework all items in stock, process, and salvage. Sufficient items to maintain production or field support may be ud “as is” until reworked items are available.
This disposition may be ud where items at prent level are not desirable, but it is necessary to u them “as is”, temporarily, to meet production schedules. Part of the stock should be reworked on an expedited basis, while the remainder of items are ud “as is.“
When the reworked items are available in such quantity to maintain production, the remainder of the un-reworked items should be recalled from the production line and reworked.
In some cas a field change will take care of the items ud “as is.”
This disposition may be ud in cas where:
The item is unsatisfactory for the application, but not to the extent that production should be stopped.
·It is less expensive to rework existing items than to buy or make new items.
·The item would function “as is”but is lack of uniformity with the new design or its poor appearance would be intolerable.
A DSA and CESAL may need to be initiated, if stock exists in rvice inventory locations. The Worldwide field stock status and the EC and DSA cost estimates should be calculated during formal EC review.
1.6Disposition Code 09
Rework sufficient items to maintain production until new items are available. Scrap remainder of items in stock, process, and salvage.
It is less expensive to buy or to make new items than to rework existing items, but as an expedient measure, sufficient items to meet production schedules must be reworked temporarily. New items will be ordered immediately and expedited to the fullest extent.
This disposition may be ud in cas where:
·Safety to customers, customer engineers, or plant personnel is involved.
·The machine will not function correctly, if the existing item is ud.
·Other items in further asmblies could be damaged, if ud in conjunction with this item as it is.
·The item would function “as is”, but it lacks of uniformity with the new design or its poor appearance would make it intolerable.
·Guidelines for Application of DC 09 as it Pertains to ITS FRUs and FAPs
FRUs- This disposition code does not apply to FRUs. Refer to disposition codes; 01 - Immediate Scrap, 02 - Scrap, 06- Immediate Rework, 07- Rework, or 19 - Disposition not covered, for proper FRU parts dispositioning.
1.7Disposition Code 19
Desired disposition is not covered by any of the above codes.
This disposition is explained in detail in the EC Notice comments.
1.7.1 Guidelines for Application of DC 19 as it Pertains to ITS FRUs and FAPs
FRUs / FAPs- Refer to disposition codes; 01 - Immediate Scrap, 02 - Scrap, 06 - Immediate Rework, 07- Rework, 22 – Modify all open orders and tho in process that may be modified immediately. U "as is" items in stock, 24 - Return to source, or u 19 - Disposition not covered, for proper FRU parts dispositioning. For DC 19 the FRU/FAP parts specific disposition should be noted and explained in detail in the EC "Item Comments" ction and pro.
For PPNs, OPTs, FAPs, and FRUs - This code should be ud only on an exception basis.
When ud, preci instructions to the ur should be noted in the Item Comments ction. Directions for Field u should be included in the disposition wording.
1.8Disposition Code 22
Modify all open orders and tho in process that may be modified immediately. U “as is”items in stock and process.
1.8.1 Guidelines for Application of DC 22 as it Pertains to ITS FRUs and FAPs
FRUs– Modify all open orders as soon as possible. U as is all items in stock and in process.
This DC is due to a design change to facilitate manufacturing or cost reduction EC with no Form/Fit/Function change or impact.
It is recommended this disposition code be ud for FRU BOM revisions or records changes only.
FRU number change with disposition 22 is not allowed when the spare parts network is required to be replenished with a new FRU number.
The Field may u current level stock as long as it is available. No customer impact.
FAPs - If Manufacturing and Service part dispositions vary, refer to DC 19 - Disposition not covered.
1.9Disposition Code 24
Return all items to plant of manufacture if possible, if not possible, scrap.
1.9.1 Guidelines for Application of DC 24 as it Pertains to ITS FRUs and FAPs
FRUs - Return ALL parts for credits or replacements. Development Engineering must specify in the
EC where to return the parts.
FAPs - If Manufacturing and Service part dispositions vary, refer to DC 19 - Disposition not covered.
A DSA and CESAL may need to be initiated, if stock exists in rvice inventory locations. The Worldwide field stock status and the EC and DSA cost estimates should be calculated during formal EC review.
1.10Disposition Code 99
特别的意思No disposition required - default.
1.10.1 Guidelines for Application of DC 99 as it Pertains to ITS FRUs and FAPs
FRUs / FAPs - This is a default value assigned by PM for New Relead Items. This code is also ud for REC (Records Change Only) transactions that have no effect on logistics.
2. Summary of Codes and Transaction
The following is a summary of the disposition codes grouped by category:
Rework: 06-07-09
·Scrap: 01-02-03-24
·Modify open orders/U as is: 22 ·Misc.: 19-99