结果:临床观察结果显示:复方苦蛇乳膏治疗30例慢性湿疹,两周后临床痊愈10 例,显效16例,有效4例,无效0例。总显效率为87%,总有效率为100%。其治疗效果优于冰黄肤乐软膏组(P<0.01)。本试验复方苦蛇乳膏在临床观察中未发现有任何不良反应。
capitalism实验研究结果表明:复方苦蛇乳膏对小鼠慢性湿疹模型有良好的对抗作用,在病理改变中观察到炎性细胞浸润数明显减少,表皮角质层厚度明显变薄;对DNFB致小鼠DTH有明显抑制作用、 能提高胸腺指数,有减小脾脏指数的趋势、能明显抑制组织胺诱发的大鼠皮肤通透性的增加、对磷酸组织胺致豚鼠瘙痒有较好的对抗作用;对冰醋酸致小鼠腹腔通透性增加有显著抑制作用,能明显减轻二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀,但对角叉菜胶引起的小鼠足肿胀改善不明显。
Study on clinical and experimental action of KuShe
compound cream in chronical eczema
Obiective: Through clinical obrvation to the patient with chronic eczema after using KuShe compo
und cream,we record the change of the itching grade,the symptom and the area of sick skin before treament and after one, and preliminary firm the effectiveness on chronic eczema.And we find out the role of prevention and cure on chronic eczema through experimentation on animals,preliminary explore its mechanism of preventing and controling. Methods: Clinical study: 60patients with chronic eczema were divided randomly into the test group (30 cas) treated with KuShe compound cream and the control group (30 cas) treated with BingHuangFuLe paste .Both groups had been given two one-weeks cours and judged the efficacy, simultaneously carried on curly evaluating.
Experiment study: three main aspects: he effect of the model of chronic eczema ,anti-delayed allergy reation and reliving inflammation .Repeated challenges of the back of previously nsitized mice with DNFB induced typical chronic eczema,and utilized vanguard technology and rearch approach to explore the its mechanism on chronic eczema.
peeping holesResults:Clinical study shows that KuShe compound cream treating 30 cas of chronic eczema for two weeks ,10 cure In cas,16 marked effectiveness in cas,4effectiveness in cas and 0 flaiure in cas.Its total excellence is 87 %,the total effective rate is 100 %.The sffect in treament group is much better than in BingHuangFuLe paste(P<0.01).And we did not find out any untoward effect in the process of the clinical study.
The study result shows in the experiment: KuShe compound cream has favorable action on the model of chronic eczema, can obviously reduce the imflammatory cellular infiltration and in histopathological changes , can notely suppress DTH of the mice and rai the thymus index,exist tendency of reducing spleen index.The drug had very marked inhibition eddect on
exudation of capillary vesl of skin on rate and itch in guinea pigs induced by histamine, inhibit the increa of capillary permeability caud by glacial acetic acid in mice ,significantly reduce the degree of tumefaction in mice with auricle by dimethylbenzene,but no obvious effect on tumefaction in feet by carrageenan.
In the electronic microscope ,ultrastructure of skin of chronic eczema were obrved and showed less damage after the treatment of KuShe compound cream. And it can reduce rum levels of IFN - г, IL - 18, IL – 31of chronic eczema model of mice , rai rum levels of IL – 4; and significantly reduced mi-quantitative total score of AQP3 in chronic eczema skin tissues , intensity of dyeing is weak to moderate, mainly expresd in the stratum basal , rarely expresd in the stratum spinosum .
电话接线员>the bell curveConclusion: clinical trials point out: KuShe compound creams have good efficacy and safety in the tr
eatment of chronic eczema, the rearch of animal experiments suggests that KuShe compound creams have excellent effects of anti-inflammatory and antiallergic, has the fine role of prevention and cure on chronic eczema,which provides a good experimental basis.In addition, we speculate that the mechanism of KuShe compound creams on chronic eczema is probably adjusted dynamic balance of T helper cells (Th1/Th2), restrain expression of AQP3 in the stratum spinosum, granular and corneum.
Key words:KuShe compound cream chronic eczema clinical study experiment study