21.And All That Jazz 关乎爵士乐
1.Have you ever heard the expression, — and all that Jazz”? When people say that today, it’s slang which means much the same thing as et cetera or “and so forth.” You may u it yourlf. Jazz, it ems, has had quite a few meanings. Through the history of jazz, it has meant many different kinds of music to many different people.
迂回是什么意思1、你听过这种说法吗,“像爵士乐一般,诸如此类的东西”?现在人们把 它用作俚语,意思和“等等”,“以此类推”类似。你自己可能就用过这个词。 爵士乐似乎有多种含义,纵览其发展史,对不同人群来说爵士乐意味着不同 的音乐形式。
2. It’s interesting to know that jazz was first spelled a different way —jass. At that time, it referred to the old New Orleans style of music. This music came from the Negro religious songs and songs of celebration. One major part of the music was its beat, of cour. Another, and sometimes more important part, was the way in which the music was played. It was like a conversation. You can’t always tell whafs ing next during a talk with some friends. The New Orleans musicians were like that. They took a tune and played what came
into their minds, just as you say what es into your mind in a conversation.
2、有趣的是,爵士乐(jazz)最初拼写为——jass,它是一种古老的新奥 尔良风格的音乐,发源于黑人的XX和庆典音乐。其主要特征当然是它独特 的节奏,而另一个特征也许更为重要,那就是像谈话一样的演奏方式。和朋 友聊天时,你不可能总是去想下一个话题是什么。新奥尔良的音乐人们就是 这样演奏的——先定个调,然后演奏出心中涌出音符,就像聊天时随口说出 那些涌入脑中的话。
3. The early musical groups were very small in parison to the big bands that formed later. At times two rival groups of musicians would stage a “cutting ssion.” It was a sort of musical fight. Whichever group could outlast the other was the winner. If they both lasted as well, the better group would probably be chon by the audience. Of cour, the battle had advertising value too.
3、较之后来的乐队,早期的音乐组合规模比较小。有时两个互相较量的 乐队会登台进行一场“淘汰赛”,就像音乐擂台,能够唱到最后的乐队就是胜 者。如果不分胜负,就会由观众选出表现更好的乐队。当然,这种擂台赛也 非常具有广告价值。
4.This music later became known as Dixieland , a term you have probably heard before. There are different styles of Dixieland. We have mentioned the New Orleans style, which was popular at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. As the fame of the music spread up the Mississippi River, a style called the Chicago style developed. Later, we hear of the New York style. If you get a chance to listen to the types of music carefully, you can hear the difference. 愿望清单 英文
了不起的盖茨比 音乐4、后来这种音乐被称作“迪克西兰爵士乐(Dixieland)”,这是人们所熟 知的。当然,迪克西兰爵士还有许多不同的风格。上面提到的新奥尔良风格 在十九世纪末和二十世纪初非常流行。当这种音乐风格蜚声密西西比河流域 时,另一种芝加哥风格的爵士乐悄然出现了,后来还有了我们所熟知的纽约 风格。当你静听这些爵士乐时,一定能品味出它们之间的不同。
5. We5ve talked about the early days of jazz, but just what is it? Generally, it consists of the beat we mentioned before. It should have some “make it up as you go along” music, too. This is the reason for many arguments among jazz lovers. When Swing came along
near the 1930s, we saw big bands playing music that had already been written out for them. Some argued that this was not really jazz. At any rate, the King of Swing, Benny Goodman, certainly plead many people with his big band. His jazz (or Swing) really hit the big time in 1938. In January of that year, his orchestra played a jazz concert in New York’s Carnegie Hall. The concert hall usually booked operas and symphonies. On that evening, it was treated to the blare of trumpets and the crashing, jumping music of the Goodman orchestra. Luckily, the concert was recorded; so it can still be heard.
5、以上我们谈到了爵士乐的早期发展,但它到底是什么? 一般来说,爵 士乐应该包含上文提到过的独特节奏,还有那种“一边演奏一边即兴发挥” 的演奏形式。但这也造成了爵士乐迷之间的很多争论。当摇摆乐(Swing)在二十世纪三十年代出现时,许多大型乐队演奏的音乐是事先创作好的,因此 有人质疑它不是真正的爵士。但不论怎样,班尼•古德曼(BennyGoodman) 的确用他的大型爵士乐队让众多观众获得愉悦的感受,他的爵士(或摇摆乐) 在1938年取得了巨大成功。那年的1月,他的管弦乐队在纽约的卡耐基音乐 厅举行了一场爵士音乐会;通常这座音乐厅只举办歌剧和交响乐音乐会,而 那天晚上,整个音乐厅流淌出小号的嘟嘟声以及古德曼乐队演奏出的强烈而 具跳跃性的音乐。幸运的是,这
场音乐会被录了音,直到现在我们仍然能幸 运地欣赏到它。
6.From the Goodman orchestra came many great musicians, some of whom formed their own orchestras. Perhaps two of the best known are Harry James and Gene Krupa. Goodman himlf played at the Worlds Fair in Brusls, Belgium, and along with James and Krupa achieved life-long fame.
the bird6、从古德曼乐团走出了许多伟大的音乐人,其中一些还组织了自己的乐 团。他们之中最著名的是哈里•詹姆斯和吉恩•克鲁帕二位。古德曼本人曾 在比利时布鲁塞尔的世界博览会上演奏,与詹姆士和克鲁帕一样获得终身的 盛誉。
热门美剧推荐7. Now we e to the 1940s,when a music called “BeBop ” was invented. It didn't last too long, but it was fun. This was very strange music, unlike much of what had gone before it. Many of the musicians did not like Swing or Dixieland; so they thought that they had to do things in a pletely different way. Sometimes the music they played did not really sound like music at all, but at least they were being “different.”
7、现在,让我们来到二十世纪四十年代。此时一种叫“比波普(BeBop)” 的爵士乐出现了,尽管它流行的时间不长,但却非常有趣。它曲风独特,与 以前的大不相同。这种类型的音乐人不喜欢摇摆乐或迪克西兰风格,因此他 们决心创造一种完全不同的音乐。有时他们演奏的甚至不能称之为音乐,但 至少他们做到了与众不同。
8. From all the kinds of music, we e to the prent. Today we still have Dixieland, and a type of big-band Swing, although that term is not ud so much. We have the small groups of jazzmen with us, too. They play the modem jazz that grew from the music of the early 1940s and 1950s. There are many different styles and individuals playing this kind of jazz today.
8、经历种种不同的音乐形式,我们来到现代。尽管这些名词已经淡出人 们视线,但今天我们仍然听迪克西兰和大乐队演奏的摇摆乐,在我们身边仍 有许许多多的小型爵士乐队。他们演奏的现代爵士发源于二十世纪四十年代 早期和五十年代的音乐,它形式多样,直到今天仍然有人在演奏。
六级425分算过吗9. Jazz is an American art form. It is considered art by many, and it developed only in Am
fundamentalrica. In the past few decades, it has bee popular all over the world. Famous jazz musicians from Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington to Chuck Mangione and Wynton Marsalis have performed all over the world, from Europe to Asia to the Middle East. Jazz has e a long way from the original New Orleans marching music.