A Dream of Red Mansions (excerpted)
By Tsao Hsueh-chin
In this busy, dusty world, having accomplished nothing, I suddenly recalled all the girls I had known, considering each in turn, and it dawned on me that aJl of them surpasd me in behaviour and understanding;that I, shameful to say, for all my masculine dignity, fell short of the gentler x.But since this could never be remedied, it was no u regretting it.There was really nothing to be done.I decided then to make known to all how I, though dresd in silks and delicately nurtured thanks to the imperial favour and my ancestors、virtue, had nevertheless ignored the kindly guidance of my elders as well as the good advice of teachers and friends, with the result that I had wasted half my life and not acquired a single
skill. But no matter how unforgivable my crimes, I must not let all the lovely girls i have known pass into oblivion through my wickedness or my desire to hide my shortcomings.
今风尘碌碌,一事无成,忽念及当日所有之女子,一一细考较去,觉其行止见识,皆出于我之上。我堂堂须眉,诚不若彼裙钗?实愧则有余,悔又无益,大无可 如何之日也!当此,则自欲将已往所赖天恩祖德,锦衣纨袴之时,饫甘賡肥之日,背父兄教 育之恩,资师友规训之德,以至今日—技无成,半生潦倒之罪,编述一记,以告天下:我之负罪固多,然闺阁中本自历历有人,万不可因我之不肖,自护己短,一并使其泯灭也。
广州司法考试re takeThough my home is now a thatched cottage with matting windows, earthen stove and rope-bed, this shall not stop me from laying bare my hean. Indeed, the morning breeze, the dew of night, the willows by my steps and the flowers in my courtyard inspire me to wield my brush.Though I have little learning or Hterary talent, what does It matter if I tell a tale in rustic language to leave a record of all tho lovely girls. This should divert readers too and help distract them from their cares. That is why I u the other name Chia Yu-tsun.
nutrilite儿童节快乐用英语怎么说(Chapter t Chen Shih-in n Dream Sees the Jade of Spiritual Understanding, Chia Yu- cun in His Obscurity h Charmed by a Maid)