一、 东坡画扇翻译记叙文常用过渡词:
first, next, then, after that, at last, …
no sooner … than …, hardly … when…, the moment, …
soon, in no time, after a short while, before long, shortly afterwards, …
meanwhile, in the meantime, …
pte多少钱1.表示并列或递进: as well, as well as, both…and, not only…but also, neither…nor;
2.表示选择大学英语四级作文模板: or, either…or;
previous3.表示转折: but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, although, though, or el, otherwi, after all, by the way;
4.表示因果: becau, as, since, for, for this reason, so, as a result, thus, hence, therefore, t
5.表示条件: if so, unless, provided that, on condition that;
6.blown away表示对比: while, whereas, instead, not…but, on the contrary, on (the) one hand…on the other hand;
7.表示解释: for example, for instance, such as, that is, that is to say, namely, in other words;
幼儿怎么学英语>michel foucault8.表示顺序:to begin with, for one thing, firstly, first (of all), cond(ly), lastly, finally, finally and most importantly;
9.表示强调: also, besides, furthermore, moreover, what’s more, certainly, actually, in fact, as a matter of fact;
10.表示结论: to sum up, all in all, altogether, in a word, in short, generally speaking, as is known to all.