篇一:毕业论文-英式英语和美式英语的不同_The_Differences_Between_British_English_and_American_English The Differences Between British English and American English
British English and American English are the two major varieties of English in the world at prent. They are belong to the same language -- English, there is there're common ground between them. Due to they developed independently with the different historical backgrounds, geography and culture. Of cour, there are also many differences between them. As the English learners, it is necessary for us to get somewhat acquainted with the differences between them to help our study and keep us from unnecessary troubles. Becau someone who don't know British and American English clearly, have a prejudice about British and American English, like that "which is better?This thesis makes an analysis and comparison of British English and American English in terms of history, pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary and grammar, hoping to help you completely and objectively know the
differences between British and American English.
Key words: English viariety historical backgrounddifferences
Nowadays English is one of the most important languages in the world becau of its worldwide u. Under the influence of geography, history, cultural and social
customs in different areas, until recently, English has been divided into many varieties: Australian English, New Zealand English, Scottish English, Northern Irish English, Welsh English, South African
English, Canadian English, and so on. British English and American English are the two main varieties of them. As the Non-Native English speakers, most of the English learners in china
think that the language ud by British and American are the same one-English, and there are no differences between British English and American English. In fact, there are many unquestioned discrepancies between they two.英语六级多少分过线
2.1 The English Languageprincipality
syp2.1.1 The origin of the English Language
makioThe early inhabitants of the island we now call England were Celts(also called Britons). In 55 B.C. Britain was invaded by the Roman conqueror Julius Caesar. Until 410 A.D. all the roman troops returned to the continent, thus ending the Roman occupation of Britain. Later on, three tribes from the Northern Europe invaded Britain and ttled down on the island: Angles, Saxons and Jutes. The three tribes merged into one people. And the three dialects they spoke naturally grew into a single language, the English Language.
2.2.2 The divisions of the history of the English Language
The history of the English Language is divided into three periods: The period from 450 to 1150 is known as the Old English or Anglo-Saxon period. It is described as the period of full inflections, since during most of this period the ca endings of the noun, the adjective, and the conjugation of the verb were not weakend.
The period from 1150 to 1500 is known as the Middle English period. During this period the inflections, which had begun to break down towards the end of the Old English period, became greatly reduced, and it is known as the period of leveled inflections. The period from 1500 to the prent day is called the modern English period. A large part of the oridinal inflectional system has disappeared, and it is known as the period of lost inflections.
2.2.3 The character of the English Language
By the more than 1500 years' changes, the English Language has developed from a local language spoken by a small number of people in Germanic tribes to its prent position as a very important language spoken by a large numbers of people all over the world. The wide spread of English can due to the development of the politics, economy and the society. Meanwhile, the unique character of
the English Language is also very unnoticiable.
On the one hand, it shares with West Germanic languages many common words and similar grammatical structures. On the other hand, more than half of the English vocabulary is derived from Latin and French. Besides, English has accepted words from other languages of the world in the cour of its historical development. The English Language is a international language.
2.2 The English Language in America
2.2.1 The varieties of English
世上没有免费的午餐With the colonial expansion to the abroad and the foundation of British empire, more and more countries touched and accepted the English Language. Besides America, there are Canada, Austrilia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa, and so on. Becau of the differences of their history, geography, politics, economy and cultural
backgrounds, the English may be grouped into many varieties. And British English and American English are two major varieties of English at prent.
Strictly speaking, British English is the English spoken by the great majority of educated people in S
outh and Southeast England, especially in London and its vicinity. BrE or BE is short for British English. American English is General American spoken by the great majority of the American people. AmE or AE is short for American English. It is very important to know that British and American English should be regarded as two different forms of one language, not as two different languages. Thomas Pyles et al point out in their book The Origin and Development of the English Language that on the one hand, there is no esntial difference between the English of America and that of Great Britain; on the other hand, there is a difference between national varieties, just as there are subvarieties within them, but tho differnces are insignificant in comparision