Translations of Chine Poems
Hello everyone, it is my honor to give you my speech. Today my topic is translations of some classical Chine poems.戆
Frist of all, let us enjoy a few translations by Chine famous translator Xu Yuanchong.
charge是什么意思Fishing in Snow
From hill to hill no bird in flight
From path to path no man in sight
A lonely fisherman afloat
从早到晚Is fishing snow in lonely boat
On the Plain of Tombs
At dusk my heart is filled with glooms
I drive my cab to ancient tomb
The tting sun ems so sublime
But it is near its dying time
Slow, Slow Song
I look for what I miss; I know not what it is. I feel so sad, so drear, so lonely, without cheer.
How hard is it to keep me fit in this lingering cold!
Hardly warmed up by cup of wine so dry. Oh! How could I endure at dusk the drift of wind so swift?
iphIt breaks my heart, alas! To e the wild gee pass, for they are my acquaintances of old.
The ground is covered with yellow flowers faded and fallen in showers. Who will pick them up now?护发素怎么用>浙江省富阳中学
草莓 英文Sitting alone at the window how could I but quicken the pace of darkness which won't thicken?
On parasol-trees a fine rain drizzles as twilight grizzles.
Oh! What can I do with a grief beyond belief!
In addition, I want to show you two ways to translating this poem. One is “So let us wish that man, will live long as he can! Though miles apart, we will share the beauty she displays.” And another is “We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart.” Which one do you like more? Or you think you can translate better than both two translations? Anyway, as we feel the difficulty of translating Chine poems, we can also discover the beauty of them.
At last, I want to introduce some advantages of translation.
First, translation not only promotesmoviesoon the evolution of literary forms, but also contributes to the introduction of new literary types into the target language culture.
Second, the "gain" in translation is most obviously reflected in the richness of the text and vocabulary of the target language.
Third, the "gain" of translation is not only reflected in the culture of the target language, but also in the cultural side of the source language.
Fourth, translation not only gives the original new life, but also gives the original author a new life.
Thank you for listening!