heat exchanger
I know who I am.
William.shall never surrender
I know what's real.suchthat
I know what's real!
I know you're not fucking real!
I know you are not real!
I know you're not real!
I know who the fuck I am.
This is what you've
to destroy yourlf.
But I won't give you that peace.
Don't you do this to me.
You know, this doesn't look good.
You're not here.
That's right, Dad. I'm not here.
Neither is Mom or Logan or Grandpa.
Everyone who ever gave a shit about you is dead.
- Becau of you. - Shut the hell up.
What are you gonna do?
Shoot me again?
No, Dad, plea, no. Plea, don't.
No! No, no!
It wasn't my fault. I thought you weren't real.
Just like you think I'm not real now, right?
How can you ever be sure?
合计I'm in control.katie goes to tokyo
I've always been in control.
But what if you're not?
What if every choice you've ever made
wasn't a choice at all?
Just something written in your code.
Isn't that what this says?
Your nature etched in ones and zeroes?
That was Ford and his misanthropic bullshit.
He was powerless to save himlf.
I wasn't.
My choices are my own.
Oh, so you cho to kill me?
Well, you can't have it both ways, Dad.
So which one is it?
Are you free and evil?
Or blameless and helplessly enslaved?
- Or maybe, - Get out of here. Go away.'re not either of tho things.
Maybe you're not even you.
Would you even know if you'd been changed?
If you were just another machine?
Finish the game, Dad.
Finish it.
Go ahead.
I e you're making the most of your sabbatical.
Where is she?
Where is who?
- William? - She--
You're not real, either.
Real enough to not want a gun pointed at my face.
Are you with me now?
Becau it's time to come back to reality.
In less than 20 hours,
a predatory investor named Engerraund Serac
will net a controlling interest of Delos Incorporated.
The wolf is at the door.
Sound familiar?
You sold some of our data to his startup 20 years ago.
Made him a fortune.
Now he's coming for yours.
Fuck it.
He's welcome to it.
What's left of it, at any rate.
This is the company you spent a lifetime building.
职称外语考试成绩查询You're willing to let someone steal it from you?
He's not stealing it from me, Charlotte.
I delegated my duties. He's stealing it from you.
Maybe it would change your mind
to know why he's trying to get his hands on Delos.
The only thing that has any value.
The data from the project in Sector 16.
No one knows about the project.
He has someone working on the inside at Delos.
You came to me with your claws out.
You wanted power.
So I gave it to you.
Now, here you are, sideswiped by a fucking mole.
I thought you were smarter than that!
That's cute.
You wanna rant and rave, save it for later.
Right now, we need to save your fucking company,
or a leveraged buyout and poor hygienebelch
is gonna be the least of your problems.
I've got a deep-pockets investor
who can help us take the company private
so Serac can't touch us.
You'd maintain your controlling interest,
but I can't take Delos private without a majority vote.
And since you have the bulk of the
You can't take Delos private with my votes alone.
You need at least half of the rest of the board.
Which is why I need your support
at tonight's emergency shareholder meeting.
Your prence alone
will help sway the others to fall in line.
I've got two of our execs waiting outside