虽然英语拟声词(onomatopoetic word,imitative word或echo word)在现代英语词汇中占的比例很小,但拟声造词无疑是人类最古老的构成方法,而且至今仍在延用这种构词方法造出新的英语单词。megi
26judy garland在英语语法中,通过模拟事物的声音而造词的方法叫做拟声法(onomatopoeia)。
英语的拟声词比较丰富,比如说钟或铃的响声就有这些词: ringing,tintinnabulation,pealing,chiming,tinting,jingling,ding-a-ling,tolling,knelling,clanking,clanging tinkling, tingling, ding,ding-a-dong,dingling,clink,tink,tinkle,chink,dank,clang,clangor,jangle,jingle,gangle等词来表示
另一个方面,不同的拟声词又往往代表各不相同的事物的声音,如:peal可以用于the peal of bells(当当的钟声),peals of thunder(隆隆的雷声),peals of laughter(阵阵响亮的笑声)等等。
从英语拟声词的模拟对象来看,可以分成三类:(一)模拟人发出的声音,例如: giggle 吃吃地笑 titter 嗤嗤地笑 murmur 喃喃地说 whimper 呜咽地说 hiss 嘶嘶地说 babble 呀呀学说
(二)模拟动物的鸣叫,例如: bow, wow 狗叫声 moo 牛叫声
hum,buzz 蜜蜂叫声 coo 鸽子的叫声
(三)模拟事物的声音,例如: bubble 汨汨地流 splash 扑通,哗哗 clink 叮当作响 clash 金属碰撞声 thump 砰然地响 bang 砰评作响
(一)大多数英文拟声词既模拟声音又兼指发出声音的动作,即当动词用。如:to howl, to squeal, to roar, to twitter
如: cricket(蟋蟀),最初是由模拟这种昆虫的鸣叫而来的;cuckoo(布谷鸟)是一个更为明显的例子。建筑学排名
在语言结构方面,还用重迭音节模拟多次声咅或动作的词,称为重叠词(reduplicatives, 又称ricochet words)。重叠词不仅可以拟声,还可以用来表示反复、持续、交替的动作。
例如:hibble-babble(唠唠不停地讲),dilly-dally(磨蹭),prittle prattle(饶舌)
(二)低频嗡声一类的拟声词有: buzz嗡嗡声(蜂声),rustle沙沙声(绸衣、树叶、纸等),chirp啁 啾声,swish嗖嗖卢,clunk闷声,whir呼呼声,drone嗡嗡声(单调的低声), whish飕飕声,hiss咝咝声,whisper沙沙声(树林等),hum嗡嗡声(蜜蜂等),whiz(z)飕飕卢,murmur沙沙声(微风的)(三)爆发(炸)的拟声词:
recommended是什么意思bang砰砰声.crash咔喳卢,craek噼啪卢,pom砰砰声,crackle 喀拉声,pop劈啪声
英语外教Patrick Bosworth(美国)表示英文拟声词的恰当的运用将成为文章中的亮点,是英语写作和交流中不可缺少的精彩之处。
bang;bump;clatter;crack;crash;thud;thump The lid of the box fell shut with a bang.He fell off the bed with a bump.We heard the clatter og sb washing dishes coming from the kitchen.The branch broke with a crack.The dishes fell to the floor with a crash.There was a thud as the sack fell to the floor.The book landed on the floor with a thump.玻璃或金属碰撞的声音
cpicclang;clank;clink;jingle;ring;tinkle the gates clanged shut.the clank of chains Their glass clinked.The coins jingled in the pocket.He hit the empty tank and it let out a ringing noi.The little bells tinkled.枪炮炸弹等发出的声音 bang;boom;roar;rumble The firework wenet off with a loud bang.There was a loud boom as the bomb exploded.The roar of an explosion Thunder rumbled across the sky.燃烧时发出的声音 crackle;sizzle a log crackled on the fire.The bacon sozzled in the frying pan.微弱 低沉的声音 murmur;rustle the murmur of the stream leaves rustled in the breeze.机器 车辆等发出的声音
bleep;buzz;hum;tick;whir;whine You will hear a bleep when you push the button.The shav
er buzzed.I can hear the clock ticking.The refrigerator hummed softly in the corner.The vacuum cleaner was whirring in the room.The whine of the engine grew louder.钟 喇叭发出的声音
chime;hoot;honk;ring;toll The clock chimed six.Drivers hooted/ honked their horns.The phone’s ringing.The church bells tolled.水或湿物体发出的声音
bubble;gurgle;plop;splash;squelch The soup was bubbling on the stove.Why does the plumbing in this hou gurgle in the night? the plop of frogs jumping into the water
The boy fell into the pool with a splash.The mud squelched as he walked across the field.硬物摩擦发出的声音 creak;screech;squeak the creak if wheels The loudspeaker screeched.If you don’t oil the hinges, they will squeak.连续敲击物体发出的声音
专业排名knock;knocking;rap;rapping;tap;tapping;patter;rattle I knocked on the door.There was a violent rapping at the door.The rain patters against the window.A branch from the tree outside tapped against the window.There is sth rattling inside the machine.表示动物的叫声