Chapter 3 Morphology
⏹ 好听的歌曲推荐 Lexicon is the collection of all the words of a language. It is synonymous with “vocabulary”.
Words are the focus of the study of lexicon, so the emphasis of this chapter falls upon words, i.e., the analysis and creation of words.
Linguists define the word as the smallest free form found in language. The features of word
Word is meaningful; word is a grammatical unit; word can be ud independently; word is relatively stable and uninterruptible.
⏹ Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.
⏹ The total number of words stored in the brain is called the lexicon.
⏹ Words are the smallest free units of language that unite sounds with meaning.apec是什么意思
Morphology is a branch of linguistics, whereas lexicon is a component of language instead of a branch of linguistics.
2011年12月四级Open class word and clod class word 上海中考时间2021具体时间
⏹ Open class words----content words of a language to which we can regularly add new words, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs, e.g. beatnik(a member of the Beat Generation), hacker, email, internet, “做秀,时装秀…” in Chine.
⏹ 郑恩智Clod class words----grammatical or functional words, such as conjunction, articles, preposition and pronouns.
⏹ Morpheme--the minimal unit of meaning. The smallest meaningful unit of language is called a morpheme.
---Words are compod of morphemes. Words may consist of one morpheme or more morphemes, e.g.
⏹ 1-morpheme boy, desire
⏹ 2-morpheme boy+ish, desir(e)+ble
⏹ 3-morpheme boy+ish+ness, desir(e)+bl(e)+ity我的教育梦
⏹ 4-morpheme gentle+man+li+ness, un+desir(e)+abl(e)+ity
⏹ 5-morpheme un+gentle+man+li+ness
⏹ 7-morpheme anti+dis+establish+ment+ari+an+ism
⏹ Morph: when people wish to distinguish the sound of a morpheme from the entire morpheme, they may sued the term. It is the phonetic realization of a morpheme
⏹ Allomorph: A morpheme may be reprented by different forms, called allomorphs. It is the phonetic variant of a morpheme.
⏹ Some morphemes have a single form in all contexts, such as “dog, bark, cat”,etc. In other instances, there may be some variation, that is, a morpheme may have alternate shapes or phonetic forms. They are said to be the allomorphs of the morpheme, the plura
l morpheme may be reprented by:
⏹ map----maps [s]
⏹ dog----dogs如何学习韩语 [z]
二次函数顶点式⏹ watch----watches [iz]
⏹ mou----mice [ai]
⏹ ox----oxen [n]
⏹ tooth----teeth muddy waters
⏹ sheep----sheep
⏹ Each of the underlined part is called an allomorph of plural morpheme.
⏹ Prefix ---- morphemes that occur only before others, e.g.
un-, dis, anti-, ir-, etc.
⏹ Suffix ---- morphemes that occur only after others, e.g.
-ful, -er, -ish, -ness, -able, -tive, tion, etc.
Root: The root constitutes the core of the word and carries the major component of its meaning. A root is the ba form of a word that cannot further be analyzed without total loss of identity. A root may be free or bound (such as mit, tain, cur,ceive). An affix is naturally bound.
Free morpheme & bound morpheme
hiace⏹ Free morpheme----is one that may constitute a word (free form) by itlf, such as bed, tree, sing, dance, etc.
⏹ Bound morpheme----is one that may appear with at least one other morpheme. The
y can not stand by themlves, such as “-s” in “dogs”, “al” in “national”, “dis-” in “disclo”, “ed” in “recorded”, etc.
⏹ Some morphemes constitute words by themlves. The morphemes are called free morphemes.
⏹ Other morphemes are never ud independently in speech and writing. They are always attached to free morphemes to form new words. The morphemes are called bound morphemes.
⏹ The distinction between a free morphemes and a bound morpheme is whether it can be ud independently in speech or writing.
⏹ Free morphemes are the roots of words, while bound morphemes are the affixes (prefixes and suffixes).
Derivational morpheme & inflectional morpheme
⏹ Derivational morphemes---- the morphemes which change the category, or grammatical class of words, e.g. modern---modernize, length---lengthen, fool---foolish, etc.
⏹ Inflectional morphemes---- the morphemes which are for the most part purely grammatical markers, signifying such concepts as ten, number, ca and so on; they never change their syntactic category, never add any lexical meaning, e.g.