1. 黎巴嫩:坦(UZB)黎巴嫩(LIB)越南(VIE)澳门(MAC)也门(YEM)阿尔巴尼亚(ALB)以色列(ISR)安道尔(AND)意大利(ITA)亚美尼亚(ARM)拉脱维亚(LAT)奥地利(AUT)列支敦士登(LIE)阿塞拜疆(AZE) 立陶宛(LIT)比利时(BEL)卢森堡(LUX)波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(BIH) 前南斯拉夫马其顿(MKD)白俄罗斯(BLR)马尔他(MLT)保加利亚(BUL)摩尔多瓦(MOL)克罗地亚(CR
2. 库文件:LINUX下所有的应用程序,不外乎是由配置文件(etc)、库文件(lib)、程序文件(bin)组成. 而要生成这个应用程序,你需要源代码,同时需要一个开发环境,由连接器、编译器、库文件组成.
3. 自由人:具体分类是这样,中锋(CF)的射门技术;前腰(OMF)、中前卫(CMF)的个人技术;边锋(WF)、边前卫(SMF)、边卫(SB)的加速度;后腰(DMF)、中后卫(CB)、托后中卫(SW)和自由
4. lib:lithium ion battery; 锂离子电池
5. lib:left in backward; 左后内曲线
6. lib:least important bit; 次要的比特
7. lib:label information ba; 标签信息库
1. Both polls suggest a'hung parliament', in which the centrist Lib Dems could hold the balance of power.
2. But the combined Labour and Lib Dem ats would still be insufficient to form a majority.
3. Another memo recommended looking for TV footage of an apparent Democratic debate over a " Gay Lib " plank in that party's platform.
4. The results show that specimen orientation, test temperature and specimen thickness have remarkable influence to test results. The maximum diversity of strength is up to 36%, and texture of LiB compound fiber in the rolled alloy has significant effect to strength.
结果表明,拉伸方向、试验温度和试样轧制厚度对合金的拉伸强度有显著的影响,强度的最大变化率可达36%;轧制后合金中LiB化合物纤维的织构对强度有显著的影响,合金21℃时的平均拉伸强度为24.5 MPa。
让子弹飞台词>右下 5. And repeat the process, this time lecting the'Lib
6. The experimental results reveal that the reduction of electrolytes occurs at the interface with graphite negative electrode at first, leading to solid electrolyte interface film which is insulated from electrons but conductive for lithium ions.
实验结果表明,LIB 首次充电时电解液于石墨负电极的.界面处发生还原反应、生成了电
1. A high level of financial growth is the result of
2. Unfortunately, I didn't always have the lib - so that was out of the question.
很可惜,我并不总是具有的lib -所以这是不可能的。
3. I don't believe in women's lib.
4. The first is the. lib file that we need to link with.
5. If you u this file directly from the Lib
6. In this C++ lib, I introduced normalization of the data.
cain>连衣裙的款式 在此C ++ lib,我介绍了数据的正常化。
7. Her name will ever be associated with the women's lib.
8. This operation will delete the doc lib abidingly and can not be resumed, are you sure?
9. Lib Dem supporters are to the left of Labour on every broad category except the role of the state.秘密花园15
10. Mr Hames, the Lib Dem, is a mild-mannered accountant.spiteful
isolation 自由民主党的赫姆斯先生是温良恭谨的会计师。